,,Kertu came in. ,,Where you were all night?." Asked Snap. ,,I was
hunting" Said Keru and showed Eevee meat. ,,OH gosh, meat fro meat
lovers!" Yelled Snap and ate it thta quikly as she could.
(thats kinda cruel and disturbing o.o Well in my view......)
Mary walked through the woods,Smelling something unusually and
unacceptable.Grace gasped at the sight of......EEVEE MEAT."Who
would do something that cruel?!Thats it,I am asking!"Grace stomped
over to them."Excuse me.....WHY WOULD YOU DO SOMETHING THAT
CRUEL?!"Grace barked in anger.Mary jumped to action."Now now
Grace,No yelling at others."Mary then turned at them."Grace's
right,Why would do something like that?Theres plenty rattatas
around here."
"You could have gone and hunted a ratata!They are easy to
catch!"Grace pulls out a dead ratata out her fluff.Mary's ears
flopped on her head."Ummm......"Mary crouched to the
ground,Smelling something yummy."A patrat!"Mary sniffed the ground
some more,Finding a hole of a patrat.
,,I thought you are a herbivore" Said Snap to Mitsumi ,,And you are
what? I am carnivore." Said Kertu to Snap. ,,Omnivore. I eat
EVERYTHING...Except stones obviously." Answered Snap.
"Well then,Lets eat Snivy meat."Grace growled,Her eyes right on the
Snivy.Mary caught a patrat and saw Grace targeting the
Snivy."Hey,Now stop it you two!"Grace saw Mary running towards her
but Grace hit Mary.Grace showed her teeth.