Oliver gathered his things, holding them close to his chest. He
began to head out, until someone stuck out their leg, tripping the
small boy. He toppled to the ground, his books and such spilling
onto the floor. "D-Dangit..." He murmured, shifting to sit up.
Troye thanked him and quickly ran to the locker room to change into
his volleyball uniform. He was the captain, so he had to be there a
little beforehand. He ran to the volleyball team's gym and quickly
began to set up as the members trickled in.
Oliver looked up at the boy, his knees burning from scrapes.
"Thanks." He said, getting up. He bent down to pick up his things,
sighing. He glanced over to see two guys laughing and high giving
one another.
The room was empty. Pandora sighed and turned on the stereo. Little
did she know Mia was filming everything she was doing. "Serves you
right for talking to senpai" She whispered as she pressed
Swan lake started to play. Pandora shuffled around awkwardly but
then she started to dance properly after she took a deep breath.
"It's okay. No-one is watching"
Azy saw Mia peeking through a door and recording something. ok Azy
you can do this... he said to himself "uh... Mia... what are you
recording?" Azy said holding in his embarrassment
Troye checked who was here. "We are missing... Oliver?" He said
quietly to himself. He couldn't wait to start practice any longer,
so he started warming the team up, hoping he would show up soon.
Lise went to drama club, where they were currently doing auditions
for the new play.
He immediately jumped with the pole and made it over the rope
easily. His friends cheered and a few girls giggled. He had the
record at pole vault at this school. He smiled and got off the mat
"SenpaaaaAAAAaaazy" She said. "This is none of your business" She
exclaimed "BAKA!"
Pandora flinched and turned off the music. "O-okay... How about....
Ugh, what is the point?" She exclaimed. "I look like a child" She
shook her head and put on a new song.
Oliver continued to gather his things, before slipping them into
his bag and heading out. He left the building, rushing to the gym.
He changes into shorts and a tank top, sprinting into the
gymnasium. "I'm sorry I'm late! I got tripped and such..." He said
to Troye as he set down his things. He blushed embarassedly.
Troye chuckled. "It is alright. We just started warming up." Troye
said with a smile. He waved the rest of the team over as the coach
walked in and they gathered by the white board as he talked to them
about strategy and things like that. Lise was reading over her
lines quickly, hoping she wouodn't mess them up.
Pandora looked at the big clock and packed up her things. She got
changed and ran. "T-there was auditions... I completely forgot..."
She turned a corner and ran into Azy.