Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → GiveawayForm:
Also after this I'll be adding a form to fill out
Ryan give me a pokemon right now!
[b]username: coolbailey223[\b]
[b]pokemon I want: pulse and a pair of likitung[\b]
[b]How many: ^[\b]
[b]gender:pulse : female likitung : a pair :P [\b]
Umm... Why are you stalking my Signature?

My precious!
username: dinosonzii
pokemon I want: Lickitung
How many: 2
gender: any
My Clicklist
May the Stars Shine Down on You
[b][color=red][size=18]Ryan give me a
Pokemon right now![/size][/color][/b]
[b]Pokemon I want:[/b]
[b]How many:[/b]
[b]Pokemon I want:[/b]
[b]How many:[/b]
[code]Ryan give me a Pokemon right now!
Pokemon I want:
How many:
gender:[code] Add a slash ( / ) before code.