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The Journal of a Mad Scientist

Forum-Index Diaries The Journal of a Mad Scientist
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Sat, 06/05/2017 16:44 (7 Years ago)
So people asked me to make a journal, so I guess I will. I don't see the point of this, but alas, I will do as asked. Personally I think if you want to know more about me all you have to do is ask me, I however guess you want to know a bit about me to message me.

So here are all my scientific research I gathered on pokeheroes and through my life.

Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Sat, 06/05/2017 16:57 (7 Years ago)
QuoteTrusted Users To By From
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Cupcakes_ is usually selling things like event Pokemon or even shiny Pokemon at her shiny shop.

Margreat sometimes she sells stuff for good prices like Green Orbs, Boxes, and Vouchers. She also has a shiny shop.

xCharizardx she is usually stuff on FlightRising so if you play Flight Rising check her out.

More to be added.

QuoteMy Interests
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1] League of Legends
2] DC comics
3] Marvel Comics
4] Tea
5] Dr.Pepper
6] Opposites
7] Writing
8] Harry Potter
9] Lego
10] Anime! Lots of Anime!
11] Doctor Who
12] Manga
13] Fencing
14] Dressing Up in Costumes
15] Magic
16] Talking to friends
17] Jokes
18] Puns
19] Drawing
20] Pixel Art
21] Minecraft
22] Professor Layton
23] Clicker Games
24] Flight Rising
25] UnovaRPG
26] World Domination

More to be added
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Thu, 18/05/2017 06:21 (7 Years ago)

Title: Hidden Talents

These are (as the title suggests) hidden talents I have and where and how I gathered them.

1) Archery. I am a decent archer, and no surprise I learned through summer camp.
2) Drumming. In seventh grade due to my good grades I and seven others learned to play drums from an African man who built drums for a living.
3) Tea. After two tastes of any kind of tea I can determine what will make it taste better 95% of the time. Self learned.
4) Magic tricks. I am a great magician, I mean I am not Vegas level but I hope to be one day.

More to be added.
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Tue, 23/05/2017 15:38 (7 Years ago)

Title: How I Start My Day

1) Wake up
2) Take care of my dog and cats
3) Make tea and toast for breakfast
4) Catch up on the news and current events
5) Yoga
6) Shower
7) Check up on PH
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Fri, 01/06/2018 04:55 (6 Years ago)

Title: New Things I Want to Add to my Journal

Been ages since I put something here so why not add two new discussion points. The first is world news while the second is business. Speaking of businesses I shall go over some reasons I think Subway is struggling.

First is stored closing down. They lost 319 stores in 2016, and they lost over 900 in 2017. These stores where roughly 3% of their business. That is essentially 97 cents instead of a dollar. This may seem small but it stacks up fast. Say in 2015 they made 10 million dollars a day, well now it is 9.7 million, they are missing 300k. In a week that is 2.1 million, and in a month 8.4 million. They are still closing stores too.
Another issue is more competition. Firehouse Subs and Jimmy John's are two huge competitors and can one blame them? They adapted unlike Subway.
There has also been a few scandals like with original commercial guy, the fake chicken, and apparently rotting foods. These reports can be false or out of Subways hands but the scandals still hurt them to be sure.

All in all Subway can fix this. If I were to make changes, I'd decrease my number of businesses and start building those up while gradually expanding.
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Sun, 17/06/2018 22:14 (6 Years ago)

Title: Mega Beartic Idea

Beartic has an impressive attack stat and decent defense stats. What really hurts it is its ice typing, low speed, and rather flimsy move pool hurt it a bit.

So first to fix the stats.

This is normal Beartic's stats.

HP: 95
Attack: 130
Defense: 80
Special Attack: 70
Special Defense: 80
Speed: 50

I shall be adding 100 points overall. Here are two of the ideas I have.

Idea 1: Just make it a tank
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HP: 95 +20
Attack: 130 +30
Defense: 80 +20
Special Attack: 70 +10
Special Defense: 80 +20
Speed: 50

First 160 attack stat is insane, it ties with Regigigas and Slaking, while only be surpassed attack power wise by Rampardos and Deoxys Attack Form.
With high attack and above average defense and special defense he will be able to take a few hits and dish out a lot of damage.

Another idea I had was to add the fighting type to him. This lets him resist ice, bug, and dark. He gets flying, psychic, and fairy as extra resistance.
An added bonus is boosting moves like Power Up Punch, Focus Punch, and Brick Break.

Idea 2: Fast Beartic
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HP: 95
Attack: 130 +30
Defense: 80 +20
Special Attack: 70
Special Defense: 80 +20
Speed: 50 +30

This time he gains less with no special attack and HP boost, though the extra speed will be helpful.
Speed wise Beartic now ties with the 182-158 places speed wise out of the top 200 fastest Pokémon. Though by no means fast, it is passable speed and with 160 attack, and 100 defenses, he will be tricky to beat.

