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The Daemon House (Sign Up*)

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up The Daemon House (Sign Up*)
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 586
Posted: Sun, 09/04/2017 21:55 (7 Years ago)
A Golden Compass Inspired RP

Daemon - the physical manifestation of a human's soul in the form of an animal.

During the childhood of a human and it's daemon, the daemon is able to shapeshift into other forms. This can be due to changes in emotion, a need for a certain skill or just because it desires to change. However, once they both reach maturity (for the rp sake, maturity age will be 16) the daemon will settle into a permanent form.

Usually the daemon is of the opposite sex/gender of the human but it is possible for them to share the same gender.

A human and daemon cannot be separated for long as it causes emotional and physical pain (for both parts) which has been known to cause death. A daemon dies along side it's human and turns to something called 'Dust'.

In the Daemon House (which is more like a mansion) humans and daemons can live together, safely, without being threatened by the General Oblation Board who's aim is to separate children from their daemons in an act known as 'intercision'.


1. PH rules apply
2. You may have as many characters as you want, as long as you can handle them
3. Humans aged 16 and over cannot have a daemon that can shift
4. Each human only gets one daemon
5. No killing each others characters
6. Each shifting daemon must have a general form it stays in - anything it may shift into may be listed else where in the form


Human's Name:
Crush (optional, of course):

Daemon Name:
General/Permanent Species:
Possible Shifts (for non-permanent daemons only):

My Forms:

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Human's Name: Okami Seishin
Age: 16
Gender: Female
*Ignore the ears and tail*
Personality: Not shy but is very laid back and quite. She loves to explore either alone with her daemon or with others. Prefers to spend her evenings alone, however, preferably curled up somewhere warm and with cuddles from her daemon.
Crush: Open/Palpad
Room: x
Other: Uma's older and more sensible sister.

Daemon Name: Beau
Gender: Male
General/Permanent Species: Gray Wolf
Appearance: x
Possible Shifts (for non-permanent daemons only): -
Personality: Very similar to Okami. He's very protective of her. He won't usually attack unless he feels something to be threating him or her. He also enjoys cuddles, by only by Okami. He prefers not to be touched by anyone else.
Other: Very fluffy.

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Human's Name: Uma Seishin
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Personality: Bright, always cheerful. Loves making friends and loves to explore with Okami.
Crush: Open/Palpad
Room: x
Other: Loves flowers and is Okami's little sister. Her room is downstairs as it's closer to her daemon who spends most of his time outside.

Daemon Name: Tsuyoi
Gender: Male
General/Permanent Species: Clydesdale Horse (serves as her mount even though I know it's not a usual mount breed, shhh)
Appearance: x
Possible Shifts (for non-permanent daemons only): An Actic Fox (for cuddling), A Great Horned Owl (For scouting)
Personality: Very gentle for such a large animal. Loves just about anyone and isn't really scared of anything. As long as Uma is safe, he is happy.
Other: -

Note: This rp sign up is pretty much just to see if it gets any interest. If you have any suggestions on how to make it better, then leave them below and I'll consider it~ c: