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A Whole New Realm of Possibility

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanfictions A Whole New Realm of Possibility
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Tue, 20/06/2017 18:46 (6 Years ago)
"Is this really what you wanted?"
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Little intro before I start this, I hope you don't mind :3
I get the urge to write randomly, and it came today, so here we are. Again.
This will be a story I create as I go along, it has no set plot, and the characters will be either some of my older, more favored ones (you might even recognize a few from my RPs or feeds) or characters created specifically for this story. The latter will probably have bigger roles, but I may not be as comfortable writing with them since I do not have backstories or anything planned for them. They will be completely and totally created as I continue to write. My ideas tend to get jumbled, and confusing as I try and straighten them out and properly translate my thoughts from scenes to words (because it's not like I could draw any of it thanks to my awful art), so please bear in mind this may be a bit puzzling at first, but it will all come together eventually.
Feel free to post any comments on this story on this thread! I don't mind, really! Please do not be mean just for the sake of being mean, I promise I am doing my best, but constructive criticism is perfectly fine! If you do not want to post a comment here, you can always pm or pp me, and I'd love to hear your thoughts, predictions, or even ideas.
I will now stop babbling, and get on with the story, which will start in my next post.
Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy~!

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Tue, 20/06/2017 19:44 (6 Years ago)
Part One: The Shadows
"Shadows are the absence of light, they are not alive. At least, not anymore..."

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Rain is a beautiful thing sometimes. It is essential to flowers, it's pitter-patter can bring sleep, children enjoy dancing in it, and it can even create a spectacular rainbow to arc across the sky.
But not this rain. This rain is damp and cold. It brings with it thunder and lightning to keep even adults awake, and it crushes delicate blossoms with it's bullet-like tears.
Only one would be out during this weather, and she is. The rain, the lightning, the thunder, the clouds themselves call to her, whispering power and fear and companionship to her. She could dance among the drops again, she could feel the wild fury of the storm flow through her veins. A force of nature itself inside her, at her command, willing to bow to her if she told it to do so.
Yet, she can not.
Instead, she continues to walk through the dark, empty streets, navigating purely from memory thanks to the hidden moon. The clouds grumble above and she is soon soaked to the bone, but she does not mind. She has been waiting for the rain, and she would never hide from it.
As she stops in front of a dead end she glances up at the brick wall and tilts her head slightly. The shadows around her are silently waiting, just as she had waited for the rain. Only the shadows are far less patient. She quickly murmurs. "I simply ask for you to bring back the old ways, nothing more than bringing back the better days." The shadows are silent for a moment longer. Then, a tendril of darkness reaches out, spreading across the wall, growing in silence until a doorway of black is cut out of the brick.
She does not hesitate a moment longer. She steps into the usual dark room, and her entrance closes behind her in an instant.
"So lovely to see you again, darling." A voice purrs from the suffocating blackness of the room, surrounding her with it's soft words. "I was growing terribly bored waiting for that cursed rain to fall."
She stays silent, waiting until she is asked a direct question. She values her life. Hell, she only agreed to this to keep her life.
"So, what news do you bring to me this time, darling?"
Finally, she may speak. "Fantasy has been growing stronger. However, Mahalo is teaching her to keep her abilities within herself. She is learning the new way of the world, and while she does not like it, she is obeying the rules."
"Ah, wonderful, everything is going according to plan!" The voice laughs a little. "Don't you just love it when things work out perfectly? It feels lovely, it makes me almost happy. You may go, but I expect Fantasy and Mahalo to both be dead by the end of the week. Is that clear?"
"Yes, ma'am." She replies, heading towards a rapidly-forming doorway back into the real world when the voice stops her again.
"Oh, and..." The voice suddenly becomes cold. "I want Fantasy's Malia brought to me when she is killed, or you will never get to feel the rain on your skin again. Clear? Good. You are dismissed, Makau..."

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Tue, 20/06/2017 21:09 (6 Years ago)
Part Two: Legends
"Everything is different now, and reality is all we have left..."

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"Fantasy! Do you want your bedtime story or not?!" Mahalo calls, not even glancing away from the spines of the books she's inspecting. Fantasy always asked for a bedtime story, ever since she was a little girl. 'The Steel Flower or Starshine?' Mahalo wonders, pulling out the two books. Starshine is definitely bigger, almost an inch thick, but it has pictures. The Steel Flower is only about half an inch thick, and that's with it's hardback cover, but Fantasy always loved the horror story. 'Maybe it's her father's genes...' Mahalo thinks, a soft, amused smile coming faintly to her lips. 'Let's pray to the stars I'm wrong or we'll have one unruly teenager on our hands...'
"Mahalo! I'm too old for bedtime stories!" Fantasy replies, poking her head around the doorway. The eleven-year-old's short black curls are still damp from her shower, but the look in her pale gold eyes says 'I'm a princess and I'll get what I want.' "Besides, I've read all those books a thousand times." Fantasy rolls her eyes and the beautifully carved tall black bookcase, stuffed full of books. "I want something new."
"Well, until Queen Illia gets back from her trip to Miera, you'll just have to make do with what you have." Mahalo replies, giving the princess a 'I ain't dealing with your crap' look through her wire-rimmed glasses.
"Ugh. My stupid step brother's wife doesn't care about books. All she cares about is makeup and jewelry and fashion."
"Fantasy! Do not speak of the King's wife in such a way! I know you are a princess but you are a princess with manners." Mahalo says, glaring at the girl. "Sit down on the bed and I'll find something from my bookcase, then."
Fantasy flops on the canopy bed with a dramatic sigh, her beautiful nightgown stitched with little foxes settling around her like a cloud. The white fabric is as soft as feathers, the foxes are stitched carefully to be extra detailed, and it's Fantasy's favorite nightgown. "I've read everything from your bookcase too."
Mahalo frowns, tucking The Steel Flower and Starshine back in their correct places on the crowded shelves. "Hm. Well... maybe I could tell you a legend. But only if you don't tell the King or Queen. They're very strict about these sorts of things, and--"
"Oooh, I promise I won't tell!" Fantasy says, sitting bolt upright, grinning. "Will you really tell me a legend?"
"If you swear upon the dead stars you won't tattle, then yes." Mahalo replies, going over to the door and closing it quickly. "Get tucked into bed, now, Fantasy."
Fantasy scrambles to get under the galaxy-printed covers, almost unable to contain her excitement. "Ok! Tell me!"
"All right, all right, settle down." Mahalo says, sitting on the edge on the bed near the princess' feet. She clears her throat. "Long ago, the world was ruled not only by the King and Queen, but by the Protectors. Each stood for one of the key elements. There was the element of Magic, the element of Earth, the element of Light, the element of Dark, the element of Mind, and the element of Imagination. For a while, the Protectors kept the balance and all was right in the world. Except, one day, a fight broke out between the Protectors for Dark and Light. They argued and fought, and soon the other Protectors were drawn into the fighting, all except Imagination, who tried to fix the problem.
"The King and Queen had to do something quickly before the whole world was thrown out of balance. They realized that this would not be the last time the Protectors would argue and they came to a final decision. They would ban the use of special abilities in the whole kingdom. No one was to use them, and those who refused to comply would be forced to wear a bracelet that would keep their powers from being activated. The Protectors were defiant, they protested this ban. They were all exiled for treason.
"Soon, special abilities faded until no one had them anymore. They forgot about them, and once they did just that they were perfectly happy. Things became normal once more. And everything was right with the world, and it still is today." Mahalo finishes, cleaning her glasses before standing up. "Goodnight, Fantasy." She says softly, kissing the princess on the cheek. "May your father look down upon you from the stars and give you good dreams."
Mahalo heads for the door, turning off the lights when she's there and putting her hand on the handle. She's about to leave when Fantasy's voice cuts through the darkness. "Father isn't dead, Mahalo." She says quietly. Mahalo is stunned by this, Fantasy had always known, but she had never said anything.
"No, you're right, Fantasy. But if we choose to think that it might spare us from the harsh truth. Believing he is dead is kinder. Goodnight, Fantasy."
"I love you, Mahalo."
"I love you too, my Ink Puddle." Mahalo replies, her heart swelling at Fantasy's words, before closing the door silently and leaving the princess in darkness and shadows.

