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Plates of Arceus

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP Plates of Arceus
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 275
Posted: Fri, 22/12/2017 15:23 (7 Years ago)
"I heard that." Nara spat. "Book your rooms now as the inn will be expected to be full shortly. I suggest you should not talk about non-sense things to waste time." Nara dryly stated. After she got her keys and left to find her room.

"I met her sister once when I faced the league, her battling skills is terrifying as Nara's attitude." Enzo joked.

I want to fall in love. No, I'd rather make money.

Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 208
Posted: Fri, 22/12/2017 15:26 (7 Years ago)
"What rooms are free, sir?" Jim asked the guy at the reception quickly. He gave Enzo a 'I'll-be-right-back-to-you' look.

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 275
Posted: Fri, 22/12/2017 15:29 (7 Years ago)
"Tch." Nara grumbled as she slumped on the bed. She pulled another book from her bag and began reading. It's almost 11 PM and the only light supporting her is a poorly lit lamp but she couldn't care less.

"I'm getting a room too." Enzo raised a hand slightly.

"There are several rooms available on the third floor. Would you two like to have a joint room or a separate one?" The clerk politely offered choices for the two males.

I want to fall in love. No, I'd rather make money.

Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 208
Posted: Fri, 22/12/2017 15:36 (7 Years ago)
"Eh. What do you say, Enzo?" Jim looked at him indecisively.

"Bro-bonding time? Or do you like to keep your space?"

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 275
Posted: Fri, 22/12/2017 15:38 (7 Years ago)
"I mean it's really up to you. But I'd say I would like some company." He answered.

I want to fall in love. No, I'd rather make money.

Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 208
Posted: Fri, 22/12/2017 15:39 (7 Years ago)
"Sir we'd like to have a joint room!" Jim said excitedly. He then pointed a fist towards Enzo. Brofist!

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 275
Posted: Fri, 22/12/2017 15:42 (7 Years ago)
Enzo bumped(?) fists with Jim. "I'll take that as an option then. Here is the key, we hope you enjoy your stay here." The clerk handed the keys.

I want to fall in love. No, I'd rather make money.

Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 208
Posted: Fri, 22/12/2017 15:45 (7 Years ago)
(Yeah bumped is right xD)

"Alright!" Jim rushed to the third floor and matched door numbers with the key. In a few minutes, he was inside Room 318. "A separate bed, eh? Great! This couldn't go any better." Jim jumped excitedly in the room, as happy as a kid.

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 275
Posted: Fri, 22/12/2017 15:46 (7 Years ago)
"Finally free from temporary torture." Enzo sighed in relief. "By torture I meant Nara."

I want to fall in love. No, I'd rather make money.

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 1,953
Posted: Fri, 22/12/2017 15:47 (7 Years ago)
Kawena got a bit nervous. I should have gotten a Pokemon with Teleport... "So, no free roms?" He asked and looked into his pockets. There was actually a good amount of money there.
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 208
Posted: Fri, 22/12/2017 15:48 (7 Years ago)
"I know, right?" Jim jumped into his bed and sat up, using the bed's framework to support his back. "She might look cute, but there's a devil inside."

(lmao I feel bad for Kawena)

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 275
Posted: Fri, 22/12/2017 15:53 (7 Years ago)
"There is still rooms left sir. I'm guessing you need a room for one person, yes?" The clerk greeted.

"Also the reason why I'm so terrified by her is also her sister." He briefly explained. "The significance on each other's physical appearances are hella same except fo the eyes. Her sister was a cinnamon roll but Nara is someone who is willing to kill a cinnamon roll. I mean, bro, just look at the murderer face she puts on." He snickered.

I want to fall in love. No, I'd rather make money.

Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 208
Posted: Fri, 22/12/2017 15:56 (7 Years ago)
"Yeah... but she must have some nice in her... mustn't she?" Jim asked Enzo. "It's not possible to have all devil inside her. Nevermind that, you were telling how her sister scared you with her battle capability.." He changed the topic.

"You know what? Nevermind. Tell me in the morning. I'm sleepy as heck. Good night, man." With that, Jim went to sleep, not realizing that he had forgotten to take his blanket and stuff. It was more like he didn't care.

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 1,953
Posted: Fri, 22/12/2017 15:57 (7 Years ago)
"Hm..." Kawena thought back to Jim and Enzo leaving. "I guess?" He replied. He didn't like sleeping outside his house, so company would be nice. But asking Mia would be really weird. Maybe he could leave his Pokemon out of their Pokeball if anything spooky happened.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Fri, 22/12/2017 16:11 (7 Years ago)
"If you want, we can share a room." Mia offered, glancing briefly at Kawena. "I don't really care." She explained quickly with a shrug. Sear flicked his tail and sniffed the air curiously, tilting his head.
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 275
Posted: Sat, 23/12/2017 06:46 (7 Years ago)
Enzo was lying fast asleep in his bed. Completely exhausted from the first day of the journey.

I want to fall in love. No, I'd rather make money.

Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 208
Posted: Sat, 23/12/2017 06:58 (7 Years ago)

Jim woke up with a big hearty stretch. His eyes were still paining with exhaustion, but his muscles were just fine.

Should have a shower... Jim thought. Nah. Let's write in the journal first

So... After the pizza contest in Jubilife, I go to Sandgem to get details from Rowan. I and Jenn fly to Twinleaf and meet a cool guy called Enzo and a grouch named Nara. FIERY PLATE OBTAIN!!!! We then fly to Veilstone. That Enzo has a cool Dragonite! I also meet Kawena, the cool guy riding with Enzo. And with me rode...

"Uhhh..." Jim blushed and covered his face in his hands. He started giggling to himself, and that was pretty loud. "Darn! I hope I didn't wake Enzo up." He whispered.

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 275
Posted: Sat, 23/12/2017 07:20 (7 Years ago)
Enzo woke up, he rubbed his eyes only to see Jim scribbling on something. He decided to sneak into him. "Hmm, morning mate, what'cha doin'?" Enzo peeked.

"Argh." Nara grumbled. She glanced at the hotel's wall clock. 5:30AM it read. She darted out of the bed, quickly getting a hold of her Pokegear. Nara frowned as the screen revealed that she had 37 missed calls from Rowan. She quickly dialled the elder, a few rings then he picked up.

"I'm guessing you fell asleep then?" Rowan chuckled from the other side of the line. "I was exhausted." Nara grumbled, fixing her hair. "I hope you're st Veilstone by now. A plate is being held as a prize there."

"What? I've gone to the Game Center yesterday and the prizes were just tons of vitamins and useless stuff."

"You heard me young lady, I don't think they will inform ordinary customers right away. If you try to win something at the Game Center, they will likely ask you if you want to try another game. And that is a game where one of Arceus' plates serve as a prize. Anyhow, I'm ending this call for now since I have something to do." A beep resonated indicating that the call was ended.

"Great." Nara remarked in a dry tone.

I want to fall in love. No, I'd rather make money.

Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 208
Posted: Sat, 23/12/2017 07:23 (7 Years ago)
"WAAAAA!" Jim was apparently startled by the sneak planned by Enzo. "Nothing.. [giggling noises]" He still had his mouth covered in his hands. And he was sure his face was redder than an apple.

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 275
Posted: Sat, 23/12/2017 07:26 (7 Years ago)
"Stop blushing you're putting tomatoes to shame." He snickered. "Oh and by the way did you say something last night? I was drowsy and I can't hear it clearly."

I want to fall in love. No, I'd rather make money.