Azy pulled out a small handmade paper book and he started to draw
in it he looked around to check that no one was looking he started
to draw some more.
Lise got up to tap Troye on the shoulder and whisper something to
him that she knew he probably forgot. He did. He smiled and thanked
her. She just shrugged and went back to her own seat, and decided
to read a book.
Oliver glanced at the French girl, hearing her. "Je ne suis pas
sûre, madame." He quipped, glancing at her with a smile. He bet she
didn't know he could speak French. He had grown up in France, but
moved to New Zealand. Then here! So, he knew about 3 languages.
Pandora closed her book in shock. "O-Oh! Votre francophone à?
Désolé si je vous ai offensé. Je-je viens de me sentir un peu
étourdi." She scratched the back of her head and blushing a deep
red. 'Oh god... I Mabey just have killed a chance getting a friend'
She thought.
Lise checked the time again. Hmm. Class should be starting soon.
She looked through her things, looking for her schedule. She found
it and replicated it in her notebook. She would most likely lose
this one, so might as well make another.
Oliver smiled, shaking his head. "Oh! Ne vous inquiétez pas! C'est
tout à fait bien! Nous sommes tous comme ça, non?" He said, giving
a warm smile. He shifted, flattening his skirt and tucking a lock
of hair behind his ear.
Troye texted a couple of his friends, waiting for the teacher. He
shoved it in his pocket and his friends started praising him for
the shot he made earlier, Troye just laughing and turning red.
Pandora sighed and cleared her through. "I-I'm sorry but my English
is still quite...bad. But did you make that yourself? It is an
amazing design." She pointed at his clothing. Her eyes shifted
towards the boy she saw this morning and saw him doodling
something. She started to try and read it.