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This is kinda long... oops...
I hope you like it! I doubt I have any fans of this out there, but just in case I do...
I will try and update as often as possible. I may update several times a day on weekends, and since I have summer camp on weekdays and climbing on Tuesday and Thursday I will try and update on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday during the week, possibly aiming for an update everyday?? Idk, as I said, making this up as I go along.
Feel free to tell me what you think so far! I'll try and update again today, but I don't know if I'll have time. Make some predictions! Why isn't Fantasy's mother queen? Who is Fantasy's father and where is he? Who is Makau and who was she talking to? If I like it, it might even be added in, so feel free to post it here or pm or pp me!
Thankies for reading~!

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Sat, 24/06/2017 15:50 (6 Years ago)
Part Three: The Beginning of Everything Important
"What's the point of life if there's nothing worth living for?"

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8 Years Later...

If you could change anything about your life, what would you change?
Maybe your appearance, or your personality, maybe even something about the world. You could solve world hunger, or even grant world peace. You could change racial discrimination, religious prejudice, anything you wanted to.
Me, I'd change the fact I'm a princess.
It's not that I have a problem with the here's-everything-you-ever-wanted-on-a-silver-platter thing. Actually, my problem lies in the fact I DON'T have everything I've ever wanted. I don't want fancy dresses, tiaras, diamond necklaces, or the finest food. It's not that I don't like those things, although I could do without the jewelry and fancy skirts, it's just not the things I really want.
What do I really want?
I want my family back, that's what I want. I want Makau to be able to do what she loves again, I want Mahalo to be able not to worry about me constantly, I want my pets to be free with me and be happy. I want my dad back. But somethings are impossible, somethings can't be changed.
Maybe my resentment is why my best friends aren't exactly fit for a princess.
"DUSTY!" I yell, racing through the grand hallways, my sneakers thumping against the swirling marble. "DUSTY THIS ISN'T FUNNY."
"Of course it's funny." Dusty replies, his voice echoing around me, from no particular direction. Copycats can be a serious pain sometimes.
"Ouch, that hurts." Dusty replies, poking his head around the corner. His sandy brown hair is ruffled as usual, and his dark eyes are glittering with an inner light.
"Stars in the sky, give me my necklace back, you freak." I snap.
"I could tell Viora you said that. Calling me a freak isn't very nice-"
"Dusty, I will call Makau to kick your sorry butt." I reply, narrowing my eyes and putting my hands on my hips.
"Ok, ok, no need to call Monster." Dusty says, holding out a chain necklace with a charm of a lily on it, carved out of white crystal. I snatch it, putting it around my neck and tucking the end under my shirt. "Hey, Fantasy? Can we go into the town? I'm bored as a tailless Saria."
"Of course we can't, Dusty, Mahalo would have my hide." I reply bitterly.
Dusty frowns, then brightens. "I have an idea."
"Oh boy."
"You're 19, right? It's ridiculous you have to stay in this pretty-but-awfully-boring castle. So lets run away! Just me and you, and we'll go into town, and you can bring your Malia and we'll just run for a week or so, and when we come back safely Mahalo will HAVE to admit that we'd be okay on our own and we'll have more freedom!" Dusty says excitedly, his eyes shining with a determined look.
"That sounds like an absolutely awful idea. I'm in." I reply. "I'll go pack, and we'll leave tonight. Meet me outside the castle gates at midnight."
Dusty grins, scampering off around the corner, probably leaving the castle to go to his own home to pack. I smile too.
After all, what could go wrong?

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I know it's not exactly action-packed, or particularly interesting, but I have to get some stuff out of the way. Although, there are little things you may pick up on in it cough cough like Makau and Fantasy both still being alive eight years after the former was supposed to murder the latter cough cough, so I hope you enjoyed it. Ill try and update again later, where I'll introduce more of the team I'm slowly assembling.
The first few parts will probably intro a ton of new characters, so you have been warned.
Oh, and I have only ONE thing planned for this entire story so far I've broken my rule, and she's a character that I'm going to have a lot of fun with.
See you (hopefully) later, and thanks for reading!

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Sun, 25/06/2017 13:23 (6 Years ago)
Part Four: Normal
"Everyone wants to be special, it's not unique. You know what is unique? Wanting to be normal."