With Steel typing added, he has 7 resistances, 1 immunity, and 3 weaknesses.

Over all these are some of the ideas I'd choose to fix Beartic. I hope you enjoy them. Palpad me if you have any other ideas or Pokémon you want me to try and fix with fake mega evolutions.
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Fri, 13/07/2018 13:47 (6 Years ago)

Title: The Otomra Action Figure

New from totally not a scam company! The Otomra action figure for only $20!
Comes with loads of accessories! Give him a lab coat so he can do experiments! Give him a tail coat so he can perform magic tricks! Or just give him a cape cause they look cool!
Comes with unique quotes like,
"I see..."
"I see."
"I see!"
"I see?"
"Batman is so going to sue us!"
And last but not least,
"The world is mine!"

But wait for an extra five dollars more you can get the Communist DLC!
He comes with a Soviet soldier outfit and a Soviet sailor outfit.
He also comes with new quotes like,
"Kommunizm velik."
"Yedinstvennyy khoroshiy mir - eto kommunisticheskiy mir."

No refunds!

If you are stubborn and not buying the action figure we'll add on the cat lover's DLC!
Comes with pajamas! Two cat figures! And a couch for them to sit on!
Comes with unique quotes like,
"I will die alone..."
"Cats are better than humans!"
Order now!

For $2 you can get even more DLC!
Comes with a super hero outfit and a new quote,
"Fear not! Justice has arrived!"
Order now!
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Mon, 16/07/2018 02:53 (6 Years ago)

Title: Attack Names

So I named my attacks for fighting. One for each U.S president. Will add them as get time.

Washington Chop - A strong slow precise chop.

Adams Tackle - A quick tackle around the waist.

Jefferson Stance - I lock up my body preventing myself from being moved without a great amount of force.

Madison Low Kick - A quick knee level kick.

Monroe Build Up - I psych myself up to ease my mind and brace myself for any attacks.

Quincy Adams Tackle - A quick tackle around the legs.

Jackson Headbutt - A simple headbutt great at getting out of pin downs.

Buren Low Kick - A quick shin level kick.

Harrison Elbow - A short ranged attack with a lot of force.

Tyler Defense - I curl into a ball to protect myself. Also great for acting like a step stool for others.

Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Mon, 30/07/2018 04:14 (6 Years ago)

Title: How I think a pastor should act

I rarely if ever being up religion when talking. Unless you are a close friend or another Christian, I tend to avoid religious conversations. Religion can be a bit a dicey like politics so I usually avoid talking about it. That being said I am going to get a bit religious when comparing my two pastors and why I think one acts better than the other.

My first pastor taught to a huge church with hundreds if not thousands of people. The pastor preached good messages but he was never there when needed. He always felt distant. He's sit in his office preparing messages, and unless you were part of his family or one of the many preachers, bishops, etc. you never got to talk to him. When cleaning was being done or good pantries, he sat in his office working on his message.
While this by no means is a bad thing, he never really felt like a pastor. He always seemed to be the distant guy people looked up to but never could reach. We never considered him a friend that we could trust, respect, and learn from.
He was a bit uptight too. No TVs in your home, wear suits, if you had a beard/moustache sit at the back of the church, girls need to wear dresses, movie theaters are awful, don't get these jobs, get these jobs, no jewelry, blah blah blah blah.

After years of this we went to a new much smaller church. There was barely over twenty people. Pastor K was (and still is) incredible. He makes everyone feel welcome, he invites us to lunch/dinner, we have movie nights, he is willing to help us at any time of the day, he helps out with the cleaning and food pantries, he makes everyone feel like they have a purpose while giving good messages.
When he needs to be serious though, he can be. And while he is incredibly kind and caring he is no push over. He feels reachable while still being a guy to look up to and respect.
There are no crazy rules either which is nice.

At the end of the day, both are great at preaching but only one really feels like a pastor.

He is my buddy Adam.
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Sun, 16/09/2018 03:23 (6 Years ago)

Title: Otomra Rants: Advertisements

Advertisements are important yes and helpful. But lately they seem to be appearing everywhere.

Heck today my fortune cookie had one on it. I ate the cookie and then looked at the fortune which read and I quote, "There is a fortune right under your nose."

A bit campy but still a good message about keeping an open mind and good attitude.

Then the back had this and I quote, "See we told you! With Capital One® Savor® Card Earn 4% on Dining and Entertainment #SavorFortune"

Man does this bug me. Sure fortune cookies are a bit childish and the messages are cheesy but it is fun. And now people wanting to make extra cash had to go and screw with a nice thing.

Is nothing free from advertisements? What next? Will there be Coca-Cola advertisements at Church? Will there be Domino's Advertisements in a Cemetery? Will Paper be advertised by Lego?

