Forum Thread
Light of Alola || Signups
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Light of Alola || SignupsJust as you walked up Mount Lanakila, there was a loud roar that seemed to shatter the sky. You looked up to see Necrozma in the sky. And then the world went dark. When you came too, you were surrounded by other people like you - trainers almost ready to complete their journey but stopped. You're told that team Skull has taken control of Necrozma, and you're needed to stop them.
R u l e s
- all PH rules apply !!
- don't be OP, like winning all the darn time :V
- you can have as many characters as you can control just don't like kill them thanks
- you can have a summon item, just currently no UBs or Alolan legendaries uwub
- trainers have finished their trial, but not all the way done. they shouldn't really know eachother.
- try to be literate please,,, don't lead stuff to nowhere (as in, use punctuation, don't use text speak, try to write more than 1 sentence)
- don't kill anyone/be a rude dude/etcccc
- try your best ;0
F o r m
[center][b]Name:[/b] first/last + possible
[b]Age:[/b] 15-18??
[b]Appearance:[/b] please be detailed here, images work too uwub
[b]Personality:[/b] have!! flaws!!
[b]Team:[/b] feel free to update this! if not, just have your starter
[b]Summon Item:[/b]
[b]Crush/BF/GF:[/b] --
[b]Age:[/b] 15-18??
[b]Appearance:[/b] please be detailed here, images work too uwub
[b]Personality:[/b] have!! flaws!!
[b]Team:[/b] feel free to update this! if not, just have your starter
[b]Summon Item:[/b]
[b]Crush/BF/GF:[/b] --
M y F o r m s
Katherine "Kate" Morse
Kate has slightly tan skin (natural, but sun is a factor--), hazel eyes, and curly brown hair to her mid-back that she keeps up. She wears a tied orange shirt with a flower pattern (like the SM female player's), black shorts, orange knee tights, and black sneakers. She also has a bag. Mostly WIP
Katherine is usually clever, fast-paced, slightly upbeat and filled with quick remarks. She's very hotheaded, rushing into things without thinking, and easily snaps or yells at someone.

- Lucario "Lucy" | F | Steadfast
Aura Sphere, Blaze Kick, Bone Rush, Meteor Mash
- Aurorus | F | Snow Warning
Ice Beam, Earth Power, Stealth Rock, Haze
- Togekiss | F | Serene Grace
Aura Sphere, Air Slash, Psychic, Soft-Boiled
- Salazzle | F | Corrosion
Fire Blast, Toxic, Venoshock, Dragon Pulse
- Golispod | M | Emergency Exit
X-Scissor, Razor Shell, Drill Run, Sucker Punch
- Mimikyu | M | Disguise
Play Rough, Shadow Claw, Dark Pulse, Thunderbolt
Summon Item:
Prison Bottle / Hoopa
PP me ;-0
Olivia Reneux // Liv
Eager to prove herself, Liv often spends time training with her Pokémon. She's a water-type specialist, and often makes sarcastic remarks about other types, considering water to be the best. When possible, she likes wandering around the woods to take pictures. These "expositions" often lead to her getting lost, which often results in her panicking. She's rather shy, but she's willing to take risks to have fun. She can be blindsided by her urge to win, and can sometimes ignore her Pokémon if she does get blindsided.

Poppy (Brionne) | F | Torrent
Aqua Jet, Hydro Cannon, Moonblast, Toxic
Fee (Milotic) | F | Cute Charm
Whirlpool, Dive, Iron Tail, Confuse Ray
Magi (Gyarados) | M | Intimidate
Hurricane, Waterfall, Rain Dance, Zap Canon
Blue (Corsola) | F | Natural Cure
Water Pulse, Power Gem, Rollout, Icicle Smash
Aqua Jet, Hydro Cannon, Moonblast, Toxic
Fee (Milotic) | F | Cute Charm
Whirlpool, Dive, Iron Tail, Confuse Ray
Magi (Gyarados) | M | Intimidate
Hurricane, Waterfall, Rain Dance, Zap Canon
Blue (Corsola) | F | Natural Cure
Water Pulse, Power Gem, Rollout, Icicle Smash
Summon Item:
Helix Orb // Deoxys
PP me uwu
Crystal "Cryssi"

Very quiet and shy, but will speak her mind if she has to. Might seem weird around new people but that's just how she is.

