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DesertClan (Roleplay)

Forum-Index Roleplay DesertClan (Roleplay)
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Mon, 16/10/2017 23:13 (7 Years ago)
"Maybe." Feathercloud sounded doubtful. "I hope they didn't choose PineClan to go after." She meowed nervously, flicking her ears and setting her paw on the ground again.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Mon, 16/10/2017 23:28 (7 Years ago)
" If they did, we would've heard about it by now, " Duskwind insisted. " Not to say we should relax, otherwise my sister would smack me...," he paused as he heard his sister's words in his head, Constant vigilance!. " But maybe we don't have to worry about them anymore,"
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Mon, 16/10/2017 23:29 (7 Years ago)
Ashpelt purred, and nodded. He then went to the fresh kill pile after Dawnpelt, and took a mouse from the pile. He then glanced at the sparrow, and flicked an ear. "You think Sunkit, and Bramblekit would like those for your nest?" He asked kindly in an attempt to think of a way to make the nest warmer while they were at the gathering.

Bramblekit looked out of the den. "At least the snow doesn't reach down here" he replied to Sunkit kindly. He then patted some moss around his sister to try and warm her up. "After all PineClan can enjoy that frozen junk" he mewed jokingly.

[hmmm something might happen during the gathering]
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Mon, 16/10/2017 23:37 (7 Years ago)
Feathercloud snorted. "I guess so." She yawned and flicked her tail. "Maybe. Maybe not. Sandfeather hasn't shown up recently either. They're probably planning something." She shrugged.

(rip the clan)
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Mon, 16/10/2017 23:44 (7 Years ago)
(can't have good times for too long, right?)

Dawnpelt inspected the sparrow for a moment, " Good idea, I suppose we can give them a little. " she said, picking up the sparrow. " I heard you promised them a story?," Dawnpelt teased Ashpelt as she headed towards the nursery. Ashpelt had taken a much larger role in her kit's lives than most toms; not that she minded that one bit.

Duskwind shrugged as he sat up slightly. " Can't put it past them, I suppose, " he said, scratching behind his ear.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Mon, 16/10/2017 23:50 (7 Years ago)
(So true)

Ashpelt nodded and purred as he followed Dawnpelt. "Well how else was I going to get Bramblekit to go back to the nursery" he joked warmly, and left his mouse near the fresh kill pile.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Mon, 16/10/2017 23:59 (7 Years ago)
Sunkit purred as Bramblekit surrounded her with moss, " Oh, that's much better!, " she said, closing her eyes happily.

Dawnpelt laughed a beat as she entered the nursery. " Flowerheart, I brought some prey for you and the kits, " she mewed as she placed the sparrow in the nest.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Tue, 17/10/2017 00:01 (7 Years ago)
Bramblekit looked up and saw Dawnpelt. He then smiled in excitement and ran over to the queen. Flowerheart sighed, and grabbed Bramblekit's tail before purring. "Thanks, Dawnpelt" she meowed kindly, and nodded to the sparrow.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Tue, 17/10/2017 00:07 (7 Years ago)
Dawnpelt crouched down near her kits and purred, " It's ok, you don't have to hold him back from me, " she said, grooming behind Bramblekit's ears. Sunkit peaked out from her small mound of moss and slowly padded over to her parents.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Tue, 17/10/2017 00:20 (7 Years ago)
Flowerheart purred and let go of Bramblekit's tail. "Very well, Dawnpelt, but this one is an excited one" she mewed warmly. Bramblekit then purred and nudged Dawnpelt. Ashpelt purred and looked at his family.

"Have you come to tell us a story!" Bramblekit mewled excitedly and glanced at Ashpelt.

(Migt reply slow. Doing some moving)
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Tue, 17/10/2017 00:28 (7 Years ago)
Feathercloud shrugged and stood, stretching before sitting down again. "I guess." She agreed, licking her paw.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Tue, 17/10/2017 00:31 (7 Years ago)
(That's okay! Honestly, I reply a little too quickly lol)

Dawnpelt groomed Bramblekit as he came close to her, filled with joy at the sound of his small purrs. " Yes, Ashpelt, let's hear some stories, " she said wryly, looking at her mate.

