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Forum Thread

Good-bye stories of your cat

Forum-Index General Discussion Good-bye stories of your cat
Trainerlevel: 69

Forum Posts: 99
Posted: Thu, 19/07/2018 21:25 (6 Years ago)
I was wondering if anyone besides me has/had a cat (or more than one cat).
I've only had one, i got her at 3 months old in 1999 at the Humane Society. All the other kittens were pawing for attention, but this little tiny one was huddled in the back of her cage in a ball.
But when i got down to her level, and our eyes locked, it was like she was telling me "I'm your cat". And so she was, for 17 long, wonderful years. i named her Stripes, but i called her my Baby Girl, my soul-cat, my everything.
She followed me where ever i went in the house, and comforted me through my parents hard divorce. She was friendly to my Mom, but completely devoted to me. When she passed, after my grief had subsided a bit, i decided to get her cremated and her ashes put in an urn with the Rainbow Bridge on it. That final good-bye, though...i'll never forget it. I was in agony, screaming and sobbing "Don't take her, No, no". It was only AFTER i got her ashes back, with the Legend of the Rainbow Bridge with it on a card, that i truly began to heal. I understood that Goodbye isn't forever, it's just "Until we meet again".