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Simply Deadly Sign-Up

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Simply Deadly Sign-Up
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Fri, 07/04/2017 15:00 (7 Years ago)
Teeth and claws and flashing eyes,
For centuries waiting to cut the ties,
One false move and one wrong step,
Could lead everyone to an untimely death...

For centuries and centuries, as long as anyone can remember, the temple in the center of the universe has been sealed shut. No matter what any race has tried, no one can get it open. Any sort of teleport brings them back to the entrance, and no amount of brute force can open the gates. A wall stretches around the temple, keeping anything from getting inside, and any attempt to fly over it ends in failure, just crashing the vehicle or person. People had given up hope, clinging to only tales and rumors about the mysterious place.
But the temple has opened.
And now the universe may be in peril.
A week ago, the gates opened, and a clear message was sent. A warning.

Beware the fire, beware the frost,
One may be saved, one may be lost,
A conflicted universe so easy to break,
With insanity whispered in the last breath it takes...

So a team is being assembled. The bravest, the most skilled. They're going to enter the temple. They're heading to an almost certain death.
May the stars give them luck.

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-Normal PH rules apply
-Normal RP rules apply
-This goes with RP rules but- NO powerplaying. It's annoying, don't do it. You get one warning.
-Yes, to clarify, you CAN be alien. Be creative with it, please.
-Use clean form or I won't accept.
-Password is HeartOfGold (put in other section)
-Any questions? PalPad me! I'm mostly friendly, as long as you are, and if it has a purpose I usually try to shove aside my anxiety to answer it. :3
-More will be added if need be.

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Full Name: (middle name is optional)
Nickname: (first name, or an actual nickname)
Age: (Im going to be really loose here because they're aliens, but don't let it get out of hand please)
Species/Planet of Orgin: (a species name or planet name (yes they can be from Earth))
Appearance: (BE CREATIVE!!!)
Extra Abilities: (sort of like powers, remember, keep it pretty tame)
Special Skills: (extra things, like "Very quiet, good at sneaking and snooping" or something)
Crush/BF/GF: (optional)

Full Name:
Species/Planet of Origin:
Extra Abilities:
Special Skills:

~My Forms~
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This is a serious WIP currently... you have been warned...
Full Name: Asriel Lightwood
Nickname: Asriel or Rei
Age: About 1123 but looks 19
Species/Planet of Origin: Verian/Neveria
Appearance: Very human-looking, actually, with messy chocolate brown hair and hazel eyes with flecks of gold, gray, green, and blue. He's tall and bone-thin to the point he almost looks under-fed, and his skin is pale enough you can see his gray and pale gold veins a bit. He has a scar down the right side of his face and a little black tattoo of an infinity sign on the inside of his right wrist. He wears, normally, dark shirts and jeans, plus his ever-present black leather jacket, and black sneakers. A small silver chain is around his neck, the end always hidden under his shirt. He's considered "pretty" and "handsome" to a lot of people.
Personality: Asriel is almost always bouncy and restless. He hates being bored, and considers danger fun. He's actually quite sweet, with a child-like sense of excitement and adventure. He's very smart, having been around for so long, and is lost in thought extremely often, which can be annoying because he sometimes won't listen to conversations because he's thinking. There is, however, a darker, more sinister side of him that rarely ever comes out...
Extra Abilities: A strange ability that allows him to seemingly "shift" reality. This wears him out a lot, so he rarely uses it, and thus it's origin and true power is unknown.
Special Skills: He's smart, like a fountain of information, and also very creative, always managing a way to get out of anything.
Crush/BF/GF: None, it seems. (Open but selective)
-Best friends with Charlotte but they're often mistaken as dating
-Cossy is his "pet" but mostly Charlotte's
-Time/space traveller