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The moon is like a hooked silver claw in the sky, it's weak light edging the light green leaves of the trees lining the path and making them shine. The stars glitter in the black, showing me the cobbled road that would otherwise be swallowed by the dark night. With Dusty's quiet footsteps behind me, the crickets and other bugs singing their nightly tunes, the gentle rustling of nocturnal animals prowling through the woods, the hoots of owls, and the soft wind making branches rub together, it all seems so peaceful. Galaxy, my Malia, is curled around my shoulders, her scaly body rising and falling evenly as she sleeps. Excitement and anxiety are fighting for control in my chest. I've finally left the castle, hooray! But what will Makau, and Mahalo, even Illia and Krean think? Will Illia and Krean even worry? It's not like my step brother and his wife have ever actually cared about me much, but Makau and Mahalo have. Both of them have been there basically all my life. I shake the worrying thoughts out of my head. This is going to be great.
The sun is just peeking over the mountains outside the walls of Crowina when we reach the town, which is just starting to wake up. Shop owners are turning on their lights, putting up their "open" signs, and unlocking their doors for early morning customers. The market is mostly empty, the only people there setting up their stalls full of everything from fruits to sweaters.
"Woah." I breathe, staring at the village around us. Galaxy shifts, burying her face into my neck to block out the barks of doegs, the chatter of the shopkeepers, and the loud footsteps and noises of the market being set up.
"Pretty cool, right? It's always so nice in the summer mornings before the heat sets in." Dusty says, coming up to stand beside me.
I admit, it is nice, but it's not what I want. I've been here before, albeit with both Makau and Mahalo to keep me safe. People will notice me as their princess, and that's exactly what I don't want. I want to be treated like a normal person, and there's only one solution.
"We're going beyond the walls of Crowina."

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Next part will hopefully be updated later today.
I was going to finish this one last night but I took pills that made me sleepy and I fell asleep. Oops.
Hope you all like this one! Not much dialogue, but it's very descriptive, and I really like it.
That's all for now, thanks for reading!

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Sun, 25/06/2017 17:28 (6 Years ago)
Part Five: Pulling the Strings
"Sometimes, it seems like destruction is caused by some unknown force we can never see..."

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The blackness where I live is suffocating. It wraps around you, persuading you to lay down and sleep, to never wake up again. It calms you, the sea of silent darkness, like a mother soothing her crying child.
Unfortunately, it's never helped ME sleep.
Around me, islands float, little pieces of color in the dead black, each a little different. Jinx sleeps on a little island covered with pale purple and blue flowers, curled up in the olive green coils of her serpent, which is also resting on the small piece of land. The others are also sleeping, Jaxin, Rain, even Crimson, who normally hates to rest.
Yet I sit on my island, wide awake, gazing at the sleeping forms all around me. An insomniac in an ocean of lullabies and dreams.
The idea of sleep seems impossible to even attempt again, so I turn to what I normally do when I can't sleep. I create.
The needle in my fingers is like an extension of my own body, weaving the thread as I will it so. Adding the eyes, fixing a place I missed before, until it is finished. A little doll, with black button eyes, a soft smile, black threads of hair down it's back, dressed in a simple lilac dress. I gaze at it a moment, wondering who it could be, why I made this when I was trying to make Jinx.
Then it hits me. It's an order, from myself. My own mind trying to tell me something. But what? Nothing comes to me. Is it a kill order? Is it a new recruit? Is it someone I have to be wary of?
My thoughts are broken by a voice. "Can't sleep, Discord?"
"Leave me alone, Mare." I growl. Mare is the only one brave enough to defy me, so of course, she ignores my warning and sits on the edge of the island by me.
"I'm only here because I worry, Discord. Is our leader growing, dare I say, weaker?" She replies, her voice dripping with fake concern. Without even looking at her I can tell her midnight blue eyes are gleaming with hunger for power. I can't blame her, I'd do the same thing if I was in her position.
"It's a little insomnia, Mare, nothing to go making false accusations about. You may leave now." I reply, an edge to my voice, daring her to suggest it again. That's how the Shadows works, you're polite, you pretend to hide your lust for power, you do anything to get ahead. After all, I started the whole thing.
"All right, Discord, I admit, I have another reason for talking to you." Mare replies, her voice firm and serious now. "We are getting restless. We need something to do. We can't keep waiting forever. We crave blood."
I glance up into Mare's dark blue eyes, my own mismatched irises burning with an inner fire. Finally, she says something sensible. "Soon, Mare. We must be patient. But I do have a few people I need killed..." I look down at the doll I've made.
"Tomorrow. Tomorrow, I'll let everyone pick one off my list to kill. I promise."

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I really want to update again today, because I only got one in yesterday, so that might happen.
Originally, I thought I was going to do it all from Fantasy's POV, but I liked the idea of Discord's POV, and I might do other's POVs too.
Um, thanks for reading! I enjoy your support!

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Sun, 25/06/2017 18:58 (6 Years ago)
Part Six: Confronted with Murder
"Insanity is always relative..."

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I glance up at the sun on the horizon, glad to see the outline of houses in the early morning sunlight, way out in the distance. "I see civilization! I think it's Wina!" I call to Dusty behind me. I run forwards, my backpack thumping against my spine in my excitement to see a whole other world.
"Hey! Fantasy! Wait up!" Dusty yells, but I refuse to stop. Wina isn't just a town, Wina's a whole other country, completely different from Crowina. Completely new. The city grows closer and closer, until soon I'm standing at the outskirts of a bustling town, alien compared to the towns of Crowina.
Every building stands tall, skyscrapers, I remember them being called. Cafes and shops are everywhere, and there's tons of people. I'm staring at it all in wonder when Dusty catches up to me.
"Cool, huh? A bit busy, though." Dusty says. "I believe this town is called Gray City."
"It's... awesome." I say, and Dusty grabs my hand, pulling me down the street. "Hey! Where are we going?" I say, startled.
"Just--" He's cut off as Galaxy leaps out of my backpack and races down a nearby alleyway.
"GALAXY!" I call, racing after the small, dragon-like creature. "Galaxy, get back here!" I can hear Dusty following me quickly as I chase the nimble animal. We finally reach a dead end where Galaxy is cowering against the wall, hissing.
"Hey, girl, what's wrong?" I ask calmly, reaching down to pick her up. Then, a voice makes me freeze.
"Interesting seeing a Crowina girl here, in Wina."
I whip around as Dusty backs up a step, taking in the tall girl before me. She has golden blonde hair cut boyishly short and ruffled, as if she's just come from a small fight. Her skin isn't pale, it's more of an even tan, and her pale red eyes glitter with excitement, for what, I'm not sure. She's wearing a white tank top and dark jeans, and she's grinning. There's a few things that make me nervous about her, however.
Namely, the bloody knife in her red-stained fingers.
Also, her smile is more creepy than comforting, and a purple-red design is traced on her right cheek that looks similar to a paint splatter. Or a splatter of blood.
"You aren't the one I was told to kill, but I'm sure no one will mind of I kill you too, hm?" She says.
"W-what?" I ask, taking a step back, my eyes darting to her blood-covered knife.
She's about to answer when a shot rings out, and her eyes widen as red blossoms on the side of her white shirt. She drops the knife and crumples to her knees, clutching her bleeding side, and allowing me a look at the pale girl behind her.
"She's a healer! Run!" The girl says, pointing her gun at the bleeding murderer.
'Not like I need any more of a reason.' I think, scooping up Galaxy , grabbing Dusty, and dashing past both of the mysterious girls. A final shot sounds behind us before the pale girl joins us in our running. She ducks down another alley, calling. "This way!"
There's not hesitation as I follow her. After all, she saved my life.

