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Electrifiying Journey

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanfictions Electrifiying Journey
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 142
Posted: Wed, 21/05/2014 10:35 (10 Years ago)
Only Me and Pichu_King can continue it

Hi my name is ARCANINE. My mom Elesa, the shockingly beautiful electric type gym leader, is the beginning of my story. So...... You all probably know Elesa from the Unova League well........ She's my mom. My story starts when my mom quit the position of a gym leader to take a shot at the Kalos League. We'll that lead to us moving. I know moving to a whole new region is very exciting. But I was not to happy, I wanted to stay and train in Unova to beat my mother. But all the new Pokémon was exciting to me. We arrived in Anistar City, we met plenty of new pokemon like Sylveon, Pyroar, and Flabebe. My mom actually caught a new swirlix! We also met the majestical Physchic Type Gym leader Olympia!


"Will You Interact?"
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 142
Posted: Wed, 21/05/2014 10:37 (10 Years ago)

*We flew on a plane all the way over to Santalune city and my mom and I double battled Viola.*
(My Pokemon - Pignite)
(Moms Pokemon - Zebstrika)

Me and my mom sent out Pignite and Zebstrika, both having a type advantage against Bug
Viola sent out her Vivilon and Surskit

"Use Flame Wheel Pignite" I commanded
"Haha, You think your silly type advantages work" replied Viola, while taking a snapshot of Pignite
"I'll show you the true strength of bug type pokemon" Viola said
"Surskit use ice beam on the floor" Viola commanded to Surskit
The whole floor turned into a sheet of ice
"Hold on Zebstrika" my mom said as she watched Zebstrika slip and slide on the ice
"Now Vivilon use gust" Viola said as she snapped another picture of the battle
My mom looked at me and said " I got this "
"Zebstrika use electro ball" Elesa yelled
I watch as the room fills with light from electro ball
" Throw it at the floor Zebstrika" my mom commanded
The floor shattered into thousands of pieces.
"That's enough" I say " Pignite use "Will'o'Wisp"
A big ball of fire comes out of pignites mouth and heads toward Vivilon.
A few seconds later I hear the ref say "Vivilon is unable to battle"
"I've had enough of this" yells Viola and throws her camera at the ground
" Surskit use Hydro Pump on Pignite" Viola says Persistantly
"Dodge it Pignite" I scream quickly
But Pignite was not fast enough " Pignite is unable to battle" says the ref
"Well I guess it's just you and me Viola, Leader vs. Leader" Says my mom confidently
"Surskit use energy ball to end it" Viola says
"Slice it with your horn Zebstrika, and counter with thunder wave"
A big green ball hurdles at Zebstrika, but she slices it like pie with her horn
Then quickly Zebstrika used thunder wave but Surskit used ice beam and sent the thunder waves back at Zebstrika
"Hahaha" says Viola cleverly "I ruined your perfect photoshoot" she says
"Now to finish you off" Viola yells
"Surskit use hydro pump"
I don't remember much after that other than we ended up in the pokemon center afterwards, leaving with no badge but then my mother said confidently "Ill be back Viola"


"Will You Interact?"
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 142
Posted: Wed, 21/05/2014 15:44 (10 Years ago)

Me and my mom did some research and found a great place to train........
Santalune Forest!
Full of excitment we meet a new person "youngster Joey"
And he challenges us
He send out his Vivilon
"Wait, that one is different than Viola's" I say to my mother
"You see Vivilons have more than 18 different appearances" says Joey
"Cool" i say in amazement
I pull out my pokedex and wave it in front of vivilon

Vivillon with many different patterns are found all over the world. These patterns are affected by the climate of their habitat.