Mimikyu| F |Mimi
Banette| F |Marrionette
Decidueye| F |Oracle
Froslass| F |Frost
Banette| F |Marrionette
Decidueye| F |Oracle
Froslass| F |Frost
Summon Item:
Griseous Orb / Giratina
Crush/BF/GF: --
Age: 17

Charles is 5 ft 9 inches tall. His hair is a bit messy which is explanatory as to why he wears a hat. He's normally seen in a black/red jacket with a bag that is strapped around his shoulders, and is almost always with his Scrafty.
Personality: Charles is direct if something/someone is bothering him if he does not know you. As he gets to know you he can be a nice and very sociable person. He loves to be sarcastic when he feels aggressiveness in someone's tone and can let off a passive-aggressive tone when he's not trying to.

Lopunny Lv.52
Moveset:Return, Fake Out, Jump Kick, and Fire Punch
Manectric Lv.48
Ability:Lightning Rod
Moveset:Thunderbolt, Bite, Flamethrower, Roar
Arcanine Lv.51
Moveset:Extreme Speed, Fire Fang, Bite, Outrage
Umbreon Lv.55
Moveset:Moonlight, Confuse Ray, Pursuit, Toxic
Noivern Lv.53
Moveset:Air Slash, Roost, Dragon Pulse, Heat Wave
Scrafty Lv.49
Moveset:Dragon Dance, High Jump Kick, Crunch, Iron Head
Summon Item: Lightning in a bottle, Zekrom
Crush/BF/GF: PP.
Age: 15
Appearance: Lani has yellowish-tan skin, as she didn't grow up in Alola, and dark brown, curly hair that reaches to her shoulders. Her bangs are sideswept to her left
Personality: Lani keeps a happy face, even in the worst scenarios. She tends to think positively, constantly optimistic and hopelessly confident. Or, that's what she wants you to believe. She is very pessimistic and has issues with her confidence, which has gotten her into many situations she'd prefer to be left out of. She doesn't like to complain or ask for help, embarrassed that she feels the way she does, and finds solice with her devoted and loving pokemon.

Vikavolt (Krill) | Level 55 | Male |
Charge Beam, X-scissor, Bug Bite and Thunder
Decidueye (Soren) | Level 62 | Male | Spirit Shackle, Leaf Blade, Razor Leaf and Nasty Plot
Wishiwashi (Nemo) | Level 54 | Male | Brine, Aqua Tail, Ice Beam and Hydro Pump
Lurantis (Rose) | Level 57 | Female | Sunny Day, Solar Blade, Petal Blizzard and Leaf Blade
Decidueye (Soren) | Level 62 | Male | Spirit Shackle, Leaf Blade, Razor Leaf and Nasty Plot
Wishiwashi (Nemo) | Level 54 | Male | Brine, Aqua Tail, Ice Beam and Hydro Pump
Lurantis (Rose) | Level 57 | Female | Sunny Day, Solar Blade, Petal Blizzard and Leaf Blade
Summon Item: Adamant orb - Dialga
Crush/BF/GF: Open/none
Other: Nope!
Age: 16
Appearance: Short, dark-skinned guy with purple hair, has a side part with the fringe nearly covering one eye (wow, so edgy). Wears a grey tank top with an Aipom design on it and black jeans.
Personality: Sarcastic, down-to-earth and cynical. Kind of a brat, really. Stubborn and pushy, and has trouble connecting with others. All in all, your typical tryhard emo.
Team: Emboar, Luxray (brought from Sinnoh), Hawchula, Vikavolt, Araquanid, Marowak (Alolan)
Summon Item: Light Orb (Reshiram)
Crush/BF/GF: None
Age: 17
Appearance: (working on a picture, for the time being) Sam is kinda tan, and wears slip-on white shoes, Black Cargo Shorts, A white collared shirt, a white scout backpack, a tan Fedora with a black stripe near the rim, and Grey Shades. His hair is also white.
Personality: Sam is chill, but can hold a grudge, sometimes for years. Don’t make him mad and he’ll be your friend.

