Forum Thread
Butterfree Queen's Journal
Forum-Index → Diaries → Butterfree Queen's JournalBreeding Pair: King (male), Queen (female)
Offspring (each nickname is their nature): Modest (female)*, Bold (male)*, Relaxed (male)*, Quirky (male)*, Serious (female)*, Hasty (female)*, Egg (unhatched)
(* = up for trade at this moment)
Both King and Queen are holding everstones.
Please see my trades, I want my 'babies' to go to a nice home. Each one is separated into a male-female partnership since pokemon doesn't acknowledge... well, things... Anyways, if you want x nature with y nature but I don't have it that way in the trades, respond to this thread and I'll arrange something with you. Hopefully I'll get a shiny sommmmedayyy. With new eggs/hatchings, I will update this thread.
Anyways, I have two more eggs and the egg from before hatched into another non-shiny with a Modest nature. So now I have two Modest nature females.
Title: Trades are Fixed!
I'm trying to be modest/fair with my trades even though I don't really have any breeding pairs I want at the moment because I'm up to my neck in butterfrees at the moment... Beautifly is the next on my list after Vivillion (even though I'll have to settle to just shiny hunting them as patterns don't get passed down or changed through breeding).
-My trading wishlist -
x Beautifly breeding pair
Pick two of the below:
x a male Ponyta (I intend to shiny hunt them after I finish with all the butterflys... will take a while, though)
x teddiursa (Molly Hale pokemon collection)
x komala (koalas are my fav. animal, plus I have a thing for teddy bears)
x stufful
x horsea (Molly Hale pokemon collection - I know I'll have to evolve it, but that'll be down the road)
x mantine (Molly Hale pokemon collection)
x there are like a bizillion pokemon I want, so don't feel pressured to get one of those pokemon to please me! It would take like a million years for me to look through EVERY pokemon to see which ones I want.
As before, reply to this thread/pm me if you want x nature with y nature and not the way I have it.
So far, I have: Female Hasty x Male Relaxed, Female Serious x Male Quirky, Female Modest x Male Bold.
My two eggs have hatched! A female with a naughty nature, a male with a lax nature! Yay to another breeding pair.
Title: Changing the Trades (Again)!
a female jolly and a female relaxed.
Now onto what you guys wanted to see, the trades! (Y)
(Male & Female - link)
~ More Details ~
Pairs I Want (NOTE: if they aren't common (aka easy), ignore that! I don't want to spoil this site's pokedex with the rarities, plus I don't know if I can do that anyways. Later stages of evolution of these pokemon are fine).
Breeding Pairs
- Sentrets
- Beautiflies
- Teddiursa
- Stufful
- Pikachus
One offs (choose two - I already have the opposite gender)
- Female liepard
- Male psyduck
- Female sandslash
- Male ledian
- Male spheal
Not For Breeding
- Summer/Winter/Autumn deerling(s)
- All colors of flobebe except yellow
I'm going to do something simpler and with fewer trades, just asking for 100 PD and 2 random Pokemon.
1) Bold pair
2) Impish pair
3) Serious pair
I just hatched a female with a naughty nature.