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Mechmonsters! (Accepting)

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Mechmonsters! (Accepting)
Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 8
Posted: Fri, 14/07/2017 20:27 (7 Years ago)

Times have gotten darker. The dire need to save the world is in your hands! Or, perhaps you intend to destroy it?


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What are Mechmonsters?
These beasts are known to be exponentially more powerful, tanky and 'immortal' than their natural counterparts. Please be aware that these can be anything from Bionic to Cyborgs, and not full-fledge robots. These have living organisms deep within. A beating heart, a functioning brain, capable (or not) of emotion(s), etc. It is deemed unlawful to kill a mechmonster.

What happened? Where did they come from?
An organization known as "Necron" has developed an underground science lab to provide implants and/or enhanced robotic limbs upon regular Pokemon. Sometimes the whole outer features of said pokemon are completely metallic, and even surpass a Steel type's own outer shell(s). For instance, an Aggron might encompass a new, thicker, bulkier skin, more horns, sharper teeth, perhaps even given better bionic legs to increase its speed. These were used in attempt to takeover the world, however these Mechmonsters have a brain of their own and eventually turned on the organization. Some of Necron are still actively producing these whilst making their Mechmonsters cyborgs and bionics to force loyalty via programming into the brain. Only Psychic moves and/or electricity can convince/disengage this programmed loyalty.

How do we beat them?
Mechmonsters are the most effective at fighting other mechmonsters (like fighting fire with fire) whom are evil or on mindless rampages. Regular Pokemon are effective, but only 1.5x instead of 2x, and 2x instead of 4x, effective against these Mechmonster's typings. Legendary Pokemon are as effective as Mechmonsters to other Mechmonsters. Every single type of Pokemon can handle a Mechmonster in their own way, for instance a Porygon "hacking" their systems, or using enough heat to overheat the foe, perhaps even encasing them in ice or even paralyzing them enough that they cannot move. If you have an idea on how your character can personally handle a Mechmonster, feel free to message me or tell me using OOC (With brackets like I'm using here. This is considered speaking Out of Character.) To defeat Necron, everyone must come together and fight against their power before they takeover the Pokemon World, or worse, they lose control and Mechmonsters begin to destroy the world themselves.

Where are the Legendaries when you need them!?
They have been seen in rare times when there are too many Mechmonsters in one area, or a terribly powerful one. Some show up after the battle to purify the grounds of damage and debris. If they are being careful, we should be too.

Are there Legendary Mechmonsters?
We don't know. If so, it will most likely be the weakest of the Legendaries first.

Are all Mechmonsters evil?
No. Some are completely on our side. Others are neutral or just don't care. Some remain loyal to Necron, and whether or not these characters can be convinced they are on the evil side is up to you. Others are completely mindless, only interested in rampage at anything and everything.

Can Mechmonsters evolve? Are they fertile?
No. If you have an Aron Mechmonster, it will never evolve. Fertility depends on the Mechmonster, however nothing about the Mechmonster's enhancements, augments, mutations, etc carry on to their offspring. Most Mechmonsters are infertile, however that does not mean they are incapable of love. Fertility has a chance (up to the owner of the character) to be restored if the Mechmonster is purified. See below about purification.

Can a Mechmonster be purified to a regular Pokemon?
This is only if they so choose. It will be treated almost exactly like in Pokemon Coliseum, for example. Celebi may purify you and make you a whole organism again, however this is the Mechmonster's choice. To qualify for purification, a Mechmonster must prove itself that, without a doubt, it sides with saving the world. This means fighting against evil/mindless Mechmonsters, saving the innocent and/or victims, saving the world, etc. Whether or not a Mechmonster wishes to be purified before or after saving the world is up to the character's owner.

Can Mechmonsters lose their "parts"?
Yes. But no blood. It's supposed to be rated G here, after all. They can lose fully robotic limbs, tails, ears, etc. Anything further than that would be considered killing, which is looked down upon as these Mechmonsters are still an organism in some way.

Can we kill off the evil and mindless?
No. You may faint them and turn them in to Celebi, who will Purify the mindless ones (as they are deemed to have no sense of "will") and return them their original, full organic species. Celebi can only purify willing or mindless Mechmonsters. Evil Mechmonsters cannot be purified until they change for the better, and may continue to be an issue multiple times before they change sides.

Can a Mechmonster be captured in a Pokeball?
No. However, they may choose to find loyalty beside a Trainer and/or other Pokemon/Mechmonsters.

Define Cyborg and Bionic.
Cyborg is defined as an organism, AKA a Pokemon, whom has hardware in its brain to alter the way it functions. These Mechmonsters are usually the mindless ones or loyal to Necron.
Bionic is defined as an organism, AKA a Pokemon, whom has mechanical or robotic hardware designed to augment or enhance its body. You can be fully encompassed in augments & enhancements, but you may not have your brain fully augmented/enhanced. You need to be an organism in some way.
You can be both of these.


