A World of dragons has appeard and clans will be created,will you
surive with your clan or become a rouge? Username:Pikafans104 Rp
Name:Blacktail Dragon specices:Blue Ocean Dragon Apperance:Blue
body with pink eyes and grey claws Gender:Female History:Was the
leader of Oceanclan but left and joined Bloodclan
username:wildpuppy1605 Rp name:Dime dragon species:dark ice dragon
appearance:dark blue body with ice spikes on her back, has a
diamond shaped mark on her back, and has yellow eyes gender:female
history: was separated from her family when a mysterious dragon
attacked, then found a clan called the bloodclan.
(accepted ok elts start now) Blacktail walked around gathering food
and went back to bloodclans camp "Leader,When do you think when
those dragons will attack?"Blacktail said to Dime (Your charater
dime is the leder of bloodclan and you guys can make any new
charaters like hatchlings)
Silver glided over Bloodclan's camp, but quickly hurried on.
"Stupid clans," she thought to herself as she settled by the
river, then entered the cave she usually stayed in.
(This is my new charter Icey) Icey came into the camp and ran to
blacktail "When can we play?"Icey said to blacktail but then went
and went to the nursey
Silver stayed in the cave before boredom got the best of her. Why
was she so curious about the clans? She wondered as she hovered
over the Bloodclan camp again. "Oh why not," she thought,
hesitantly entering the camp. "May I join your clan?" she asked the
Blacktail seen the other dragon and growled to herself
"Leader,should this dragon join the clan?"Blacktail said to Dime
Icey looked at the dragon silver and wondered if it was that dragon
who killed her parents but she growled at the dragon
"hmm, i got a feeling that they might attack soon, get the guards
ready soon, but can you do me a favor and get my little one to
safety please"(little Jinx the little black baby dragon). then
looked at silver.
Hearing Icey growl, Silver turned to her. "Don't worry, I wouldn't
hurt anyone without a good reason," she said simply, assuming the
other dragon thought she might hurt them.
"Yes I will leader"Blacktail said and took the hatching to the
nursery and got the guards ready and went to the nursey to guard
the hatclings and icey went charging at the dragon silver and bite
her tail "Icey! what are you doing!"Blacktail said running to her
Icey stopped biting the dragon silver's tail "Icey why did you do
that?"Blacktail said taking her to the leader "Because that dragon
killed my parents! I remberned what the dragon looked like and that
dragon looks like it!"Icey siad
Silver said something dully, something she hated to say. "That was
my brother. He was a cold hearted murderer. I'm nothing like him."
Silver was still perfectly calm.
Icey looked at silver like she didn't belve her "Icey,she might be
right I was there two trying to protect are parents"Blacktail said
while sitting downw aiting for the elader to say something
Icey looked down at the ground and cried "Oh no,i think she is
gonna cry ice and freeze the place!"Blacktail said trying to keep
her sister from crying "Ill never see my parents cause of your dumb
brother!"Icey said running out of the camp