Forum Thread
Destruction of Galactic
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Destruction of Galactickinda an alternate universe?? i need a timeline smh,,, this will / is supposed to fill in RP plotholes
An urgent message was sent to you, received from three people directly involved with Team Galactic.
A secret agent who's doubled as Team Galactic's commander and admin for many years.
Twin sons of the Galactic leader.
You're informed that your aid is requested as they defeat galactic. People have collected the plates belonging to Arceus. But they are in the hospital.
People have sealed Arceus away once. But it has broken free again.
It's up to you to help aid many people. Because the fate of the world is in your hands.
You have just received a text from someone, saying to meet them at them in Veilstone city. Start when ready!!
Imogen knocked on the door of Brendan. The latter opened the door to his small apartment, sleepily. "Mm... Mo, what's up?" He mumbled.
"Wake up already! We got a text from someone. Get changed, we're going to Veilstone. I'll wait out here and cook something." Imogen said, her Leafeon glancing at Brendan's Lucario.
Brendan sighed. "Yeah.." he muttered, wandering back to his room before changing. When he got back out, Imogen was sitting, holding two plates of eggs and bacon. "Eat up."
<insert drew at galactic HQ>

Robert shrugged before tapping out his own response. "It has to or else. I'm just happy we convinced father to let us take a 'mission' out here."
"Imogen dragged me over." Brendan rolled his eyes.
"You usually sleep in until like, 12. And this seems urgent. Is Drew with you?" Imogen said, glancing at Robert in particular.
"Do you see her with them? I'd bet she's still stuck under Cyrus. No offense." Brendan said.

"Veilstone City, Sinnoh. Duh." Imogen replied.
"Not like that, Imogen."
"Leave me alone, bully."
"I'm your-"
Drew sighed, another morning of the same thing. She'd look for a window to stare out of, but alas, couldn't find one near where she was working. She grumbled, moving her hand around in search of the right object. It was a bottle of ointment, perfect for covering the large gashes that ran across her body. She winced slightly at then as she ran her hands over them.

“Imogen, god, don’t bring it up!” Brendan groaned.
“Sorry, are you too upset you have zero love life?” Imogen retorted.
“Actually, there is a girl!” Brendan snapped back.
“How many times do I have to tell you, you can’t date imaginary girls!”

Brendan sighed. “Gosh, she gets worse every day.” She said.
Imogene heard. “Which implies I was great!” She called over her shoulder. Brendan’s Lucario facepalmed.
Drew sighed, pulling her uniform back on, gnoring the stinging in her cuts. She called her Mismagius out, before she exited her small barrack, a small bag of items tied to her leg under her skirt, hidden. Today she had a feeling she’d be able to run.