Lion nodded and wrapped his arms around Faye. He pulled her into a
tight hug. "Faye, if we didn't find them tonight then I would've
searched that forest everyday myself if I had to." He whispered
softly. "Don't scare yourself with the what if questions, both of
them are home, and we're all safe." He said gently. "I-I'm sorry if
what I said scared you." He said guiltily.
Lion yawned an looked up to Faye and offered her a small smile.
"Faye? I know today wasn't the most amazing." He began softly. "But
I wouldn't change anything in my life right now for the world. You,
Scar, and Deirdre are the best people to ever come into my life and
I don't want to ever lose any of you." He whispered softly.
Faye smiled and yawned. “I love you.” She whispered. “If I never
found you, I wouldn’t be where I am today.” She whispered and
smiled as she leaned her back against the headboard.
Lion smiled at Faye an sat up. He gently wrapped his arms around
her and rested his head on her shoulder. "I love you too. I'm glad
I found you." He whispered softly and closed his eyes.
Lion smiled and sighed in content. "You're fantastic as well." He
whispered softly. "Thanks for being amazing, and yourself. I don't
think I can see myself with anyone else in this world." He
whispered and yawned before slowly falling asleep.
Faye smiled as she gently pulled him back so he was lying down and
put the covers over him. “Goodnight. I hope you know how much I
love you. How much I respect you. How important and beautiful and
strong and amazing and incredible you are. You’re damn amazing.”
She whispered and kissed his cheek.
Lion woke up with a jolt and looked at Faye in shock and concern.
"Faye?" He whispered softly and sat up, he gently rubbed her back
as if to calm her down.
Lion blinked and followed Faye down the hall, he looked into Scar's
room to see Scar was sound asleep in bed. She mumbled something as
Faye opening her door seemed to have slightly alerted her. Lion
blinked and glanced at Faye in concern.
Lion blinked and gently closed the doors to his daughter's rooms.
He glanced at Faye and gently picked her up bridal style, he gently
walked into the living room so they wouldn't disturb Scar and
Deirdre as they talked. He gently set her down on the couch and sat
next to her. "Another nightmare about those guys?" He whispered