Jack: * opens the dorm, and there are lots of kids there doing
various things. Jack walks in his room, and sits on his bed. He
pours potions in other potions to see what happens.*....
Lily hears the blast and she sighs in dissapointment. "I feel like
an amateur is next door. I wonder who it is?" Courage shakes his
head and sleeps on the rug. Lily gets out a leather notebook and
checks the recipes inside the bound pages.
*She said. Lookng into the Classroom. Lying on the floor was A
Small charm and the Professors Stunned body. Blot would let out a
ear piercing skreech And Pheobe would land on Aish's Shoulder*
"Huff...Huff... Almost there" Heartlia says getting up the stairs
slowly because of how heavy Mini was. "I have to find a way to make
you lighter later" She said to the horned serpent.
"We're to late... Pheobe go get Mcgonagal. "
* She said as the bird flew off. But not bore stopping to get jack.
Pheobe (A Pheonix). would let out a softer screech To get jacks
attention' along side the one right outside the door*
Lily continues to work on her secret project, mixing multiple
ingredients together, hoping they might give her the reaction she
wants. Courage wears protective gear, just in case that it explodes
and has his feathers catch on fire.