Forum Thread
The Dragon Era
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanfictions → The Dragon EraA sudden generation.
Dragon Era, Comes and Goes,
Yet it yields new creation...

It is the Dragon Era.
A Time when only dragon Pokémon live on the earth.
It is said, in legend, that a Pokémon will come, A New Dragon Type;
One that can harness almost any element and ability.
They say that this Pokémon will bring an end to the Noble Dragon Era.
Considering it has been over five hundred years since the legend started, belief has started to fade in the other Dragon Pokemon.
Their Mistake.
Story Idea (c) Me.
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Dark clouds loomed threateningly overhead, signaling the start of another dreary and rainy night. A sudden flash of lightning illuminated the shapes of dragon Pokémon flying in the air, a dark contrasting shape compared to the spiraling fork of energy behind them. With wings unfurled, they plummeted and twisted through the clouds, undeterred by the violent and extreme weather; instead, most seemed to like it, save for the fire types who were currently holed up in their dens. However, there was one dragon Pokémon, who wasn't outside; instead, her blue and white serpentine form was folded in a small cave, writhing in pain; though it was obvious she was in agony, the Pokémon dared not make a sound, though her eyes shone with unshed tears. Staring out into the dark night, the serpent lay on the cold stone ground, panting with exertion. After another moment of this, the dragon Pokémon finally let out a pleased sigh, and prepared to drift into a dreamless sleep, aided, by what she had just gone into; but she was not alone.
A new Pokémon was with her, this one a tiny mite of a thing, completely helpless; a small Dratini, so small that it's skin was slightly translucent as well as it's fins, a pale white, plastered against the little round head. The mother wrapped itself around the baby protectively, glancing down with tender and loving eyes. "Such beauty..." The mother murmured. "This pretty face must be paired with the loveliest name..." After thinking for a while, the Dragonair nodded her head. "Infinity. You, my daughter, shall be called Infinity." After uttering this last sentence, the Dragonair mother could feel the night taking its toll; both her and her newborn daughter drifted off to sleep.
The Dragonair mother woke with a start, still sluggish from sleep. However, once glancing down at the new life nestled in her tail, the mother smiled and immediately felt a new energy coursing through her, one known as love. gently nudging the baby Dratini awake, Dragonair went and gave the small Pokémonit's first meal of milk, then let it sleep again, perfectly content. Slowly unwinding her stiff muscles to peer out at a new, sunnier day. Blinking to get her eyes accustomed to the harsh glare of the sun, the mother glanced about, head barely rising above the long and brittle grass growing right outside of the cave entrance. What was she looking for? Whatever it is, the Dragonair did not seem to find it, and breathed a short sigh of relief; she was free for another day. But how long would this peace last? After all, she was accompanied by her daughter; her daughter infinity. Glancing inside the cave, The Dragonair sighed again, this time in slight worry; such a dramatic turn of events for her. Slithering back into the cave, the question she asked earlier repeated itself again, unwinding itself in her brain; How long, exactly, would this peace last?

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