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Hoenn's Journey. (1x1 Toma and Me)
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Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Thu, 28/06/2018 03:18 (6 Years ago)
Lion smiled as well and watched as Nami squeaked cheerfully and
smiled at Isa.
toma OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 49
Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Thu, 28/06/2018 03:37 (6 Years ago)
Isa have a soft roar and smiled as she moved down and ran shakily
to Nami.
Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Thu, 28/06/2018 03:44 (6 Years ago)
Scar gently put Nami in the ground. The Squirtle sniffed at Isa and
cheered happily.
toma OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 49
Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Thu, 28/06/2018 03:49 (6 Years ago)
Isa giggled at Nami and gave a friendly roar.
Deirdre smiled at the Pokémon, and so did Faye.
Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Thu, 28/06/2018 03:54 (6 Years ago)
Nami laughed and gave off a cheerful cry.
"Nami and Isa are friends like me and Deirdre!" Scar said
cheerfully. Lion smiled at his daughters and remembered the day
Blast was hatched.
toma OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 49
Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Thu, 28/06/2018 03:56 (6 Years ago)
Isa giggled before yawning slightly.
"We're not friends!" Deirdre smiled. "We're best friends! We won
for the friendship game!" she giggled.
Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Thu, 28/06/2018 04:05 (6 Years ago)
Nami yawned as well and Lion rummaged in his bag for his pokeball
"Yeah we did!" Scar cheered before glancing at her dad. "What are
you looking for?" She asked curiously.
toma OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 49
Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Thu, 28/06/2018 04:08 (6 Years ago)
"Yeah, dad, watcha doing?" Deirdre asked with the same curious
Faye looked curiously at Lion.
Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Thu, 28/06/2018 04:12 (6 Years ago)
Lion smiled, "I'm getting a couple pokeballs for Nami and Isa. That
way you can have them by your side for a while." He said softly and
grabbed a few pokeballs from his bag. He had a lure ball, moon
ball, and two friend ball. The three Apricorn pokeballs weren't
common in Hoenn, and he hadn't shown them to Scar or Deirdre. He
also had three pokeballs, a quick ball and an ultra ball. "Which
one do you two want for your Pokémon?" He asked gently.
Scar went over and looked at the pokeballs.
toma OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 49
Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Thu, 28/06/2018 04:14 (6 Years ago)
Deirdre darts over and examines the Pokeballs in interest. She
smiled as she pointed at the moon ball. "That one!" she
Faye smiled as she watched.
Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Thu, 28/06/2018 04:19 (6 Years ago)
Lion nodded and smiled as he handed the moon ball over. "Here you
go." He whispered softly. Scar grabbed a friend ball.
"I like this one!" She cheered happily.
toma OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 49
Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Thu, 28/06/2018 04:25 (6 Years ago)
Deirdre knew what to do as she lobbed the Pokeball at Isa,
instantly catching the young Pokémon. Deirdre cheered loudly, and
Faye clapped.
Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Thu, 28/06/2018 04:32 (6 Years ago)
Scar on the other hand walked over to Nami and gently poked the
Pokémon's nose. The Squirtle was instantly caught as well.
toma OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 49
Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Thu, 28/06/2018 04:34 (6 Years ago)
"Yaaaaay! Waaaahoooo!" Deirdre cheered and giggled as she sent Isa
out. The Bagon was sleeping, so Deirdre made a quick Pokémon bed in
her room and put Isa there.
Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Thu, 28/06/2018 04:37 (6 Years ago)
Lion smiled and put the pokeballs away. He watched as Scar ran down
the hall to her room with Nami's pokeball in her hands.
toma OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 49
Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Thu, 28/06/2018 04:39 (6 Years ago)
Deirdre giggled as she came back out and sat on the couch,
Faye smiled as she rested her head on Lion's shoulder.
Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Thu, 28/06/2018 04:43 (6 Years ago)
Scar ran out of her room and sat on the couch as well. She grabbed
the remote.
Lion smiled and kissed Faye's head before wrapping an arm around
her. "Should we head out for the thing soon? Hikari can watch Nami
and Isa while we're gone." He asked Faye quietly. He kept the
carnival a secret as he wanted to surprise the girls.
toma OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 49
Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Thu, 28/06/2018 04:45 (6 Years ago)
"Sounds good. Let me get dressed." Faye whispered. The twins were
already dressed, too. She heads into their room.
"Watcha gonna watch?" DEeirdre asked.
Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Thu, 28/06/2018 04:50 (6 Years ago)
Lion nodded in response to Faye and smiled as he had already been
dressed and ready to go.
"Umm. I don't know." Scar said cheerfully.
"Don't get too interested in a show girls were going out soon."
Lion said kindly.
toma OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 49
Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Thu, 28/06/2018 05:06 (6 Years ago)
Faye came back out dressed and ready.
“Okay, guys! Let’s go.” She called and smiled.
“Where?!” Deirdre asked.