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I really like this part.
That's all I have to say, thanks for reading!

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Tue, 27/06/2017 11:03 (6 Years ago)
Part Seven: Dreams and Nightmares
"Sometimes, your worst nightmares take on the appearance of perfect dreams..."

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The black around me is suffocating.
Not the normal black I'm used to, in fact this really isn't black at all. More like a midnight blue that gets darker and darker as I sink lower and lower. My lungs aching as they gasp for air, my muscles burning as I frantically try to kick towards the surface, my mind clouding as it's deprived of oxygen. My struggles are useless, I continue to go down deeper and deeper, into the murky depths of the sea.
Theoretically, I shouldn't be scared. I'm not scared of anything. The ocean is something I understand, I probably know more about it than almost anyone else. I know everything about it. It is not unknown to me. I should not be scared.
But all reason is out the window as tears prick my eyes, their salty drops lost to the water around me as they shed. Fear is all I can feel anymore. Panic rising in my chest as saltwater rushes into my lungs, as my vision darkens. Anxiety and worry gnawing at my insides as everything fades to black, as I die...
I wake with a start, the panic still swelling inside me. 'Calm, Discord, calm...' The rational part of my brain tells me, and the fear is gone in an instant, just a distant memory from an awful nightmare.
I roll over intending to get a little more rest, as the others around me are doing, but I don't sleep again the rest of the night.
- - - - -
There's absolutely nothing to do in this empty black void that Discord calls home. Not that any of the Shades complain about it. Discord only has to give you the look once, to see the fire burning in her mismatched eyes, the pain and grief she could inflict on you in mere seconds.
Needless to say, you don't complain twice. The fear keeps us in line.
I don't even think Discord means to do it sometimes. I don't think she's aiming for fear. Honestly, sometimes I think Discord's just someone who happened to get really messed up when she was young or something. I read people, but Discord is one of the very few I can't read.
"Yo, Cyanide, you going or not?" Malu's annoyed voice cuts into my thoughts, and I glare at her before setting my two cards facedown on the pile without even glancing away.
"BS." Fairy cuts in, flipping over my cards. I give a slight smirk at her groan when they're both kings. She takes the whole pile into her hand, frowning at me, not a good look with the bright pink eyes and blonde curls, I must say. Malu and Crimson, the other two playing, both looked a bit relieved. After all, I always win, but at least they won't lose like Fairy will.
Malu's simple black, sleeved dress is spread out around her, with her long, graceful legs tucked to her right side. Her chocolatey brown curls are as neat as always, and her fierce yellow eyes are focus on the now-growing pile of cards as we go around the circle. Malu's as easy to read as a book, she's relaxed, but restless, betrayed by her tapping fingers against the cards in her hand. Probably wants to break something, that's nothing new. Same boring emotions as always.
Crimson, however, is a little more interesting. On the outside he seems easy to read, he's quiet because he's thinking and he's a little on edge because, of course, he's playing against me. He seems a bit on the silent side, but sweet and smart nonetheless. Underneath that, though, I can glimpse a burning fire in his dark red eyes that's worryingly similar to Discord's. I know he doesn't sleep much at all, but there doesn't seem to be any particular reason for doing so. I know he doesn't like fire, which is odd because he has an arsonist for a best friend, but other than that, I don't know much about him, and the stuff I do doesn't really make sense.
"Cya! Crimson! Fairy! Malu!" A happy voice calls. Rain's voice. "Guess what? You guys have been chosen to hunt down Ria, who Liro failed to murder properly! Oh, I wish Discord had picked me too! Why does Cyanide get to go and not me? She doesn't even have powers!"
"Excuse me? I do to. I just don't use them for stupid things." I reply.
Crimson, in an effort to avoid an all-out fight that would probably occur, stands up, throwing down the few cards he has left. "Cyanide won. Let's go get our stuff and head out, we all know how Discord hates to have a witness."
I shrug. "I suppose. Finally, a murder in my area of expertise. I hope Ria at least likes what I have planned..."

· · · · ·

Meet Cyanide. Thanks to Atavan for picking her name.
At first she was going to be the peacemaker, but I think I like her better as the logical one. Whoop.
Also, I think we can all guess who Ria is.
Welp, later! Thanks for reading!

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Thu, 29/06/2017 13:34 (6 Years ago)
Part Eight: Predictable
"She can change her face, but she cannot change her heart..."