"Go Swirlix" my mom says as she throws out her new swirlix
"Swirlix use dazzling gleam on Vivilon" she commands
Pink Sparks fly out of Swirlix as a pink mist fills the area
"I can't see" shouts Joey
"Now swirlix use Double Team" Elesa says
Vivilon look frightened by the swirlix's power
"Now use dazzling gleam again" my mom shouts as pink mist flys out of every single swirlix's mouth
"See how double team can be used to make the attack to much greater damage!"
Vivilon falls right to the ground.
Youngster Joey chokes up at the sight of fainted Vivilon
"Mom that was your first battle with swirlix and you did so good!"
"A real trainer knows what a pokemon Is like at first glance!"


"Will You Interact?"
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 142
Posted: Wed, 21/05/2014 20:10 (10 Years ago)

Now it was my turn to fight Joey
"Go Pignite" I shout as I chuck the pokeball at the ground
"Pignite.... I see nice choice of pokemon" says Joey
"But not enough to beat my master pokemon....... Go Forfrou!" Screams Joey
I scan the pokedex over Forfrou

Furfrou, the Poodle Pokémon. Furfrou were assigned the task of protecting kings who ruled the Kalos region in ancient times.

"Ok let's get things going Pignite..... Use Flame Charge"
Flame charge knocks furfrou back
"Get up Furfrou, and use Take Down" commands Joey
"Dodge it" I say cleverly
Furfrou missed and hit a tree
"Now let's finish what we started, Pignite use Ember"
The attack inflicts a burn on furfrou and furfrou faints
"Yay.....We did it Pignite!"


"Will You Interact?"
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 142
Posted: Wed, 21/05/2014 20:35 (10 Years ago)

"Are we ready?" Asks my mom
"Yes" I look back at her confidently.
"Let's Go" Elesa says
"Back to the Santalune City Gym" I say triumphantly
"I'm using swirlix" mom says
We walk into the gym and look around
"It's Violas Photoshoot!" I tell my mother
"Like my gym... It's a perfect picture" says Viola
"During my photoshoots we cover everything in green screen... It changes to any setting!"
"Now the competitor gets to choose the arena" Viola says very excited
"We'll we choose a Volcano" I say thinking her bug types stand no chance
"Well let's get to the battle" Elesa says
"Go Vivilon and Surskit" Viola says as she throws her pokeballs at the ground
"Go Swirlix" my mom shouts
"Go Pignite" I command
"Now let's start this Swirlix use Draining Kiss"
Vivilon was hurt and Swirlix was healed
"Surskit use ice beam at Pignite" Viola commands
"Swirlix use dazzling gleam at the volcano" my mother commands
The attack forces the volcano to erupt all over Vivilon
Soon the ref calls "Vivilon is unable to battle"
The ice beam finally makes it to Pignite
"Let's finish her off, Pignite use ember"
Few seconds later............ "Surskit is unable to battle, the winner is Elesa and Arcanine.
It was it we got our first badge, after putting a lot of training into it
"You ruined my perfect picture, but you beat me so here's your badge" Viola says sadly


"Will You Interact?"
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 142
Posted: Wed, 21/05/2014 23:50 (10 Years ago)

As we left the gym we headed straight to the Pokémon center, we met a nurse named "Nurse Joan"
"We're did Nurse Joy go?" I asked the lady
"She and her cousins moved to the Kantos league" the kind nurse said
"See this is a picture of me and my cousins" she said pointing them out 1 by 1
"This is Joan, this is Joan, and that is Joan of Coumarine City!"
"Here in the Kalos Region we mixed the pokémon center and the pokémart" Joan says
"I'm gonna go buy pokeballs" my mother said
"Nurse will you heal my Pokémon?" I said
"Sure, here give them to me." She replied
"Here are your pokemon back" She says politely
"Come over here arcanine" my mom calls to me
"Look at these pokéballs!" My mom says with amazement
"All different colors! This ones purple, that ones pink, oh and that one is blue!"
"I'll take 2 Pink pokeballs please" my mom told the clerk
"I'm going to catch some pokemon with these!" My mom says

(Sorry about this one being sorta boring but I needed to introduce Nurse Joan)