Full Name: Charlotte Ambroy
Nickname: Charlotte and sometime Char.
Age: 18
Species/Planet of Origin: Human/Earth
Appearance: Short, light brown hair cut between her chin and shoulders. She has pale blue eyes and pale skin, and is shorter than Asriel (which annoys her). She wears just t-shirts and jeans, plus a silver charm bracelet and a small chain around her neck that has a key on the end of it.
Personality: She's mostly friendly, not really fazed by anything, but mess with Asriel or someone she cares about and you're in for it. She's headstrong, but sweet, and always willing to help anyone.
Extra Abilities: None.
Special Skills: She's quiet and small, plus an exceptional pickpocket.
Crush/BF/GF: Open/Palpad
-Cossy is her "pet" much to Asriel's objections
-Often mistaken as Asriel's girlfriend
-Travels with Asriel all over the universe

Full Name: Cosmic Feria Junik
Nickname: Cossy
Age: 36
Species/Planet of Origin: Kilian/Kiliana
Personality: Cossy is quiet and shy, normally staying away from people in general. She loves Charlotte and Asriel (much to his dismay) and is very loyal to them. She can be quite fierce despite her smaller size. The star that always hovers around her changes with mood.
Extra Abilities: She can sense emotions (using her star) and also has a strange ability to spit out "prophecies" or foretellings of the future.
Special Skills: She can hear and smell exceptionally well.
Crush/BF/GF: None. Her mate died of a disease a few years ago.
-Asriel and Charlotte's "pet" that travels with them

Full Name: Amilyn Ren Imia
Nickname: Lyn
Age: 20
Species/Planet of Origin: Selian/Faernia
Her markings change color at will.
Personality: Lyn is fierce and stubborn, and very few mess with her. She's smart, but overly so, and prefers an actual battle than a battle of wits. She's loyal, though, and if you manage to befriend her she'll protect you until the end.
Extra Abilities: Lyn is a quick healer, and has advanced reflexes, meaning she's a bit faster and stronger than others, plus her advance senses of smell, sight, and hearing.
Special Skills: She's an exceptional fighter.
Crush/BF/GF: None. (Open/Palpad)
-Flora's friend

Full Name: Flora Berie
Nickname: Flora
Age: 28
Species/Planet of Origin: Laif/Nanimalia
Personality: Flora is quiet, but sweet and lovable once you get to know her. She keeps her thoughts her herself, and always seems very mellow or mild, sometimes even called "boring" or "unimportant." She is, in fact, clever and creative, with a passion for art and an eye for beauty.
Extra Abilities: She "talks" to plants, and can even persuade them to grow and bend for her. She can also heal others.
Special Skills: Quiet and small, plus exception eyesight and hearing.
Crush/BF/GF: None so far. (Open/Palpad)
-Seems to know Asriel and is afraid of his power.

Full Name: Shadow Prince
Nickname: Shadow
Age: 34
Species/Planet of Origin: Amalia/Juna
Personality: Shadow is sulky and quiet, preferring to stay back and let others take charge. He's not much of a leader or a follower, as he's quite stubborn, but doesn't like taking the lead. He's more of a do-my-own-thing person, but he does follow his leader through respect.
Extra Abilities: Shadow can manipulate shadows, even turn into one himself.
Special Skills: He's quiet, good at sneaking and snooping.
Crush/BF/GF: Open (Palpad)

Full Name: Pastel Sun
Nickname: Pastel
Age: 47
Species/Planet of Origin: Kinam/Juna
Personality: Pastel is very kind, and friendly, with an over-enthusiastic approach towards everything and a talent for making friends. She's extremely artistic, having made all her jewelry herself, and can seem a bit odd at first glance.
Extra Abilities: A strange ability to "bring colors to life"
Special Skills: She's got a good nose and an eye for hidden traps
Crush/BF/GF: She has a small crush on Shadow.

