"Chocolate is amazing" he said while trying to crush the milk
carton on his head. He hit it really hard against his head and it
didn't smash. "Oww" he said as he rubbed his head
"You two can keep your chocolate.I will take strawberries,cinnamon
buns, and blood lace win or blood itself."Nyx says while picking up
another strawberry and starting to nible on it.Sht then grabs a
knife and makes a small slice in her palm that starts to bleed.She
then brings it to her mouth and starts drinking.
Nyx just shrugged."No offense takin..though that doesn't mean I
will stop."She says with a bit of a smirk.There was a second reason
why she liked blood so much but right now that reason didn't
Nyx laughed a bit."Of course.Reading in the library is always fun.I
am so glad I am not a light weight."She mutters at the end while
taking a napkin to stop her hand from bleeding.
Nyx made a small eep sound and her face went strawberry red.She
huffed slightly and glared at the table while muttering something
about stupid Lars and making her blush all the time.
Nyx shook her head and got up.She was going to stop by the
infirmary and grab a band-aid before going to the library.She makes
it to the infirmary and gently knocks before entering."Hello?"