✮ Mechmonsters are NOT robots!
✮ Please follow all PokeHeroes rules, including their RP rules!
✮ You may play as a Mechmonster or Pokemon. As many as you can handle.
✮ You may select ONE Legendary Pokemon that may only be used when a Boss Mechmonster or Raids (group of Mechmonsters) are getting too tough. I expect everyone to use their Legendaries appropriately.
✮ You may sign up for one Boss Mechmonster at a time. Please expect your Boss Mechmonster to be defeated, however not easily. I have a right to force the death of your Boss Mechmonster if I feel it is 'immortal' or taking too minimal damage too often (and after a warning). After Page 2 of the RP thread, they may appear at any time. Some may rampage together, too.
✮ Your Mechmonster does not have to be purified as long as it is not considered mindless. If mindless (Boss Mechmonster included), other characters have every right to attempt to faint your character and turn them in to Celebi for purification.
✮ Post in third person. No scripts. There is no minimum word limit as I want everyone to have a chance to play! Try and do at least two sentences please. Grammar and spelling are not terribly important, but please make sure we can understand your post(s)!
✮ Your Pokemon and/or Mechmonster are allowed to have unique appearances, but only to the extent of apparel, hair, extra limb(s), and other minimal changes. No Fakemon nor fused Pokemon allowed.
✮ By your decision only, your Pokemon may be captured and become a Mechmonster throughout the RP until Necron is abolished.
✮ You may not kill members of Necron. When they run out of Pokemon, you have every right to force them to run away, or perhaps making them "fly" off like Jesse & James in the anime!
✮ You may RP as a Necron member (but not the leader) at any time. I expect that everyone will use these NPCs appropriately. These are intended to be defeated, and their difficulty other than immortal is up to you. Some may possess regular Pokemon, however will always have at least one Mechmonster.
Please rotate posts if a scene is going on with three or more RPers. It is not fair to leave Poster #3 out without a chance to take part in the scene when they wished to join it. Consider everyone! I and other signed-up RPers have every right to disregard your posts if you do not give others at least 24 hours to respond before continuing the scene.
✮ Some Mechmonsters may have the ability to have their bionic parts transition along with transformation into Mega Forms. Some may be able to become Mega upon their own desire (whilst holding their Mega Stone), though usually only the Boss Mechmonsters seem to have this ability. (That means ask for permission first!)
✮ I have every right to approve/disapprove a character. The only purpose for this is so that everyone has equal opportunity to have fun!


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[b]Species:[/b] (Label Shiny first if so)
[b]Appearance:[/b] (Description or image(s) are acceptable.)
[b]Personality:[/b] (At least put good or evil. TBRP'd is acceptable otherwise.)

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[b]Original Species:[/b] (Label Shiny first if previously so, in case of purification)
[b]Appearance:[/b] (Description or image(s) are acceptable.)
[b]Personality:[/b] (At least put good or evil. TBRP'd is acceptable otherwise.)

Boss Mechmonster:
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[b]Name:[/b] (Optional, some don't speak.)
[b]Original Species:[/b] (Label Shiny first if previously so, in case of purification.)
[b]Appearance:[/b] (Description or image(s) are acceptable.)
(To continue playing this character after defeat, if you so wish, you will have to fill out the Pokemon form post-purification.)

Legendary Pokemon:
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[b]Name:[/b] (If it chooses to speak)
[b]Species:[/b] (Label Shiny in first if so)

My Forms

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Name: Bliss
Species: Shiny Vaporeon
Gender: Female
Personality: Bliss is a very good and vocal Pokemon, doing her best to round up others to save the world. She actually was owned by a Trainer, however had to escape her Village when a mindless Mechmonster abolished it. She has yet to see her Trainer since, unknowing if they are even alive. Regardless, her main purpose is to fight for the world and completely wipe out Team Necron. She has befriended a mech named Axel, a Gabite who lost loyalty to Necron. With experience, Bliss has been able to detain a few Mechmonsters by the use of ice moves. One time she was also able to use water to enhance one's electric move, making it far easier to disable and paralyze the mechmonster.

Name: Axel
Original Species: Gabite
Gender: Male
Appearance: This Gabite is rather ordinary, exceptions to all spikes, claws and teeth protruding further as well as encompassing a very metallic sheen. His physical attacks are far stronger with this enhancement, having also been given properly colored body armor on his belly down to his tail to prevent the huge weak spots. He still has regular Gabite skin on his head and back, minus the spikes. Eyes are completely bionic, giving him the ability to "zoom in" when he wishes for further precision and lessening the chance of missing attacks.
Personality: Axel is a good Mechmonster. He fights for the world and one day wishes to be purified so that he may evolve into a Garchomp one day. Despite being so powerful, the male would rather return to his full organic species and return to a relaxing life once this evil is all over. He is capable of some emotion, however certainly not all. For instance, he does not understand sorrow, and thus he is exceptionally optimistic and never loses hope. The heroic type, for sure.

Name: Ida
Species: Celebi
Gender: Genderless (However is okay with being referred to as female.)

Name: N/A
Original Species: Arcanine
Gender: None (Originally female)
Appearance: This mindless beast has a pair of rampant, glowing red eyes with a fully encompassed metallic body. Inside is left organic, however. The Arcanine is very speedy, and can seem to breathe fire like no one's business. It is not the hardest of bosses, however it is incredibly intimidating and is wrecking havoc in multiple villages and towns.

All of this is purely my alternative universe I made up. I wish to share it with you all, and hope you will find it fun! I understand this is a lot to read, but this is exciting stuff! I did not add a Trainer form because it's just too complicated. Perhaps another time I will do a Trainer-focused RP in this setting. For now, consider Pokeballs to have been disabled and crushed by Team Necron and most Trainer's Pokemon stolen, even from PCs. That means if you are not a part of Team Necron, you are Pokemon and Mechmon-less!
(Credit to Pkparaiso for the gifs!)
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 1,953
Posted: Fri, 14/07/2017 20:57 (7 Years ago)
Name: Ren
Species: Rotom
Gender: Genderless, male pronouns
Appearance: Its just a Rotom
Personality: good TBRP

Name: Fini
Species: Tapu Fini
Gender: Genderless, female pronouns
Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 8
Posted: Fri, 14/07/2017 21:07 (7 Years ago)
Accepted! ✓
Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 8
Posted: Mon, 17/07/2017 14:49 (7 Years ago)