Forum Thread
Demon Hierarchy (sign-ups)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Demon Hierarchy (sign-ups)
Name: Prince Arthur Somun
Age: ???
Gender: Male
Appearance (Pictures work): Sharp dressed in a black tux with his dark purple hair slick back. He has glowing red eyes that have no whites. First seen as a hellhound.
Personality: Arthur is a charmer and politician of his siblings. He can sweet talk just about anyone. He also takes the role of eldest seriously, too seriously.
Power: Can make one live out their greatest fear.
Class (High or Low): High
Master/Slave (Depends on class. High class is looking for a slave while low class is looking for a master): Melody

Name: Princess Melody Somun
Age: ???
Gender: Female
Appearance (Pictures work): Melody has dark purple almost black hair, lilac colored eyes that have a red rim around the pupil and no whites to them. She wears a royal blue short dress and a pair of black yoga pants. More times than not you will catch her barefoot but she does wear black flats if the occasion calls for it. By her left ear in her hair is a dark blue metal zinnia flower. First seen as a hellhound.
Personality: Quiet and thoughtful person she is described as the silent mother type. She will quietly mother hen a person. She blows her top though at things she dislikes such as men who can't keep to themselves.
Power: Soul control
Class (High or Low): High
Master/Slave (Depends on class. High class is looking for a slave while low class is looking for a master): Slave to her brother, Arthur actually.

Name: Prince Richard Somun
Age: ???
Gender: Male
Appearance (Pictures work): Richard wears his dark purple hair long and in a ponytail. His eyes are a red color like his brothers but they have whites to them. Unlike his older siblings, he wears a more comfortable wardrobe of a white t-shirt with a black leather jacket over it, dark blue jeans, and work boots. Is first seen as a hellhound though.
Personality: He is the brawns before brains type of person. He is always willing/does jump head first into battle. He adores his twin though. Maybe to much.
Power: Increase strength and speed.
Class (High or Low): High
Master/Slave (Depends on class. High class is looking for a slave while low class is looking for a master): His twin sister.

Name:Princess Lianna Somun
Age: ???
Gender: Female
Appearance (Pictures work): Has long light purple hair and bright lilac eyes that have their whites. She wears a simple white dress with blue butterflies on them and white flats. First seen as a hellhound.
Personality: She is that one friend that is so adorable and innocent that you want to protect. If you tick her off though she isn't afraid to smash your face in but it takes a lot to get her that way.
Power: Spellcasting.
Class (High or Low): High
Master/Slave (Depends on class. High class is looking for a slave while low class is looking for a master): Her twin.

Name: Aloli 'Loli' Djeserit
Age: Looks 21
Gender: Female
Appearance (Pictures work): Boop
Personality: She is considered the mother of the group and has a lot of patience. She always smiling and ready to make someone else smile.
Power: Healing and vine control.
Class (High or Low): High
Master/Slave (Depends on class. High class is looking for a slave while low class is looking for a master): Goo
Other: Ricky's lover.
Age: 12,067.
Gender: Male
Appearance (Pictures work): Here
Personality: Talon usually comes off as cold or indifferent because of his resting blank face. He's actually pretty serious and to the point although when it comes to himself he becomes pretty vague.
Power: Talon can hypnotize anyone that makes eye contact with him. It usually lasts 10-ish mins, 15 if he's seriously pushing it but people usually realize something is wrong by that time and start to break free from his control. He can also wrap himself in an aura that deters people from noticing him or engaging with him but it doesn't work very well on demons who can easily sense auras and other demons.
Class (High or Low): High
Master/Slave (Depends on class. High class is looking for a slave while low class is looking for a master): Michaella Strauss
Other: He has a shadow raven that he had gotten as well as a small blade as a gift from a long time ago.
Name: Michaella Strauss
Age: 1,302.
Gender: Female
Appearance (Pictures work): Here
Personality: Michael mainly comes off as coy when it comes to first meetings. However, in reality she's just extremely curious and couldn't keep her nose out of anything even if she tried which often leads to trouble. Apart from that, she's pretty prideful and can get a little snotty at times.
Power: Michael can manipulate and create wind in any way she wants but using it over a large area makes her tired quickly. She can also imitate voices of people she's heard before or has conversed with.
Class (High or Low): Low
Master/Slave (Depends on class. High class is looking for a slave while low class is looking for a master): Talon DuCouteau
Other: She seems to take quite a bit of pride in her appearance despite being a low class.
Tatiana Makli
Appearance (Pictures work):
Long, flowly sea green hair that fades to a ghostly white. Her skin is pure white and glowing as she is technically a ghost. Big black eyes and is very short. Wears a flowy gold and white dress and no shoes as she is unable to touch the ground or walk on it. She had black dots that used to be freckles on her face.
Calm and composed but very curious about anything. Has a strong sense of justice. She is very energetic, and dislikes the hierarchy system. Loves Belle like a sister.
Telekinesis, molecular rearrangement
Class (High or Low):
Master/Slave (Depends on class. High class is looking for a slave while low class is looking for a master):
Belle's Master
Selki Kiime
Around 508, but hey, who's counting?
Appearance (Pictures work):
not my art
As she acts extremely childish, she's prone to outbursts. She was feared by many until she was captured and put into the slave ring. Has little friends or social skills because she scars them away, usually. Wants attention, secretely. Wiser than she looks.
She can call on spirits in the area to attack.
Class (High or Low):
Master/Slave (Depends on class. High class is looking for a slave while low class is looking for a master):
Slave to Alexander
Sorry that my forms are waaay less detailed from usual, I have weiters block.