Forum Thread
MetagrossPrime's Shiny Shop
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Shiny Hunting → MetagrossPrime's Shiny ShopWelcome to my shiny shop! Please read the rules before ordering.
-Please do no rush any of the breeders, it sometimes takes time between shinies
-With the new gts, payment is not due until your shiny is hatched
-Be kind to me and any future breeders, we reserve the right to decline slots if we feel youve been rude
-Unfortunately if there is not and [OPEN] underneath a hunt, it is currently full, but you may pp me and ask if this can be adjusted (i reserve the right to say yes or no depending on the status of the hunt)
-Prices are pretty firm, but I may work out a deal with you if you buy an entire evolution line
(Quoted from Price Check)
Easy - 80,000 - 130,000
Medium - 180,000 - 230,000
Hard - 260,000 - 300,000
Rare - 320,000 - 350,000
Special - 300,000 - 350,000
Unown - 1,00,000 - 1,500,000
Starters - 250,000 - 300,000
*These prices are a guideline, all breeders have the right to set their own prices
Current Hunt
Autumn Abra (Rare)

Price: 800k (palpad me if youd like to use a different form of payment)
• Me •
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Future Hunts

Price: 290,000pd
• Open •
• Open •
• Open •

Price: 150,000pd
• Bussola •
• Bussola •
• Open •
Thanks for visiting my shop!