I don't even know how to summarize this nonsense. Hopefully in 2030 there will still be advertisement free things.

Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Tue, 02/10/2018 03:11 (6 Years ago)

Title: My Opinion on Train to Buson

First must I say, dang can South Korea make a zombie movie. It was intense, heart wrenching, and a good time.

I won't spoil anything for anyone in this post. I must say if you are a movie lover, a horror lover, or just want to see a better World War Z, you must watch this.

The actors are great and really bring their characters to life, the music is quite fitting and often makes the scenes much better, the zombies look rough and sinister, and the sets are great only made even better with the awesome camera angles.

My only complete is the glass breaking effect, but who really cares when everything else is great?

There are talks of a remake being made in the U.S so you should watch this one before the possible new one comes out.
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Thu, 17/01/2019 18:55 (6 Years ago)

Title: My Thoughts on Black Bullet

Whoops, haven't posted here in a while. My bad. So I decided to come back swinging with my thoughts on the anime Black Bullet that came out in Spring 2014. I'll leave out spoilers so you can decide if you want to watch it or not.

So first the good parts.

1) I loved the villain Hiruko Kagetane. He was a joy to see on screen and both his voice actors where incredible and made him come alive. Plus his design is iconic. I am certain many of you have seen him before.

2) The sound track is great in my opinion. Each piece fits perfectly well in the scene and I can appreciate the music even in some of the worst scenes.

3) Tina Sprout was also a great character in my opinion easily switching from adorable kid to hardened killer in an instant and it felt natural.

4) Character designs are another plus. There are many that stand out or just look cool. Heck even the monsters look pretty dang cool which is nice.

5) Kisara Tendou is another nice character who I enjoyed. She was a good leader and the times she got into fights where fun.

6) Finally the fight scenes. Man oh man are the fight scenes entertaining and many characters have some gimmick to make it even more fun.

Now for the bad parts.

1) They try to make it sad when a character dies. I am fine with sad character deaths but it doesn't really make me feel emotional if we met the character five minutes ago.

2) Plots are often brought up and then forgotten. One of the biggest in my opinion is when they wrap up the first arc. Anyone who has seen it before will probably know what I am talking about.

3) They will occasionally switch a character's personality completely and for no reason often destroying any character development.

4) I could overlook all of this (Except for number 3) and call it a good anime if it weren't for the pacing. They pacing feels rushed and sloppy.

5) They want to be taken seriously and still make jokes. While that would be fine the way they handled it often feels forced.

All in all the series could have been really good if not great if the pacing was better. Instead of three arcs in thirteen episodes maybe only make it two. Sure some filler scenes maybe added, but it would be better than everything feeling rushed.
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Fri, 01/03/2019 05:20 (5 Years ago)

Title: Otomra Fact

I taught myself how to swim a bit at nine. I can actually go pretty dang fast too. My brothers who had swimming lessons can't out race me either.
That being said I lack the ability to float so I can't be in deep water for long.
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Sat, 06/04/2019 06:52 (5 Years ago)

Title: My Thoughts on the Captain Underpants Movie

So I saw the Captain Underpants movie on Thursday with my four year old cousin and I was bracing myself for the worst but was actually surprised to find I enjoyed it.
Please note I am comparing it to the books as there are loads of differences and the movie seems to be its own timeline for the time being.
I will also leave out spoilers So you can see it if you want.

So first the positives in no particular order.
1) They had some funny jokes for the older audience which was nice.
2) The voice acting was good and everyone seemed to be having fun.
3) I already talked about voice acting but I felt the need to make this anyway. Ed Helms really showed his talent when voicing Mr.Krupp and Captain Underpants. They each had a distinct voice which was nice.
4) Mr.Krupp was surprisingly sympathetic and he has some heart felt moments.
5) The music was fitting and some of it stands out.
6) Some of the shots in the movie were incredible and I enjoyed a few of them.
7) They had some heartfelt moments thrown in.
8] They showed off some different art styles in it which was nice.
9) There were some good messages placed into it which I as an adult still enjoyed.

Now the flaws in no particular order.
1) There was a bit of crude humor which made me drone out a bit.
2) It was a bit awkward to see a grown man in his underpants follow some kids around.
3) Some of the messages were a bit rushed and so it didn't have as big as an impact as they could have had.
4) Finally parts of the pacing felt a bit rushed at times. Not enough to hurt it but still enough you could notice it.

All in all I rank a B-. I had an enjoyable experience with it and I hope that they don't ruin it with a mediocre sequel *Cough* Incredibles 2 *Cough*

Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Sun, 14/04/2019 00:28 (5 Years ago)

Title: Bored with the post

Bored with this post so I removed it.
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Sun, 05/05/2019 04:08 (5 Years ago)

Title: Trying to become a better man

Well as much as I want to consider myself to be manly I do have room for improvement.
First thing I am going to do according to the guide line is come up with my core values.
I don't know what it will be yet fully but I look forward to discovering it.
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Wed, 08/01/2020 02:11 (5 Years ago)

Title: My Thoughts on Jojo Rabbit

For this one I shall hide it with the spoiler tag. While I won't spoil the movie I must warn you it takes place during World War 2 so of course parts will be brutally honest to how the time was.

