Forum Thread
FLEXTAPE's Shiny Raffle
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → FLEXTAPE's Shiny RaffleHello all! Would you like to get your hands a ton of shinies? I'm talking 3 Shiny Fennekin, 3 Shiny Totodile, 3 Shiny Oshawott, 3 Shiny Pichu, 3 Shiny Cubone, and 3 Shiny Cyndaquil! If you want these, then this raffle is for you!

1. If you win any of the prizes, please don't rush me. I have a life and I'll try to get it to you as soon as I can.
2. Only 1 share a day!
3. Just send me the items! I'll just assume that receiving these items means you want to be in the raffle.
Item to Tickets:

Normal Gem = 1 ticket
Dragon Gem = 33 tickets
75k PD = 50 tickets
50 Nuggets = 50 tickets
Black Boxes / Keys = 150 tickets
Red Boxes / Keys = 5 tickets
Any other Box or Key = 2 tickets
Sharing the raffle = 5 tickets
Ticket Owners:

EeveePower - 5 tickets
SuperMega - 137 tickets
Bayleef - 266 tickets
Lyssacorn - 38 tickets
bpeugh1 - 150 tickets

1st Place Prize: Shiny Cyndaquil Line Set, Shiny Cubone Line Set, Shiny Pichu Line Set, Shiny Oshawott Line Set, Shiny Totodile Line Set, and a Shiny Fennekin Line Set.
2nd Place Prize: Two Shiny Line sets
3rd Place Prize: One Shiny Line Set
Last Place Prize: One Shiny Line Set
Good luck to all!