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"How long has it been since they saw Liro?" Malu asks in a quiet voice, not taking her eyes off the screen showing Ria, Fantasy, Dustdevil, and Galaxy.
"Thirty-two minutes, twenty seconds." I reply, repeating the information Discord had rattled off and factoring in the time we've been staring and waiting. "Roughly."
"That stupid mafia member, no one can kill her off alone and instead we have to work together, ugh!" Fairy says, a slight hiss to her voice.
"Well, I could, but Discord would never let me try alone." Crimson growls.
"Look, I got a plan, and it will work. Just a little surprise attack, distract Ria, kill the copycat and the princess, and bring her back and let Discord do whatever she wants to do with her soul. Fool-proof. Good thing, since I'm working with them." I say.
All three of them turn to glare at me.
"Except Crimson. Crimson's cool." I add, and Crimson smiles slightly, winking at me.
"All right, Cya, explain your plan..." Fairy says, crossing her arms.
"With pleasure. Ria won't know what hit her."
- - - - -
"Look, I know this is weird and sudden, but I've lost fifteen perfectly good members to the Shadows, and I definitely can't lose the best copycat to ever exist and the princess of Crowina." Ria says, after explaining everything. Honestly, I'm not sure if I should believe her, but then again... I saw 'Liro' with my own eyes, didn't I?
Ria, the pale girl who saved my life, is a big-time mafia member. That would be reason enough to not trust her. But then again, she doesn't seem all that untrustworthy. In fact, she seems quite sweet, caring about us without even properly knowing us.
The room we're in is more like a lab than an office, with every beautifully carved table covered with computers, wires, beakers, bottles, even cages filled with some of the oddest creations I've ever seen. There are no windows, the light comes from jar-like light fixtures tinted amber that cast warm but bright light through the entire room. The walls are painted a sandy brown with a little of a yellow undertone, and it makes the whole room seem calm. I have no idea where exactly we are, somewhere down an alley, I guess, in a supposedly abandoned building.
Dusty pulls me out of my thoughts. "What makes you so sure the 'Shadows' will send another 'Shade' after us?"
"Because their leader doesn't like witness. Or to be beat." Ria replies. Her gaze shifts from us to a picture behind us I saw when we walked in. A younger-looking Ria with someone else, it looks like a slightly older sister. The other person has the same short caramel hair, the same playful features, the only difference is her eyes, which are a lighter purple than Ria's deep violet eyes. Her gaze snaps back to us. "Trust me, they will come back."
"How right you are." A new voice says, and a girl appears out of nowhere behind Ria, making her whip around. The girl's blonde curls shine in the amber light and her pink eyes are filled with blood-lust. She's wearing skinny white jeans, a light pink blouse, and a necklace of white diamonds.
"Fairy." Ria hisses.
"Not only her." Another voice calls, and two more people appear, one to my left and one to my right, only a few feet away. One is a guy, with ruffled black hair and deep red eyes, wearing simple jeans and a black t-shirt. The other is a girl, with chocolate brown curls spilling down her back, and wearing a simple black dress with small sleeves. She only looks about twelve, but her fierce yellow eyes burn with enough hatred for a lifetime.
"Did you really think you could outsmart Discord? No, no, no, Ria, she always sends her best." A final voice calls behind me, and I turn to see another girl.
Even wearing a suit with a light purple bowtie and a very small top hat that floats above her head, even with the murderous look in her eyes and the sharp fangs twisted in a smile, I can recognize her. Even though I've only seen her once. My fears are confirmed by her next words.
"Hello Ria. Or should I say, little sister?"

· · · · ·

I'm not sorry.
I have another update planned for either later today or tomorrow though, so I won't keep you on this cliffhanger forever, don't worry.
I really do love Cyanide, though. I didn't plan on her even being a big part of the story, but now I'm pretty sure that's how she's going to end up.
Thanks for reading! Later!

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Fri, 30/06/2017 23:54 (6 Years ago)
Part Nine: Atychiphobia
"When you face your worst fear, sometimes your heart just can't take it..."

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The feeling of your own body shattering into millions of pieces, dissolving into nothing, it really hurts. Fear and panic breaking apart every fiber of my being, cracking my soul itself, making my own heart crumble like sandstone. Everything hurts, I can't escape the pain. So I scream, I scream for someone to help me.
But no one does, no one even hears.
I suddenly realize the true meaning of what it is to be a Shade, to be part of the Shadows. Living in fear of this pain, our only weakness, that's what makes us what we are. I never thought it'd happen to me, I never thought it would even hurt like this.
My body is shattering, my mind will follow soon after. I know this, I remember Discord explaining it all to me, how it worked. My soul killing itself from the inside out. It hurts, it hurts so much, and I don't want to die, I never even considered dying.
I am Cyanide, and I am dead.
- - 5 Minutes Before - -
"Cina..." Ria says, facing her older sister, her dark purple eyes glistening with unshed tears. "Please, you don't have to do this--"
"Really? I distinctly remember Miss Chaos telling me to murder Ria Redmirror. Well, us." Ria's sister glances at the guy, who winks in reply, fingering a knife. The other two girls look faintly annoyed by this, but stay silent.
"Cina, this isn't you."
"You're right. This isn't Cina. This is Cyanide." She grins even more, her sharp teeth gleaming white and bringing an unsettling image of a vicious doeg.
"I can just call for help, you know. I'm never alone in this place." Ria says, suddenly looking fierce.
"Please, Ria, I think of everything. No one can get in or out of this room until Malu disables the shield." Cyanide replies, and the girl in the black dress smiles slightly, as if proud of her work.
"Maybe I can beat you in a fight."
"Doubtful, especially if it's you against Crimson and I." Cyanide replies. "Face it, you're beat, so if you'd kindly hand over your soul so I can get this over with quickly, that'd be lovel--"
"Hey, Ria, why do you have a shadow shield around-- OH MY STARS." A girl, maybe 19, walks into the room, leaving the door open behind her as she stares at Cyanide in shock. Her coffee cup is shattered on the ground, the contents pooling in the remains. After a brief moment of silence where everyone seems too surprised to say anything, the girl suddenly snaps her fingers and Cyanide is slammed against the wall, making me wince as there's a loud crack.
Crimson, Malu, and the other attacker suddenly spring into action too. Malu gasps and a pool of darkness forms around her, swallowing her and making her disappear into nothing. Crimson clutches his knife and pops out of existence in the blink of an eye. The final girl yelps and dissolves into a shower of pink glitter.
Cyanide is seemingly pinned against the wall by an invisible force, probably created by the new girl, and her light purple eyes are wide in disbelief.
Ria relaxes slightly. "Thanks, Hollow."
"You're welcome." The girl, Hollow, replies. "Guess the great Cyanide has finally been beat."
"I've..." Cyanide's gaze turns to one of horror, and before I can even wonder what's wrong, she collapses, making Hollow yelp in surprise.
"What happened?!" Ria exclaims as I back up against one of the tables, confused and afraid of whatever is going on.
"Oh my stars was it something I did I didn't do anything oh my stars oh my stars." Hollow says, her words coming out jumbled and barely even recognizable as she gazes at Cyanide in absolute terror.
Slowly, Cyanide's body starts breaking apart into little pieces of light that float up and fade into nothing. Ria rushes to her side, but Cyanide's stopped breathing, and when the younger sister presses her hand against her older sister's chest to summon her soul, I already know what she's going to see.
The light purple sphere of pure energy is cracked, black lightning bolts inching their way into Cyanide's very being.
"Oh my stars no..." Hollow whispers, and I silently agree.
Cyanide is dying.

· · · · ·

Am I evil yet? :3
I'm sorry about the late update, but I had to figure out how exactly to plan out this chapter, and the beginning took a LOOOOT of tweaking until I was happy with it.
I'm going someplace with no wifi over the weekend, so you'll have to wait until late Monday or Tuesday for your next update.
Thanks for reading! See you next time~!

