Forum Thread
Fighting Tournament of Mystery (Poke-Anthro RP)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Fighting Tournament of Mystery (Poke-Anthro RP)"As it turns out, we have an odd number of competitors, so we shall have one qualifying match for our last two competitors to enter," the cloaked figure said before the Vigoroth ran up to the cloaked figure.
"As if this is necessary!" Vigoroth shouted. "You seriously think pitting me up against a fat food-hound is a fair fight!?" The Drowzee paused his pre-fight meal as he said this. "But I suppose it's a good idea to fill him with false hope. Let him have a chance to make a fool of himself as I, well, you know, weed out the weak!"
The Drowzee stood up, his back still turned to the Vigoroth before he tossed what was left of his steam bun, about half of it, behind him. He then turned to the Vigoroth, ready to fight. ...But then his eyes darted back to his steam bun, which he rushed right to and resumed munching on. The audience laughed at the Drowzee. The Drowzee wasn't particularly different in size for his species, which was pretty chunky, but most Drowzee weren't known for stuff like this.
"What's the matter? Are steam buns more important than fighting!?" the Vigoroth shouted. "Come on, tubby! At least try to fight! Or are you just going to sit there and stuff your face!?"
The Drowzee had finished his steam bun and stood up to pose for the Vigoroth. "I'll make you feel quite silly when I'm through with you," the Drowzee taunted.
"Oh, so you ARE going to fight me, then!" the Vigoroth shouted. The Vigoroth charged right at the Drowzee, launching himself for a claw swipe.
...As you'd expect, the Drowzee spun out of the way. He then sent a fist to the Vigoroth's face. He followed this with a knee to the chest, staggering him backward to allow the Drowzee to follow up with a kick from the same leg to the same area. The Drowzee then followed up with one more attack, a hook from his hand, which beared a ring with a purple gem. The attack knocked a fang out of the Vigoroth's head. It was clear the Vigoroth didn't know what hit him.
The Vigoroth got up, and he kept trying and trying to get a shot in, but the Drowzee outsmarted him quite easily, dodging most of his attacks, sending harder blows. It was clear the Drowzee was slower than the Vigoroth, but the Drowzee's brain was faster. Eventually, the Vigoroth made one last attempt to get up after a hard blow from the Drowzee's ringed hand again, but failed and collapsed.
"Weeding out the weak, was it?" the Drowzee asked the Vigoroth after putting a hoof on his back. The Vigoroth wasn't getting up.
"Congratulations, Enzo," the cloaked figure said. "Not that I'm surprised, of course, since it was obvious that idiot was setting himself up for failure, but regardless, you are now officially in the tournament. Of course, there are hundreds of other competitors who are probably a lot smarter than "Egg-Head" down there, but still... Good luck and such."
Enzo... That was the name of the Drowzee. He was now officially in the tournament.
But also in the tournament, the other competitors were getting ready for a fight. Some more confident than others, but all itching to win.
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"Forget tubby, Pop! Look at those two!" Punch shouted, refering to Dragonite as "Pop." "Hey there ladies! Are you lost? The Beauty Pagent isn't even in the city!"
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"Hmph, hehe, sissy punches won't win you a fight against me," the Watchog said.
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