Anto narrowly dodged the sweep kick but gets caught in the
headlock. She seems to react on almost pure instinct and heaves
Brigitte over herself while knocking her grip off.
(Whelp, sorry for dying there. Life caught up to me)
Anto quirked an eyebrow in curiosity not fully understanding what
Brigitte had meant. "Mold zat...?" Despite her question she took
the chance to pin Brigitte while she was down on the ground.
Anto gets up and holds her hand out to help Brigitte get up as
well. "I believe we'll juzt have to wait and zee. Even zo, I would
be more zan happy to be trained by you."
D.Va bursted in on a Nintendo Switch like object. "D*mn Maria, eat
that bean!" She accidentally butted into Aria. She looked up,
"Sorry." She looked back down.