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So as always let me start with the pros.
1) The cast was incredible. The actors were perfectly chosen for their roles and I loved seeing them interact with each other.
2) Taika Waititi was incredible when playing Hitler and Archie Yates was incredible when playing Yorki. Scarlett Johansson as as Jojo's mom Rosie was also fun to watch.
3) The comedy was great. I laughed a fair bit.
4) The tone shifts were handled nicely. At one moment it could shocking and then go back to comedy without feeling off.
5) Characters dying was actually sad.
6) I know I talked about the cast already but I want to add whenever Taika Waititi and Roman Griffin Davis (Jojo) where together one screen I'd usually be laughing.
7) The music was quite fitting for the scenes they were in.

Now to the cons
1) There were somethings I wish they talked about more.
2) Parts of the movie feel a bit rushed.

All in all this movie was great and is my second favorite movie of 2019.

He is my buddy Adam.
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Sun, 14/02/2021 04:56 (4 Years ago)
So I am a huge Star Wars fan. And I mean huge. I thoroughly enjoy the deep lore. I'll spend hours researching it a month.

Today I saw this article by CBR with 10 Reasons Why Obi-Wan is a bad Jedi. Here is the link so you can see there points so that you know I am not taking things out of context.

10) Always patronizes Anakin
While yes the movies make it seem like he is patronizing Anakin in the cartoons it is more playful banter and teasing. Add to it how Obi-Wan says he views Anakin as a brother and Anakin considers him the closest thing to a father and it doesn't seem as antagonistic.

9) Decides to kill Anakin
They say he decided to kill Anakin but it never was his intention. He told Yoda he wouldn't and lied to try and get Padme to change his mind. When that failed he got in a fight with him but spent most of it trying to talk him down. An example is, "You have allowed this dark lord to twist your mind until now....until now you have become the very thing you swore to destroy."
As for the not taking responsibility part, that is simply not true. To quote, "I have failed you Anakin. I have failed you."

8] Leaves Anakin mutilated rather than finishing him off
I'll ignore the first part as they double down on number 9.
For the second part he doesn't kill him because he never wanted to kill him. Anakin was his best friend. Even though killing him would have been far easier he couldn't. He chose to let the force choose what happens next.
If anything the only fault here would be him caring too much to take care of the sith.

7) He waited too long to train Luke
For the first half Anakin was too old according to the Jedi Order. It fell apart because they grew arrogant and prideful missing many things. So in exile Obi-Wan thought about the many mistakes that brought the fall of the Jedi. So Luke being too old doesn't matter to him anymore.
Also the second part isn't true. He tried training Luke and even saved him once. But Luke's Uncle Owen got mad and blamed Obi-Wan and the Jedi for his half brother Anakin's death. He refused to let Luke die like his brother and Obi-Wan out of grief and respect decided to be a watchful guardian.

6) Doesn't seem to think women can be Jedis
For the first half he ignored Leia because the twins were split up. One was to train to be a Jedi and the other a politician. Should one die the other would have a chance. He could have taken Leia to Tatooine but Bail Organa and his wife always wanted a girl.
And the second half falls apart after I explained the first part.

5) Leia was never trained
For part one we explained why they were split up in question six so I won't double down on that.
Also when did he have the time to train her? He taught look for a few days, went to save Leia, then died so they could escape. He had no time to train her. And once again one was to be a politician while the other a Jedi. One to lead and one to fight.

4) Lies to Luke about his father
I've already debunked most of this point so I'll just say no one thought Star Wars was getting a sequel so it all ended nice and neat. So there was never a plan for Vader to be Luke's father so Obi-Wan didn't lie.

3) Back tracking when Luck confronts him
Yes...they mispelled Luke but that's not my point.
He had to backtrack because they weren't planning on making another movie.

2) Totally gapped out on Palpatine being a sith
One of the strongest Sith lords used Force Concealment to hide his powers away. It is easier to use the stronger you are. Spending decades perfecting it most Jedi would never notice.
As for part two most Jedi grew arrogant and prideful so they believed no Sith lord could ever hide so close to them. Add a war they were fighting and it is understandable how this was missed.

1) Told Luke to kill his dad
Yeah. This was at the part where he truly believed Anakin was beyond saving. He spent decades hoping only for it to not happen in his life time. So to save the day he tells Luke to kill him.

While I enjoy CBR some of the articles feel eh like this one.

Maybe I'll do another one of these soon.

He is my buddy Adam.