Full Name: Rune Echo
Nickname: Rune
Age: 49
Species/Planet of Origin: Gamie/Juna
Personality: Rune is often seen as "second in command" of the pack, taking charge when the leader isn't there. She's level-headed, rarely raising her voice, logical, and loyal, always looking out for her friends. Occasionally, she will meet someone she doesn't like, but not often.
Extra Abilities: Magic, mostly centering around embedding magic in objects.
Special Skills: Excellent hearing and eyesight, plus a good negotiator.
Crush/BF/GF: Open (Palpad)

Full Name: Static Charge
Nickname: Static
Age: 58
Species/Planet of Origin: Fari/Juna
Personality: He's a bit of a jerk sometimes, snappish and rude, with an odd personality overall that tends to drive others away. He's quite fierce and loyal to his pack, though, and is very protective of little Pastel, always keeping her out of danger.
Extra Abilities: He can mess with electronics using his mind.
Special Skills: He's an inventor
Crush/BF/GF: Open (Palpad)

Full Name: Needle Sown
Nickname: Needle
Age: 27
Species/Planet of Origin: Heliav/Juna
Personality: She's a bit on the shy side, keeping to herself mostly, but she's a bit friendly when you get to know her. Needle is constantly having to replace her stitches all over her body, most of which people can't see, so she carries a messenger bag around with thread and such, plus other things her pack needs. She's very helpful, and likes to be of use when she can.
Extra Abilities: Along with her ability to take off her limbs where they're stitched together, she has telekinesis.
Special Skills: She's good at fixing things and disabling traps.
Crush/BF/GF: Open (Palpad)

Full Name: Sweet Dreams
Nickname: Dream
Age: 64
Species/Planet of Origin: Rali/Juna
Personality: Loyal and fair, a good leader for her pack. She's a bit stubborn, and will do whatever it takes to keep one of her pack from getting injured. She's a bit curious, though, and has a tendency to let her mind wander.
Extra Abilities: Unknown, though it has something to do with stars and dreams.
Special Skills: She leads her pack, and they will follow her orders.
Crush/BF/GF: None
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 1,076
Posted: Fri, 07/04/2017 15:14 (7 Years ago)
Full Name:
Nalaot Kamata.
He prefers to be called Nalaot, but some shorten it to Nala.
It's a mystery, though some believe he's very young compared to them, perhaps around 20 in Earth years.
Species/Planet of Origin:
Nobody knows what he was before his transformation into a bot, though from his origin planet some can assume. / Alternia.
x, but without all the dents. ...Also, this link contains a few other things about him which I believe are important to know.
TBRP, though, as he is a robot, I'm sure you can assume at least a few aspects.
Extra Abilities:
Unless he somehow transforms back into his original species [which could happen, don't take this is stating it's impossible!], he won't have much use besides being unable to experience much pain and the strength that comes with being made of pure metal.
Special Skills:
None, though by the way he treats romantic advances, some think he had a mate on his home planet.
I hope it's alright that I'm using a fandom-based character! HeartOfGold
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 288
Posted: Fri, 07/04/2017 15:37 (7 Years ago)
Reserving two places!
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Fri, 07/04/2017 15:45 (7 Years ago)
Character died off in a trap. (Aka I just forgot about her and decided to just kill her off instead.)
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Fri, 07/04/2017 15:50 (7 Years ago)

Accepted! uwu
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Fri, 07/04/2017 15:53 (7 Years ago)
Reserving One Spot!
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Fri, 07/04/2017 16:59 (7 Years ago)
All went back home.
Trainerlevel: 67

Forum Posts: 241
Posted: Fri, 07/04/2017 17:10 (7 Years ago)
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Full Name: Navneet Lardy
Nickname: Nav
Age: 143
Species/Planet of Orgin: Muna / Remo
Personality: Navneet is a calm and composed guy. He secretly loves fighting, though he tries his best to hide it for no reason at all.
Extra Abilities: He is able to hear sounds from long distances.
Special Skills: He can catch anything, however fast the object is.
Crush/BF/GF: Nah
Other: HeartOfGold
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Fri, 07/04/2017 17:26 (7 Years ago)
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Full Name: Bakabi Krul-Nazol
Nickname: Most people call her Baka
Age: Around 17 in Human Age
Species/Planet of Orgin: She is Kalak and she comes from planet Theamori
Appearance: Here , This is not my DeviantArt btw
Personality: To Be Rped (Everything i will say is that she is not really intelligent)
Extra Abilities: Like other Kalaks she has very strong and long tongue that can be used to grab items or swing on trees and she is fast runned , being able to run long distances.
Special Skills: She has talent for changing her voice and she can mimic most of animal sounds
Crush/BF/GF: None (To be rped)
Other: She will be more like a pet of the group but trust me - you are going to need her if you want to survive. HeartOfGold
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Fri, 07/04/2017 17:34 (7 Years ago)

Accepted! Don't worry, Cossy is similar to a pet too.




