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Interestingly Weird Facts!

Forum-Index General Discussion Interestingly Weird Facts!
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 23
Posted: Sat, 25/11/2017 15:12 (7 Years ago)
If you are easily irritated by random true facts this is not the forum thread for you.

Hey guys,if your urging for some Random facts you have come to the right place!
With out making you wait more lets go right into it!

1.There are 8 people called Justin Beiber.

2.Banging your head on the wall for an hour will burn 150 calories.(Do not try this)

3.People with higher IQ are more likely to have Anxiety.

4.In Bangladesh you could get jailed even if your 15 if you cheat on your final exams.

5.Naked mole rats are immune to pain and cancer.

6.Nephophobia is a fear of clouds.

7.A flower called Cosmos smells like Chocolate.

8.Ketchup was originally made with mushrooms.

9.Firestorms and Fire tornadoes are a thing.

10.Its illegal to annoy a lizard in particular parks.

11.Stephan Hawkings fears making contact with Aliens.

12.American soliders took Japanese skulls as a trophy in WW2.

13.Geese have teeth on their tongue.

14.A snail can sleep for 3 years.

15.In Oregon,There is a mushroom that has lived for 2,500 years.

16.A group of Elk is called a Gang.

17.Chocolate was invented by the Aztecs.

18.We learn how to laugh before we learn how to talk.

19.Chocolate milk was invented in Jamaica.

20.Crocodiles can surf on waves to cover several Kilometers.

21.There are 200 tiny seeds on every Strawberry.

22.Astronauts can become 2 inches taller in Outer space.

23.In Iceland people use Geysers to bake bread.

24.There are more Moose in Alaska than there are People.

25.Every year Balloons kill 2 to 5 people in the US.

26.The Indian Oceon is the warmest oceon in the World.

28.About 70% of the worlds Oxygen come from the Oceons not Trees.

29.Cosmic rays from outer space cause glitches in your Electronics.

30.San Marino's internation football team has won only one Football match.

31.Japan has an Island full of Rabbits.

32.Bumble Bees were Originally called Humble bees.

33.There is a Zebra with Golden stripes in Hawaii.

34.Queen Elizabeth is a trained mechanic.

35.Coyotes and Badgers sometimes hunt together.

37.In New Zealand sheep outnumber people by siz to one

38.One in every 30 million Lobsters are yellow.

39.Sunflowers can clean up radiation

40.Butterflies taste food with thier feet.

41.You can eat 200 year old Honey.

42.Mars was named after the Roman god of war.

43.Japans largest island is Honshu.

44.Dogs have evolved to understand Human laughter

45.There is a Hedgehog cuddling cafe in Tokyo.

46.Your born with more than 300 bones.

47.Patrick the wombat is the worlds oldest wombat.

48.Cuddling has the same affect on your brain as taking painkillers.

49.Cats and Dogs has a common ancestor.

50.Artichokes can explode.

51.About 40,000 Americans are injured by toilets every year.

52.A sloth can travel one mile in one month.

53.Iceland has 0 Mosquitos.

54.The worlds oldest Chewing gum is 9,000 years old.

55.Jack Black used to put wires in his sleeves when he was a kid.

56.The drummer from "DEF LEPPARD" only has one arm.

57.In Japan the number four is avoided because it sounds very similar to death.

58.Metallica is the only band to go to all the continents.

59.Avocados are poisonous to birds.

60.One strand from Spaghetti is called Spaghetto.(Not a joke this is real!.)

61.There is a fountain that dispenses wine in Italy 24/7.

62.Cows moo in a accent specific to their region.

63.The US government gave Indiana college 1 million dollars to study memes.

64.There are underwater rivers flowing under the oceon.

65.The city of Melbourne was almost called Batmania|

66.A Swan is strong enough to break your arm.

67.Summer lasts for 42 years on Uranus.

68.Lizards to "Push ups" to get their Neighbours attraction.

69.Ancient Babylonians 3,000 years ago often ate sausages.

70.Raccoons are more related to bears than cats.

71.Ravens can plan ahead.

72.The Nazis tried to teach Dogs to speak.

73.A 32,000 year old extinct artic flower was ressuructed by a Ice age Squirrel.

74.In 2006 someone tried to sell New Zealand on Ebay.

75.Octopuses are so smart they are give puzzles so they do not get bored in Captivity

76.Its very common for people in Japan to peel grapes before they eat it.

77.Cows kill more people every year than Sharks.

78.35% of Adults still sleep with stuffed animals.

79.When you blush the lining of your stomach turns red aswell.

80.A platypus has no stomach.

81.A male Ostrich can roar just like a lion.

82.Mountain Lions can whistle.

83.Cows milk can kill HedgeHogs.

84.Randomness has a memory.

85.Hedgehogs dislike robots.

86.Cockroaches have been around for 300 million years.

87.In Texas,USA it is illegal to kill Bigfoot if you ever find it.

88.A chandelier in Czeh republic is made entierly from human bones.

89.Raccoons may wash or dunk food before eating it.

90.Some breeds of chickens lay Blue or Greeneggs.

91.There is a volcano that spews Blue Lava.

92.Cats have over 100 vocal cords

93.The Olsen twins were born in Friday the 13th

94.A Giraffe has a heart that weighs 25 pounds.

95.Soap Operas are called as such because they are sponsered by Soap companies.

96.More people are allergic to cows milk than any other food.

97.There are no snakes in New Zealand.

98.A turtle can breath through its butt.

99.A group of Panda is called a Embarresment.

100.You just read 100 facts!

So how did you guys like it? (Palpad me :3)

I hoped you enjoyed this and have a great day guys!~
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