Scar smiled and accepted a donut. She sat down on a chair and took
a bite of the donut.
Lion opened one eye and gently pushed the remote to Deirdre. "Here
if you can't sleep, watch some cartoons and rest okay." He
whispered gently and rolled over as a coughing fit got the best of
“Okay, sad.” Deirdre coughed as she gets out of bed. She makes her
way out into the kitchen.
“Deirdre? Are you okay?!” Faue asked worriedly.
“I’m feeling better.” Deirdre coughed. “I win against the cold! Dad
isn’t winning, though.” She frowned. “Donuts?!” She reaches up and
gets a strawberry sprinkle one.
Faye frowned as she walked into her room and sat on the bed.
Scar smiled at her sister and ate her chocolate donut. "I knew you
could win against the cold!" She cheered happily.
Lion grunted and opened one eye as he focused on Faye, "Y-yeah?" He
asked in a scratchy voice. Unlike Deirdre, he hadn't shown any
signs of getting better.
Scar smiled, "alright." She said cheerfully and smiled at Deirdre.
"You'll be the champion of the world!"
Lion shivered and covered his face and nose in an attempt to not
get Faye sick. He looked into Faye's eyes for a split second before
closing his eyes again. "I-it'll be alright. I just n-need rest."
He whispered softly and gently used his free hand to lovingly place
over Faye's hand.
“Yeah!” Deirdre giggled as she messily eats a donut. Once finished,
she rubs off to get changed it of her pajamas.
“Then do that. I brought you donuts.” Faye sets a plate with his
donuts down on the bed and frowned. “Ira almost time to sleep,
anyway.” She added and sighed.
Scar giggled and finished her donut. She frowned and glanced a her
parents room before running off to her room and getting ready for
Lion nodded and pushed himself into a sitting position. "A-alright.
Thanks." He said quietly and grabbed a donut off the plate. "C-can
you read Deirdre and Scar a story tonight? I can't." He asked in a
guilty tone. He felt bad for not only worrying Faye, but not being
able to read to his daughters
Deirdre ran into Scar’s room for the nightly story.
“Of course.” Faue nodded and frowned. “I hope you feel better
tomorrow. Call if you need anything.” She said before she stood up
and went to Scar’s room. “What story do you guys want to ehar?”
Lion sighed and watched as Faye walked out of their room. He
finished his donuts and put the plate on his bedside table before
going under the covers and closing his eyes once more.
Scar looked thoughtful and glanced at Deirdre. "I wanna hear this
one." She said cheerfully and grabbed a book about a ducklett
looking for its mom.
I hope so too.” Faye smiled as she kissed Car on the forehead
before going to Deirdre’s room and tucking her in. Deirdre smiled.
“Night, mom.”
“Night, Seirde.” Faue whispered before she went into her and Lion’s
room. She changed into pajamas before collapsing on the bed. “Hey,
babe.” She whispered, unsure if he was asleep or not. She curled
around him slightly.
Lion looked at Faye and offered her a weak smile before closing his
eyes once more and wrapping his arms around her lovingly. "Hey
love." He whispered softly. "I'm sorry about getting Deordre and
myself sick." He whispered softly and yawned before falling asleep.
He wasn't waiting for an answer from her as exhaustion took
It was about ten the next morning. Lion had made a full recovery,
aside from some small coughing. He was no longer in bed, instead he
had taken a cold shower and had made chocolate chip pancakes and
bacon for breakfast for everyone. Scar was still asleep, but the
smell of bacon had woken her up. She walked out of her room and
smiled when she saw Lion, "dad's better!" She cheered and ran over.
Lion smiled and looked at Deirdre and Scar happily. "Morning,
Scar." Lion said gently as Scar climbed on to a seat next to
Deirdre. He placed a plate of pancakes and bacon in front of Scar
before handing Deirdre her plate. "Thanks for the help De, you
definitely won the cooking game." He said with an amused smile and
grabbed a plate of food for Faye. He planned on giving Faye
breakfast in bed.
Deirdre giggled at Scar and Deirdre. She smiled as she got her
plate. “Of course I did!” She giggled as she carefully stepped off
of the chair she’d pushed against the counter.
Faye was half awake by this point, but just barely. She was curled
around the spot where Lion slept.