Accepted, but keep the powers under control please!


I'll try to finish my forms soon!
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 288
Posted: Fri, 07/04/2017 17:42 (7 Years ago)
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Full Name: Madeline McTea
Nickname: Maddie, Tea, Mad
Age: 20
Species/Planet of Orgin: Twinna/Twinningella

Maddie has Teal, Lilac and Gold streaked hair, blue eyes and a small frame. She is 4" 3, so pretty short, meaning she wears high heels a lot,and trust me, they are crazy! Her eyes turn violet or a deep red depending on her mood. She usually has a small top hat decorated with feathers and she can pull one of three different weapons out of it: a bow and arrow, a massive hammer (her favourite) or a sword. She wears a variety of crazy shoes, a blue tea dress and sparkly black tights and black gloves.
Personality: Maddie is mad, as in crazy mad. She often spouts Twinnish, and always translates afterwards. She's a kind and caring girl though, but won't hesitate to bash in some heads!
Extra Abilities: She can pull anything out of her hat.
Special Skills: Photographic memory and a gift for speaking to animals.
Crush/BF/GF: N/A palpad!
Other: GoldHeart.

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Fri, 07/04/2017 18:12 (7 Years ago)

Wouldn't dare start without you~


I think I've mostly finished my forms so check it out!
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Fri, 07/04/2017 19:37 (7 Years ago)
Ahh, just saw it now but--


Accepted! And...

Woah is that the RP??
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 46
Posted: Fri, 07/04/2017 22:22 (7 Years ago)
Full Name: Taokaka x2678
Nickname: Tao
Age: 1000s of years
Species/Planet of Origin: Xtron12
Personality:She is very silly but has a serious case of ADHD
Extra Abilities: She is literally a living weapon. She can turn into one od the seven sins by her emotions. but besides that she just has her special hoodie
Special Skills: She has all the skills of a cat
Crush/BF/GF: Open
Other: She has never taken off her hoodie. She was the first successful experiment of her kind
Nanbaka Trash:
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Fri, 07/04/2017 22:28 (7 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Sat, 08/04/2017 00:38 (7 Years ago)
Character deleted, just keeping it here.

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Full Name: Jaden Hawhtorne
Nickname: Jaden, please.
Age: 18
Species/Planet of Origin: Noarna
Appearance: Jaden is tall with long ginger hair in two braids. She has icy blue eyes and freckles. She wears a black cloak with roman numerals around the hood and a gold emblem that looks like this on the back. Under that she wears black tights, a black dress to her knees with a gold belt button-like belt, and thigh-high lacked black boots.
Personality: Jaden is aloof, blunt and sarcastic. She is very smart and likes poetry.
Extra Abilities: She can shapeshift into most things and use the abilities of whatever she turns into.
Special Skills: She is great at outsmarting people.
Crush/BF/GF: Open/Palpad
Other: N/A

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Sat, 08/04/2017 00:40 (7 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 288
Posted: Sat, 08/04/2017 13:11 (7 Years ago)
'Nother wip going here
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Sat, 08/04/2017 18:46 (7 Years ago)
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Full Name: Nanru Kalken-nash
Nickname: Her nickname is "Pheonix"
Age: Around 23
Species/Planet of Orgin: Like Bakabi she is a Kalak but while Baka is just Scout she is a Warrior and thats why she has different apperance even that they are same species. She comes from planet Theamori
Appearance: Here , Once again this is not my DeviantArt
Personality: To Be Rped
Extra Abilities: She can set herself on Fire
Special Skills: Her flying abbilities supass those of other Warriors of her flock
Crush/BF/GF: None but Baka is from same flock as her
Other: HeartOfGold
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Sat, 08/04/2017 18:53 (7 Years ago)