Arcanine (Shiny)|M| Gold | Flame
Magnezone |GL(Genderless)| Magnet | Magnet
Porygon-Z |GL| Glitch |Normalium Z
Ninetails(Alolan) |F| Snow |Never-Melt Ice
Tangrowth |F| Vines | Lum berry
Magnezone |GL(Genderless)| Magnet | Magnet
Porygon-Z |GL| Glitch |Normalium Z
Ninetails(Alolan) |F| Snow |Never-Melt Ice
Tangrowth |F| Vines | Lum berry
Summon Item: Modified remains(Genesect)
Crush/BF/GF: PP me
Other: He hates Nercrozma, Born in Ultra Megalopolis, hides his eyes for a good reason
Click these bois, If you want
Nickname- Loz
Age- 16
Appearance- Lauren has pale skin, long blonde hair which is tied up, wears brown boots, black tank top with a blue hoodie over the top and a pair of blue jeans
Personality- she is kind to everyone she meet and try's to find the good in everyone, don't steal her food she's very passionate about food
Downfall- Clumsy falls over thin air
Shadow(Umbreon) (f)
Charlie(Popplio) (m)
Jester (Girafarig) (f)
Pancake (Alolan Raichu) (f)
Mia (Quilava) (f)
Skippy (Skiploom) (m)
Summon Object- eon ticket (Latios or Latias) (she will only get or meet one)
Crush/BF/GF- has a girlfriend named Zoe who is also on her own journey they decided to embark alone for their first journies then head off somewhere else together
Other- From Johto hense Umbreon, Girafarig, Skiploom and Quilava
Age: sixteen
Appearance: Kylie has fair skin which has been tanned in a sunkissed golden/bronze color due to her constant sun exposure during travels. She has hazel/light brown eyes and wears mostly natural makeup with some highlight and lipgloss to compliment her "fuller" lips. Her hair reaches down to her chest with trimmed bangs and is naturally curly though is regularly straightened. It is also currently dyed a silvery-blonde with her dark brown roots exposing. Though she stands at 5'4", she regularly wears wedges and heeled boots, though will sometimes wear sandals or sneakers depending on her social setting. Her typical travel outfit is high-rise, high-waisted khaki skirt, a strapless black tank top, white leather thigh-high boots and a camo jacket. She has her ears pierced and wears diamond studs, sports a golden hoop nose ring and wears a black choker.
Personality: Kylie is nosey by nature and is also is indecisive in most situations, specifically when regarding food. In other situations, she tends to make rash decisions which could come back to bite her later. She also is bossy and enjoys having authority. She doesn't have a problem listening to most people higher than her though doesn't enjoy when people close to her or around the same age group as her gives her instruction. Kylie tries to act tough most of the time too but can't help spending time worried about what others think of her.
Dragonair [F] -- Tsareena [F] -- Lycanroc [Dusk] [M] -- Seviper [F] -- Crobat [M] -- Luxray [M]
Summon Item: Sword of Vain [Virizion]
Crush/BF/GF: open
Other: why this take so long omg

Age: 15-18??
Appearance: (wip)
Personality: (ultra wip) Pretty outgoing, unless talking with or grooming one of his Pokemon. Then it takes a lot to get him to focus on another human unless that person happens to be the one he's romantically interested in.
Team: Serperior, Simipour, Darmanitan (Zen), Durant, Zoroark, Audino
Summon Item: GS Ball (Celebi) (if it's okay with master toma)
Crush/BF/GF: --
Other:The password is "don't let kuruma find our about this"
Age: 16
Appearance: Not my art.
Personality: Lola is a bit wild with a hint of blunt personality. She doesn't care who you are if she dislikes you she will tell you. She's known for calling people kid or child.
Rose: Female Espeon
Summon Item: Shell Bell (Meloetta)
Crush/BF/GF: PP/PM me
Other: More will be added to the team as story progresses.