Forum Thread
Witches Stew
Forum-Index → Forum Games → Witches StewLets play a little game, sound good? Alright! Its called 'Witches Stew'
You can put in ANYTHING as long as you say 'Black and Blue, Full of Goo, I'l put ______ in the Witches Stew'
And after that, you say 'Black and Blue, Full of Goo, What will You put in the Witches Stew?'
P.S. its a game a learned in music :3 Also when the game ends, most likely at 25 Pages, I'll say 'Black and Blue, Full of Goo, Would you like a cup of the Witches stew?'
I'll start,
Black and blue, Full of Goo, What will I put in the Witches Stew?
Black and Blue, Full of Goo, I'll put Spiders in the Witches Stew
Black and Blue Full of goo, what will you put in the witches stew?
Made by: Me!
haha, old art with a link that doesn't work, am I right?