Forum Thread
Rising Chaos [Fire Emblem Path Of Radiance RP] (Open)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Rising Chaos [Fire Emblem Path Of Radiance RP] (Open)Available Past Fighting Characters (Look up their classes)

Micaiah, Sothe, Edward, Leonardo,
Nolan, Laura, Aran, Soren, Titania, Oscar, Boyd, Rolf, Shinon,
Gatrie, Rhys, Mist, Mia, Fiona, Meg, Tauroneo, Jill, Zihark, Haar,
Volug, Nailah, Rafiel, Reyson, Leanne, Ilyana, Tibarn, Janaff,
Ulki, Naesala, Ranulf, Kyza, Lyre, Lethe, Mordecai, Giffca,
Skrimir, Tormod, Muarim, Vika, Marcia, Tanith, Sigrun, Nephenee,
Brom, Heather, Geoffrey, Lucia, Danved, Kieran, Astrid, Makalov,
Stefan, Bastian, Volke, Renning, Ena, Kurthnaga, Nasir, Gareth,
Elincia, Ike, Sanaki, Pelleas
Available New Enemies

Available Past Non-Fighting Characters
Available New Fighting Characters
Dead Past Characters (They died in the timeline between this and Radiant Dawn)

Rule 1: No God-modding of any
Rule 2: You can choose to be an hero or an enemy.
Rule 3: You choose how you get recruited into the army.
Rule 4: Your character can die, but if somebody tries to kill you, they have to ask for your permission first.
Rule 5: You can have a maximum of 3 characters.
Rule 6: Characters can only have a maximum of 5 skills.
Rule 7: You can make your own characters, but they must be an unpromoted unit unless you join late.
Rule 8: Password: Ashera
Rule 9: If your character dies, you can make another one.
Rule 10: New unpromoted characters cannot have their starting weapon level go over D. Fiona,
Meg, Aran, Ilyana, Laura, Astrid, and Makalov cannot start past C. Every Other Side Character and Micaiah can only have their main (First Weapon at unpromoted level) weapon start at B and no weapons past it. Tanith, Sigrun, Tauroneo, Haar, Geoffrey, Bastian, Soren, Titania, Mist and Main characters cannot have their weapons go past A. Shinon cannot start past S and Stefan starts at SS.
Rule 2: You can choose to be an hero or an enemy.
Rule 3: You choose how you get recruited into the army.
Rule 4: Your character can die, but if somebody tries to kill you, they have to ask for your permission first.
Rule 5: You can have a maximum of 3 characters.
Rule 6: Characters can only have a maximum of 5 skills.
Rule 7: You can make your own characters, but they must be an unpromoted unit unless you join late.
Rule 8: Password: Ashera
Rule 9: If your character dies, you can make another one.
Rule 10: New unpromoted characters cannot have their starting weapon level go over D. Fiona,
Meg, Aran, Ilyana, Laura, Astrid, and Makalov cannot start past C. Every Other Side Character and Micaiah can only have their main (First Weapon at unpromoted level) weapon start at B and no weapons past it. Tanith, Sigrun, Tauroneo, Haar, Geoffrey, Bastian, Soren, Titania, Mist and Main characters cannot have their weapons go past A. Shinon cannot start past S and Stefan starts at SS.

Character Name:
Preset or New Character:
Class (If new):
Skills (If new):
Weapon Level [Max: 4 Weapons] (E, D, C, B, A, S, SS):
History (If new):
Character Image or Description:
Character Name:
Preset or New Character:
Class (If new):
Skills (If new):
Weapon Level [Max: 4 Weapons] (E, D, C, B, A, S, SS):
History (If new):
Character Image or Description:
My Forms

Username: The_X_Man
Character Name: Ike
Preset or New Character: Preset
Gender: M
Class (If new):
Skills (If new):
Weapon Level [Max: 4 Weapons] (E, D, C, B, A, S, SS): Sword: A, Axe: C
History (If new):
Character Image or Description:
Password: Yune
Username: The_X_Man
Character Name: Juel
Preset or New Character: New
Gender: M
Class (If new): Sword Cavalier
Skills (If new): Wrath
Weapon Level [Max: 4 Weapons] (E, D, C, B, A, S, SS): Sword: D
History (If new): A Royal Knight in training for Crimea who wants to be his best. He trains with Kieran and is often found fighting him. He wanted to be a royal knight ever since his dad had become one. His family had been killed by Begnion troops during the war in Radiant Dawn and it has been what has kept him going all this time.
Character Image or Description:
Password: Daein
Username: The_X_Man
Character Name: Auron The Emperor
Preset or New Character: Preset
Gender: M
Class (If new): Dragon Emperor
Skills (If new): Vengeance, Renewal, Daunt, Nihil.
Weapon Level [Max: 4 Weapons] (E, D, C, B, A, S, SS): Lance: SS, Sword: A, Axe: A
History (If new):
Character Image or Description: A red haired man dressed in golden armor. He bears a slight resemblance to Mad King Ashnard. He rides a blue wyvern into battle.
Password: Tellius
Character Name: Ike
Preset or New Character: Preset
Gender: M
Class (If new):
Skills (If new):
Weapon Level [Max: 4 Weapons] (E, D, C, B, A, S, SS): Sword: A, Axe: C
History (If new):
Character Image or Description:

Password: Yune
Username: The_X_Man
Character Name: Juel
Preset or New Character: New
Gender: M
Class (If new): Sword Cavalier
Skills (If new): Wrath
Weapon Level [Max: 4 Weapons] (E, D, C, B, A, S, SS): Sword: D
History (If new): A Royal Knight in training for Crimea who wants to be his best. He trains with Kieran and is often found fighting him. He wanted to be a royal knight ever since his dad had become one. His family had been killed by Begnion troops during the war in Radiant Dawn and it has been what has kept him going all this time.
Character Image or Description:

Password: Daein
Username: The_X_Man
Character Name: Auron The Emperor
Preset or New Character: Preset
Gender: M
Class (If new): Dragon Emperor
Skills (If new): Vengeance, Renewal, Daunt, Nihil.
Weapon Level [Max: 4 Weapons] (E, D, C, B, A, S, SS): Lance: SS, Sword: A, Axe: A
History (If new):
Character Image or Description: A red haired man dressed in golden armor. He bears a slight resemblance to Mad King Ashnard. He rides a blue wyvern into battle.
Password: Tellius

Sorry for all the "(If new)'s" in the
Form. Since you have a choice between New or Preset Character, the
preset characters already have a lot of that stuff and it doesn't
need to be written down as it can be looked up, except the new
enemies. Their history will be revealed and their weapons match
their classes in their names. The skills can be, but must match
with the class.