Forum Thread
1000 Nuggets for sale! Looking for PFQ stuff!
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → 1000 Nuggets for sale! Looking for PFQ stuff!Conkelder,Shellos,Petlil,Whimsicott,Furfrou,goomy,Crawdaunt,Rotom,zebstrika, whirlepede, tokoal, griafarig,barboach, regice, shroomish,lilipup,purloin,leavanny,litleo,sylveon,hawlucha,
gorgeist, both rowlets, lycanrock and pallisand to be more specific
I also have 884 GP
Any chance 2 shiny megas and the 884 gp can get me that cosmog?
As usual, i'm intrested in your shiny megas,!
However i'd like to know how much you'd want for all of them, honestly,!
Though i'm more inclined for 1=1 Nugget to ZC, really.
And do you have anything else,?