Sunkit padded over to Ashpelt, curling around his paws, " Can you tell us how you fell in love with mom?," she pleaded, giving her father her best doe eyes.

Duskwind prodded Featherwind with his paw, absentmindedly, " Well, you're guarding the camp, so its up to you to defend us, " he mewed.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Tue, 17/10/2017 00:45 (7 Years ago)
(i either reply WAY too quickly or never at all tbh

And I totally get the moving thing, we moved this summer (I still haven't finished unpacking whoops)

"Oh yeah." Feathercloud snorted. "I'll stare them down until they run away. A great plan, if I do say so myself." She yawned and curled her tail over her paws. "While you enjoy seeing Hawkpool-" She had started grinning maniacally at that point. "- we'll make sure the camp doesn't get overrun."
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Tue, 17/10/2017 01:13 (7 Years ago)
( I'll go to reply and be like 'wait...they posted 20 seconds ago...lemme go do something else for a few minutes' )

Duskwind rolled his eyes and batted a few nearby dead leaves onto Feathercloud's head, " On second thought, maybe we should've put Bramblekit in charge, " he teased.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Tue, 17/10/2017 02:02 (7 Years ago)
(Honestly me XD)

"Your lack of trust in me is astounding." Feathercloud snorted, staying still to balance the leaves on her head. "Though, Bramblekit would probably be a better leader than me."
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Tue, 17/10/2017 02:24 (7 Years ago)
( every time I log on you have a different avatar, it’s mildly disorienting lol but kinda fun )

“ Hey, now there’s an idea that would make the rogues tremble, “ Duskwind looked dramatically serious. “ The clan led by a kit. They wouldn’t see it coming,” he said, smirking.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Tue, 17/10/2017 02:46 (7 Years ago)
(Me deciding on an avatar?? Unheard of lol)

"We'll be the most feared clan in the world. Even StarClan will be afraid of our power." Feathercloud snickered, whiskers twitching in amusement. "The rogues wouldn't know what hit them."
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Tue, 17/10/2017 03:06 (7 Years ago)
Ashpelt shifted his weight looking slightly embarrassed. He then nodded "very well" he meowed with a warm purr, and licked Sunkit's pelt. "It all started seasons ago...back when we were apprentices. I was almost about to become a warrior when two foxes ran into camp." He began and curled his tail around Sunkit gently. "The foxes were fighting bravely, and we were short on cats who could guard the camp. Roseheart was fighting as best as she could though she was very close to giving birth to Tigerstripe, and Lilystream. I ran across the camp, but was knocked aside by a fox that was on the verge to the nursery. As I struggled to get back up, I saw Snowpaw fighting a fox by the camp entrance, and the Warriors were distracted driving it back when the fox broke into the nursery. I thought we were going to lose Roseheart, and the kits, when Dawnpelt-Dawnpaw at the time- leapt over a boulder in the old camp. She completely frightened the pelt off the fox" he purred as he thought of the memory warmly. "After that I loved watching her fight, and we'll just being around her" he meowed in the same shy tone that he had when he told Dawnpelr how he truly felt for the first time.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Tue, 17/10/2017 11:08 (7 Years ago)
Dawnpelt smiled as she listened to Ashpelt’s story, her tail lightly tapping. She hadn’t know this story until he told it to the kits recently. It seemed that she learned more to love about Ashpelt each day.

Sunkit curled up sleepily around Ashpelt’s paws. “ That’s sooo sweet, I wanna hear more...” she said through muffled words as she snuggled into Ashpelt’s fur.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Tue, 17/10/2017 13:12 (7 Years ago)
Ashpelt purred at Sunkit, and groomed the kit. "Alright but after this one you need to get to sleep. You're nearly sleeping on your paws" he meowed gently. Bramblekit for once didn't complain as he lay next to Dawnpelt. The gray kit was half asleep as well, his tail curled over his body.