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Tue, 04/07/2017 18:27 (6 Years ago)
Part Ten: Protector of Wishes
"It's hard to protect something you do not believe in yourself..."

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A long time ago, when the world was still young, and the immortals still lived among the creatures on the surface, a new creature was born.
She was not made from starlight like many of the other Ancients, nor was she made from water, fire, earth, or air. In fact, she seemed to serve no purpose, and it was as if she popped into existence only to be there, and nothing more.
Nova, the first Ancient to find the creature, was puzzled by her appearance. She wasn't like the other Ancients, who were all very human-like in structure, or like the animals, who mostly walked on four, three, or six legs, or flew, or swam, and were never completely bipedal. She was very cat-like in structure, but her back feet were large and flat so she could stand on two legs and walk around. Her ears were large and pointed, her snout short, with a tiny black nose and big cobalt blue eyes. She had small, sharp teeth, and short but soft fur. Her tail was long and ended in a big tuft of dark blue fur. Her pelt was an aqua color, with odd markings like runes in dark blue to break up the light color.
Not knowing what to do with the little creature, she decided to take her to her tree-top home and give her a name. At first, Nova called her Midnight, but it soon became clear the creature did not like the name. She hissed and growled and snapped whenever she was called Midnight. Nova went through dozens of names, from Rune to Royal, Cobalt to Crystal, even Moonlight and Aqua were rejected. In desperation, Nova asked the creature herself. She was certainly not expecting an answer, and yet she got one.
The little creature appeared to think for a moment, then she replied. "R...Rogen." She managed, taking Nova by surprise. But from that day on, the creature was called Rogen, and she lived happily with Nova in their tree house. Rogen was obviously an intelligent creature, and she could even speak, though she struggled with pronouncing words sometimes. Her main form of communication was chirps, growls, hisses, odd purr-like noises, and the occasional loud shriek or soft murmur. She could imitate other noises too, like the call of morning birds or the rustle of leaves or the sound of thunder.
Nova noticed, after a while, something very curious about Rogen. If the little creature wanted something, she'd say her name over and over again. Even if it was the most absurd thing, like catching a butterfly, she's say her name to herself repeatedly and a few minutes later she'd have a butterfly in her tail. Rogen appeared to have no control over this power, sometimes she'd say her name so many times her quiet voice turned into an angry demand, but it only worked half of the time.
Nova, interested by this odd behavior, asked Rogen about it one day. The little creature looked up from her puzzle and stared at Nova very seriously, but her reply came in an odd chirp, and no matter how many times she asked Rogen to use words, the furry animal wouldn't utter a recognizable letter. Nova soon forgot about it, as Ancients tend to do, and Rogen lived with her happily for many years.
That is, until the humans came around, and the Ancients realized it was too dangerous to stay on the surface of their beloved world. Nova left Rogen, leaving behind a sad, confused, lonely creature who didn't understand why her owner had left. She blamed it on herself, which is never good for Ancients. If an Ancient is to think too harshly of themselves, feel too guilty, too sad or lonely, an Ancient can end up fading away.
Rogen was lonely and sad, judged herself, felt guilty for making Nova leave, all of it was too much for the poor creature.
And one of the last Ancients left in the world disappeared into nothing...

· · · · ·

You thought I was going to continue part nine, huh?
Nah, I like this little intermission more. It shows I'm still unpredictable on which POV or character I'm going to do, which is what I want. Never expect something other than an update, who knows what the content will be, especially since this all created as I go.
Uh, thanks for reading! See ya!

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Tue, 04/07/2017 21:52 (6 Years ago)
Part Eleven: Alone
"People fear things that are different, and fear can make them do awful things..."

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"Legends say a hero of darkness will come, saving us from our fading souls." Nimu says, scratching a heart into the dust of the clearing.
"Hero of darkness?" Kili spits, his pacing leaving footprints over footprints in the soft ground. "Everyone knows darkness brings destruction, and destruction is not good. Certainly not a hero!" The small, dog-like creature's white pelt shines like fresh snow, the icy blue markings that spiral up from his paws and fade around his belly partly hidden by the sand he's kicked up.
"Good has failed us. Maybe it's time for some bad." Nimu replies, the sheep-like animal frowning at the ground. Her pale pink, thin fur underneath her pastel blue fluff that only covers her back, belly, chest, tail, and the top of her head is spotless, her curled golden rams horns and tiny matching hooves sparkling clean.
"How can you possibly say that? Good has failed us before, yes, but destruction caused the problem in the first place, right? Chaos only brings despair to all those involved." Kili says, planting his paws and glaring at Nimu.
"Not to the ones who spread it. Some are happy spreading their seeds of chaos, giving the world flavor and drama. Think about it, without bad, would there be good?" Nimu replies quietly, looking at him with her pale green eyes.
"Of course there would be. Somehow." Kili says, flicking his furry stump of a tail to dismiss the question, saving him from answering. He hates being wrong.
"Mhmm." Nimu hums. "After all, who are we to question Hollow's words? The words of one so much greater than ourselves. She is smart, and I could see the determination in her young eyes as she said it. She believes the words, and so will I."
"We're Ancients too." Kili mutters. "Even if we're fading a little."
"Soon we'll be whole again. If Hollow says we will, we will." Nimu says calmly, closing her eyes. "Our hero of darkness will save our race, our hero of chaos will end the war of life and death. Our borderline hero will fuel our fires and balance again."
"That makes no sense."
"Just trust in the words, Kili, when have I ever let you down? Our demonic angel will come."

· · · · ·

I really love Nimu.
Um, thanks for reading, hopefully I'll get in an update tomorrow~

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Thu, 06/07/2017 23:30 (6 Years ago)
Part Twelve: Demon
"The only person who did not fear her was the one who created her..."