"Will You Interact?"
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 142
Posted: Tue, 27/05/2014 20:54 (10 Years ago)

As we walk out of the pokécenter, we get called back by a mysterious man in a black coat and hat. "Would you like to join us?" Says the man trying to cover up his identity. "We're Team Flare" he says triumphantly. "Sounds nice but we're going" says my mother. "Fine your missing out" the unknown man says. We then leave, and the man follows us. When we get to route 6 he appears in front of us. "How did, did, did you just appear here!" My mother says very scared. "I told you, you would pay, now go........... Houndoom" he says. He then admires his watch, that looks sorta new. But then the watch starts to glow! " What's happening!" I scream. But then houndoom starts to glow just like the watch was. "Now see the power of Team Flare?" He says angrily. Then the glowing stops........ I look in amazement! " Houndoom evolved..... But..But...But Houndoom is the final evolution!" "Yes I know, but I hold the power to Mega evolve pokemon." He says. "Now Houndoom use Flame Charge!" The man commanded to Houndoom.......................... We fall to the ground, the man walks away laughing. " The true power of Team Flare!" We run as fast as we can back to the PokéCenter. " Nurse Joan! There was this guy and he said he was a part of team flare! And he had this watch that started glowing and Houndoom mega evolved!" I say very scared.

TO BE CONTINUED.............

"Will You Interact?"
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 142
Posted: Thu, 29/05/2014 20:29 (10 Years ago)

As I walk yet again out to route 6, we walk up to find a pokeball lying right on the ground. My mother says " You can keep the pokemon that's in it, the trainer must of not wanted it". I chuck it at the ground waiting to see what pokemon it was. But there was no pokemon it was a watch, just like the mans! "The man must of left it behind!" I says happily. "Now he can't torture anyone else with it!" My mother replies. I admire it, then realize it has a small marble looking stone that is shiny, under the stone the watch reads HOUNDOOMITE. Then we scurry to a nearby pokemon lab, and do some research
LATER THAT DAY...........
"Mom I found this website, that says everything! It says this watch can mega evolve many pokemon like Houndoom, Gengar, Lucario, Charizard, Venasaur, Blastoise, Bannete, Manectric, and others! But you must have the specific stone!" "So I can mega evolve my Houndoom, I have to go get him from my storage box! Let's battle the next gym leader with Mega Houndoom" my mother says


"Will You Interact?"
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 142
Posted: Sun, 01/06/2014 16:50 (10 Years ago)
Two Weeks Later........
We finally made it to Cyllage City! "Let's Go to the gym Mom!" I say. "Ok, let's go!" When we made it to the the gym there was a field of rocks all over. "Welcome, I am Grant! Do you like my gym? Wait a sec, is that you? Elesa!" The man said. "Yep it's me" she replied. "You were my inspiration Elesa, I remember being a trainer and challenging you, and promising you I'd become a gym leader like you!" He said. "We'll lets start this" I say. I throw out the Houndoom I caught in Camphier Town. "Go.............. Tyrunt!" Grant says. I wave my pokedex in front of tyrunt

This Pokémon was restored from a fossil. If something happens that it doesn't like, it throws a tantrum and runs wild.

"Go...............Spritzee" my mother screams."Go.............Amuara" I scan my pokedex over Amuara too!

This ancient Pokémon was restored from part of its body that had been frozen in ice for over 100 million years.

"Let's get this started, Houndoom use flame charge" When Houndoom starts to use the attack my watch starts to glow "He's Mega Evolving" screams Grant. The flame charge is so powerful "Tyrunt is unable to battle" the ref calls. "Bu...bu...but..but that thing is so powerful!" Grant screams. "Ok fine then, Amuara use ice beam" grant screams. It misses and bounces off a rock and hit Amuara! "Amuara is unable to battle" the ref calls. Grant then hands over the badge!


"Will You Interact?"