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1x1 w/ wheeliecatx (Ask us if you want to join! Accepting!)

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP 1x1 w/ wheeliecatx (Ask us if you want to join! Accepting!)
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 87
Posted: Fri, 29/12/2017 05:44 (6 Years ago)
@Everyone! We will start at the main teleporter hub for the world travel.... where we will reminisce or meet and stuff... Let me do some stuff and then I will start it off!

All RP characters received a letter from an anonymous sender to meet at the teleporter hub!

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 87
Posted: Fri, 29/12/2017 06:16 (6 Years ago)
Sam was waiting for all the new recruits in the teleporter hub... they would all come together after many years... and contribute to the prosperity of the universe...

Alexander was the first one to walk in... "Hi... uncle... did you send the letter?" Alex asked.

"Yes, Alex! I am the anonymous sender... we have something to talk about... let's wait for the others..." Sam moves his eyes from Alex to the door...

J.J. walked in next... "Who are you? Why did you send that letter?"

Sam looked at J.J. "We must wait for the last recruit... then I will tell you..."

Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 14
Posted: Fri, 29/12/2017 06:25 (6 Years ago)
Lyra drew a deep breath as she walked in, glancing around the room with her letter in hand. She seemed like she was nervous, yet had dragged along a large backpack with her. She huffs slightly, slinging it down to her side.

"Lo' everyone, sorry I'm late to this... uh, reunion...party?" She had no idea what to expect, and turned her eyes on Sam, Alexander, and J.J. in turn, hoping one of them would explain.

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 87
Posted: Fri, 29/12/2017 06:33 (6 Years ago)
Alexander looked at Lyra... he remembered her... "Yeah...Lyra, right? It has been a while! Uncle Sam will explain..." Alex says as he points at his uncle...

Sam coughs and then begins his overview... "So... I sent all of you that letter... over the many years... I noticed traveler potential in you... and now is the time... A man by the name of Franco Septimus began trying to destroy the universe... he will slowly break each world, 1 by 1, until yeah... you guys can help... with the many powers you have developed..."

Alex was confused... "Ok... sounds normal..." He scoffs... "Bet every person in the world is told to save the universe from a crazy person using magic..."

J.J put in his two sense... "Yeah... that doesn't sound, right... anything else you wanna tell us?"

Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 14
Posted: Fri, 29/12/2017 19:49 (6 Years ago)
"Heh, heya... haven't seen you since grade school." She smiled a big toothy grin, stuffing her hands into her pockets. She'd eyeball J.J. when he spoke sarcastically, but shrugged.

"Right so... we're going where exactly?"

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 87
Posted: Fri, 29/12/2017 20:17 (6 Years ago)
"The first world we need to visit is Skyhaven... it has only flying land above an endless abyss of water... to travel between land, they use airships..." Sam says as he steps on the teleporter pad... "If you don't know about your powers yet... we can find out later..."

Alex looks at Lyra with suprise..."Yeah... it has... been a while... how have you been?"

J.J pushed Alex onto the teleporter... "Enough... you two... we got universes to save, people to help, damsels in distress... This is gonna be weird... but fun!"

Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 14
Posted: Fri, 29/12/2017 23:54 (6 Years ago)
Lyra cants her head to the side was about to speak when J. J. started pushing Alex. "Eek! Alright, you're more eager than me." She laughed.

Grabbing her stuff, she'd hop up onto the teleporter pad. "Okay... So, can you get sea sick while in an airship?" She mused, looking over at her two companions. She had to keep a brave face, after all, the mission depended on them keeping everything together.

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 87
Posted: Sat, 30/12/2017 00:03 (6 Years ago)
"No... not seasick... it is like being in a plane... air sickness and motion sickness... we should be fine though... I know someone who can fly..." Sam replied.

"Who?" Alex questioned.

"You'll find out! Let's go!" Sam activated the teleporter and the teleportation slipstream began moving them...

"Woah... this is so weird..." J.J. mused...

Time skip: 1 min ahead when they finish teleporting...