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"You idiots!" I exclaim pacing around on the small island in front of Malu, Crimson, and Fairy, my anger bubbling up in my chest as I try and fail to keep it under control. "I trained you to be the best fighters to every exist and you RAN AWAY?!"
"It was Hollow! I am not going to provoke a Celestial, even if she's the youngest! Everything Cyanide ever said about her was about how powerful she was, she could have dissolved us into nothing in a matter of seconds!" Fairy argues, ignoring the warning look from Crimson. Without warning, I stop pacing and pick up the blonde girl but the front of her shirt, quite easy since I'm almost a head taller than her.
"Fairy, I trained you to be the best of the best, to never run away, to win every single fight. Do not tell me you were scared to sacrifice your life for my cause, because that will surely land your soul among my collection." I hiss, staring into her wide pink eyes.
"N-no, I-I--"
"What she meant to say," Crimson interrupts. "Was we, or at least Malu and myself, decided it would be a foolish sacrifice to take down only one and kill possibly all of us when someone or ones much more... capable could do so without risk of losing their lives. We would gladly die for you, Miss Discord, but I know I want to see your plan succeed with as little deaths on our side as possible so there is more of our army to aid you when your plan sees completion. And I'm sure the others want that too."
I soften slightly at his words, letting Fairy crash to the ground at my feet. It's not like I'm one for flattery, but Crimson has always been one of my favorite Shades, with his odd, flip-flopping personality. He was one of the first to join me, and he's probably one of the most loyal.
"Humph, I suppose you're right. You all may live, and there will be no punishment, but I expect better. We lost of our best fighters today, and she is most certainly dead. Tell no one to bother me or I will most certainly shatter their soul and piece it back together into one of my demons." I reply, turning around to gaze up at the big, dark tree on the island. "You may leave."
When the talking of the three is almost gone, I glance over to pool of shining black water by the tree's roots. "Speaking of my demons, maybe I should get one to help me..."

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Tue, 11/07/2017 20:21 (6 Years ago)
Part Thirteen: Taking the Crown
"You think I'm psycho you think I'm gone, tell the psychiatrist something is wrong...

· · · · ·

There's a lot of 'evil' in this world.
Sure, everything seems so perfect. It's lulled the general population into a sense of security. Their world is fantastic, it will never fall. It is their invincible empire.
Then there's the Shadows, led by Discord. The group full of insanity, murder, violence, the best criminals and fighters out there. Mysterious, elusive, deadly, they stay true to their names. True motives unknown, but it's obvious they want to take over the world, killing off all the powerful people before they can stop them.
Not mention Seafire, the only person to ever escape the Shadows alive. He fights simply for the death, wanting no one to even try and challenge him. He takes no defiance, he works alone.
There's Royal, who's the self-appointed princess of all things evil. She wants to shape the world in her own image, no royalty, no higher power, equality and chaos through all the land. No rules, no regulations, nothing. Truly a 'survival of the fittest' image.
Finally, we come to me. And what do I want?
Power, of course. I want the crown. I want whatever the hell I want.
Sure, I'm mad. Crazy. Bonkers. But all the best people are crazy, right?
Crazy gets you somewhere. As long as you're crazy enough, you can do anything. As long as you try hard enough, you can succeed with even the wildest of dreams.
Unfortunately, I don't possess the skills for what I need. So there's only one person I know that would even consider working with me.
I'll need a monster, a soul-shattered creature to do what I want.
I need Discord.

· · · · ·

Um, I got stuck writing this, but I forced it.
A lot of monologue-ish stuff, but it gives you a lot of information, so that's good, right??
Thanks for reading, until the next time!

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Sun, 16/07/2017 12:54 (6 Years ago)
Part Fourteen: A Monster of a New Kind
"Monsters lurk in the unknown, and the less we know about them, the more power they have..."

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The soft tapping of rain on the canopy above soothes Tanio, even during this terrifying time. The rainforest filled with the sound of the life-giving drops, it's the music Tanio is used to, living in Orine, the jungle kingdom. The citizens of Orine are very superstitious, so to them the rain that falls everyday is a sign of contentment from the skies, and it will settle any angry forest spirits.
Tanio lets out a slow breath, her pointed, cat-like ears twitching slightly, rotating this way and that, searching for a sound other than the normal noises she's used to. Even in the dark of the night, under the shadows of the giant leaves above, Tanio's pale orange eyes take in everything, every flitting shadow, every rustle of leaves stirred by the wind. Tanio is a hunter, one of the best, and she'd need all her skill for this hunt.
"Chee-eak!" The wild call of a flying beast echoes from nearby, but Tanio pays no mind to it. 'Just a fikne or something...' She thinks to herself, continuing on at her slow pace, making no sound as she gracefully leaps over longs and avoids exposed roots. Another call rips through the quiet night, comforting Tanio. This is her home, she has lived here all her life, she has an advantage over the monster she's looking for.
Of course, the idea still scares her. Everyone in Orine knows there are monsters that lurk in the forest, but many sleep for years, and it is relatively easy to repel them. Most of the time, they don't even come after the citizens of Orine, they prefer to slink through the trees. However, a new kind of threat has plagued the jungle for a month of so. Fifteen people dead, countless large mammals eaten down to the bones or just killed for fun. Claw marks bigger than any a doeg or kita could make, marking the trees, sometimes staining bark red.
Tanio shivers. What kind of beast would hurt the tree-spirits willing? Without any proper reason? Even the monsters respect the forest, as it is their home, and needed to survive. Another call, this time a loud, disturbing screeching, but Tanio recognizes it immediately and doesn't let it bother her. A renim will not attack a lone hunter, despite their large size, for they recognize the scent of death upon them and do not wish to be next. It may be close, but Tanio is safe.
Her ears flick towards the sound of something scrapping against bark, but she quickly dismisses it as another animal climbing a tree. Suddenly, a tingle races down Tanio's spine, and she realizes it's a warning that something's close. She grips her sword tightly, reaching towards one of the small vials tied around her waist. A rustle sounds from her left, and she turns to face it, waiting for it to jump out at her.
The only thing that appears is a small furry elicha, a puff ball of mottled green and brown fur only about a foot tall. Two big, tan eyes and small, flat feet are the only things visible among all the fluff. Tanio relaxes, the tingle stops. She got all worked up over nothing.
Then a blur snatches up the elicha, the latter letting out a sharp cry, before it's gone, leaving not a single branch or leaf trembling in it's wake. Tanio glances above her, around her, looking for where it's gone, which way it's going to attack. A warning cry from another renim sounds off to her right and she follows it, hoping to find the creature. Instead, she finds nothing but more trees.
She's about to give up, head back towards the village, when another renim cry sounds from the branches above her. There's only one problem. Renims don't climb trees. Tanio gazes up, her bright eyes meeting a pair of stormy gray ones. She screams, but only for a second, and then the forest is quiet once more...

· · · · ·

I started watching Supernatural, and this was kind of inspired by it.
Originally this chapter was going to be about a new criminal from the rainforest, but instead this came out, so I'm not really sure how this came out.
Anyways, thanks for reading, see you later!

