Lise found that she still had her backpack, and she looked through
it to see what she had. Inside was a load of books, her laptop and
some other things. She sighed and put it back on and went to go
explore the Academy. It was just as impressive on the inside as it
was on the outside. She peeked into a room, which looked like a
lounge. Maybe she could get some coffee or something while she was
Beyond looks up from his book at Lise. His blue-gray eyes are
annoyed at first, but when he realizes it's just a girl, they turn
back to faintly sleepy. "Asriel's not with you, is he?" Beyond
asks. The lounge was one place Asriel usually wouldn't go, as he
usually doesn't stay in one place for long, but who knows?
(Not much, people are just talking and starting to explore the
Lise shook her head. "No clue who that is, sorry." She said. She
walked in and heard her phone buzz. She pulled it out of her pocket
as she started to make coffee and saw it was a text from Troye.
Where'd ya go? It's scary being all alone ): Lise chuckled
and texted back. Haha, very funny. I'm in the lounge. A
minute later, Troye texted back. Get me some tea or
something? Lise textd back a yes and put her phone back in her
Jacob walked along the pathway to the Academy and had a large bag
hanging on his shoulder and pulled along a wheeled luggage bag,
looking up at the massive building with wide eye's. wow, intimidating much....? he thought, not paying much
attention to where he was going, but just enough so he didn't run
into anyone.
Wisteria stayed by the gate with a couple bag's and a backpack she
had over her shoulder, gulping as she looked up at the Academy,
shaking slightly. oh i wanna go home....! sure my old life was boring but at least
it was quieter... she thought, but mustered up the courage and
picked her bags up, then hurried along to enter the building.
Sugar stretched as she walked to the Academy, having no care if she
was late or too early. "Dangit, I hate this place," she mumbled as
she walked by the gate, excitement nonexistent within her body.
Nyx gave a happy hum as the coffee started to wake her up
slightly."Good thing they have coffee.I would fall asleep all the
time."She mumbles to herself before pouring herself a second
cup.She sits down on one of the seats and pulls out a book to read
from her backpack.
Troye got bored of waiting and got up, swinging his own backpack
over his shoulder. He made a face when he got up, he was extremely
sore from the basketball game last night. He walked into the
Academy, wondering where had had disappeared to. Meanwhile, Lise
had gotten two cups of coffee and was now deicding if she should
grab anything else, taking her sweet time on purpose.
Nikita shuddered in happiness. "Chamomile tea, you are the most god
like thing on this evil and dark world." she said, laughing as Noah
ran into the lounge, laughing in relief.
Troye finally found the lounge and peered inside. Lise saw him and
waved and he sighed. "You could have at least told me where you
were." He complained, walking over to her. She shrugged. "I told
you I was in the lounge." She said, handing him a cup of coffee.
They both sat down and Lise pulled a book out of her backpack and
Troye pulled out his phone. "Oh dear... my girlfriend is going to
think I ditched her..." He mumbled. Lise glared at him. "That's
what bothers you about this situation? Besides, I never liked her
anyway..." She said and Troye laughed.
Beyond checks the clock on the wall and makes a face. "Dang, first
class starts in five minutes." He mutters. "And I have to get to
the White Tower." He closes his book, slipping it into his bag,
which he slings over his shoulder, and heads out of the lounge.
"Stupid Elite schedules." He mutters.
Nyx looked at the clock.Huh wonder what we do if we are new?Time
to go find someone to ask.She muses to herself before placing
her book back in her bag and leaving the lounge.
Lise saw that people were getting up. "This is a school after
all.... maybe we have classes?" She thought aloud. Troye looked at
her. "We should ask." He said and she nodded. Troye saw Nyx leave
and quickly tapped her on the shoulder before she left. "Um, sorry
to bother you dear, but do you have any idea where we're supposed
to be?" He asked.
"Sorry to butt into your conversation, but you should be in
orientation if you're new." Flora says, stopping as she hears
Troye. She holds a beautiful marigold-like plant but in a vivid
blue color, the edges of the petals rimmed with gold.
Troye flashed one of his winning smiles and said, "Don't mention
it." He glanced at Nyx when she asked her question and then at the
flower in Flora's hand. It was beautiful. Lise had just finished
her coffee and picked up her bag and was now standing next to
Troye, also looking at the flower.
"Auditorium, down this hall, second right, door at the end of the
hall. I think that's the way for Mondays." Flora says the last part
mostly to herself. "If you need anything, I'll be around. Or
Beyond, the one that just came out of the lounge, he's an Elite
too, so you can ask him. All Elites wear these-" She shows them a
pin with a gold star. "There's only seven of us, but we'll be
around. I'm Flora, by the way. It was nice to meet you."
"Thank you." Troye said. He and Lise walked down to the auditorium
and took seats near the front. Troye pulled out his phone again and
Lise sighed. He really couldn't live without it, could he? She
pulled out the book from before and sighed. How did she get into
the situations?