Posted: Tue, 18/07/2017 02:23 (7 Years ago)
Its almost been a week now since I first joined this site, and I
believe it's safe to say that I'm hooked like a Magikarp. :B My
username's Venomoly but Venom works too. If you've seen my profile
picture you might have noticed I'm a fan of Venom from Spiderman.
I've never actually watched a Spiderman movie, but I grab any comic
I can containing my favourite symbiotic friend. Speaking of
favourites -
Although there are lots of Pokemon, Gengar forever holds a special
place in my heart. Anything that grins that much earns three hairy
thumbs up from me! Friend me up and I'll throw clicks your
pokemons' way! Or if you like, send me a message!