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Sat, 29/07/2017 02:36 (6 Years ago)
Part Fifteen: Needed
"Sometimes obsessions can't be obsessed over anymore...

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"Morning." Iffy greets me as I walk into the kitchen, plopping down at the island. With a faint mutter of greeting back, I pick up one of my books off the cold, polished granite, randomly flipping it open. I land on a part about renims, odd four-legged hunters of the jungle.
"You just gonna stick your nose in your book to avoid talking to us again?" Enty asks, opening the fridge and taking out some juice. I slowly roll my gaze towards her, conveying as mach sass as I possibly can in the one glance. She sighs, flicking her mossy green eyes away from me, and I hide a smile of satisfaction. I won the standoff.
Enty has obviously just come in from a run. Her dark brown curls that usually reach a bit past her shoulders are up in a ponytail, to keep the strands out of her face. Her lean, muscular body looks extra sporty in her tight-fitting orange tank and looser black shorts. Her smooth, rounded features are still a bit shiny with a thin layer of sweat, her evenly tanned arms the same. For a short girl, she's intimidating, with the hidden strength under her skin, and permanent skeptical look on her face. Enty's always been pretty, definitely better than average, but she's nothing compared to her sister and polar opposite.
Iffy's skin is pale, alabaster, and she's tall and thin as can be. Not Enty's I-workout-to-be-this-thin look, more like she's naturally incapable of gaining weight. Her features are sharper than her sister's, but they don't give her a harsh look. In fact, they make her seem graceful, and with her frame she's practically a ballerina without the tutu. She has tan eyes with a hint of yellow, like sand at the beach during noon, and long, straight copper-colored hair. Iffy's amazingly gorgeous, and it's like she barely even notices or cares. She could probably have half of the population do whatever she wanted if she said "please".
Enty's voice snaps me back into reality. "Oh, by the way, you got a call."
I shrug, turning my eyes back to my book. A renim can run faster than a person, but they lack claws, so they must attack with their fangs, which are coated in acid-like saliva able to burn away living cells. This liquid is clear, can look much like water, but a single touch can burn off two layers of skin in a matter of nanoseconds. A bite can dissolve bone.
"You got a call about a monster. From the rainforest." Enty adds, attempting to catch my attention. It works.
"Monster?" I ask, turning my head to glance at her. She nods and takes a sip of the glass of juice she's poured for herself as Iffy grabs a fruit from the bowl in the center of the island and adds it to her plate. She also takes a fork before heading out saying, "I'll be in the living room, try not to kill each other."
"No promises..." I say under my breath, and Enty glares at me.
"Fell, you have to go. The woman sounded scared, apparently this thing has killed at least fifteen people. They don't know what they're dealing with, and they don't know what to do."
I shrug again, going back to my book. "Not my problem."
"This is what you're supposed to do, Fell. You're the tamer, you turn monsters into house pets. Stop sitting around and ignoring the people out there that need help. You have job to do." Enty replies, obviously growing angry with me.
"I was never entitled to helping anyone. It was always a choice. And now, I say no." My voice is like ice, delicate words hanging like icicles, strong while they hang there, but easy to shatter if they fall. Easy to break with a few more choice words.
"Ok then. Fine. Maybe don't care about the people. Whatever. But can you care about the creatures?"
That makes me pause. Silence reigns over the kitchen for a few moments before Enty goes on.
"I remember when you used to care more for animals than most people. You still do. You always said monsters were just animals that needed to be fixed. They needed a little love, a caring touch, and they can be whole again. That's still true, right? So why won't you help?"
"Because... because sometimes monsters don't want to be fixed." I answer, closing my book. After a few seconds I add. "I'll do it, but only because I know what animal I'm dealing with. Well, animals. But there's only one for now, I suppose."
With that, I stand up and start towards the door, but before I leave I turn back to Enty. "Thank you." I say.
"Thank me after you tame the beast." She replies, and I smile slightly.
"Who says it's not already tamed?"

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Tue, 01/08/2017 11:44 (6 Years ago)
Chapter Sixteen: Calm Before the Storm
"There is always a little calm before the hurricane rips away your life..."

· · · · ·

I click my tongue again, listening for an answering call. Instead, silence answers me. I frown up at the moon, barely visible through the thick, leafy branches of the rainforest trees.
After talking to few of the locals and the leader of the village, I had decided the "monster" I'm dealing with is [i]Amali
, one of the ancient creatures that roams through these forests. I remember dealing with them before, a thousand years or so ago. At the time, I'd sent them to sleep until the Celetial's needed them. So the question is, why now?
And where are the rest of their companions? What about Liana, Teris, Yrae, and dozen others that I also put to sleep? If something went wrong with the spell, shouldn't they all be awake?
I click my tongue for what seems like the millionth time, and I'm so caught up in my thoughts I almost miss the answering call, the same sound repeated right back to me. I give a tiny smile, and make a humming sound, another voice soon answering with their own.
"Come here, Amali, I won't hurt you." I whisper quietly to the trees around me. There's a rustle, but then several moments of silence. I'm starting to think they've become interested in something else, Amali did always have a problem with being distracted easily, when a voice as human-like as can be answers. They've always spoke with an odd hint of an accent, and it makes their words sound delicate and soft.
"Fallen?" Amali asks, the sound coming from above.
"Yes, it's Fell. Come here, sweetie." I reply. With a slight disturbance of the leaves, Amali lands in front of me silently, looking at me with their eyes like ominous storm clouds on a summer day. Their fur is mottled with many shades of brown and green, giving her the advantage of camouflage. They're almost as tall as me when standing upright, but when they walks normally they only come up to my stomach. They have a long snout that hides curved fangs, a lean body, ears like a fox, a cattish tail for balance, and big paws with bigger claws. Oh, what are those animals? Velociraptors? They have claws like those. Large enough to gut a person in a matter of seconds.
"Fallen..." Amali nuzzles me, flicking their tail happily. I give them a quick pet, and ask my question.
"Hey, Amali? Why are you attacking people, huh? Where are your friends?"
Amali blinks up at me, shuffling their front paws. "Something... coming. I needed. Woke... alone. No one else awake. Won't stir. Scared. I fear. Pain made me fight." They shifts, showing a fresh slash on their shoulder. It's stopped bleeding, but it's pretty deep.
"They attacked you? The people in the town?"
"And animals. They know I not natural. I don't belong. I don't like being hunted. I not prey. I hunter." They twitch an ear in slight annoyance.
"All right, Amali. Show me where your friends are. I think it's time to wake them up."