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Forum Thread

Pokécenter in Emera town

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP Pokécenter in Emera town
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Sun, 12/03/2017 15:32 (7 Years ago)
Your pokemons fainted. You must heal it.. But WHERE???
When you came from Route 53 to Emera town, you will see Emera square. Pokécenter is behind The square. Go straight The square and turn left.
*you open glass doors and go in*
*you see a big pokécenter*
*you go to ,,countertops"*
You: ,,Hi, my pokemons fainted, can you Please heal it?"
Pokémon Nurse: ,,Welcome to The pokécenter!"
You: ,,Eh... i say... can you heal my pokemons?"
Pokemon Nurse: ,,Do you want to i heal your pokemons?"
You: ,,Ahhh! Yes! Of course i want! I saying it!"
Pokemon Nurse: ,,Do you want to i heal your pokemons?"
Pokemon Nurse: ,,Do you want to i heal your pokemons?"
You: ,,Uhhh!"
--Choices ,,NO" and ,,YES" appears--
Pokemon Nurse: ,,Do you want to i heal your po-"
*you touch button ,,YES"*
Pokemon Nurse: ,,Okay... let me take your pokemons for a while."
You: ,,Here! Wait- How to give pokemons?!"
Pokemon Nurse: ,,Okay... let me take your pokemons for a while."
*pokemon Nurse shows knife*
Pokemon Nurse(very shy): ,,Gave me your pokemons or i Kill you."
*you get scared*
You(scared): ,,O-Okay-Wait... i must go on my phone to Google How to give pokemo-"
Pokemon Nurse(Devil voice): ,,I SAY GAVE ME YOUR POKEMONS?!"
*pokemon Nurse shows MPE4(not MP4)*
*you release your pokemons from party(Arceus, Mew, Mega MewTwo X, Mega MewTwo Y and Shaymin(Sky form))*
Pokemon Nurse(happy and joyfull): ,,We hope to see you again!"
*you go into boxes*
*you check your boxes*
*you choose all pokemons*
*you release all your pokemons(minus starter)*
*you move your starter to your party*
*you go trade*
--Pokemon Nurse want to trade with you--
--Pokemon Nurse offering: Rattata--
--You offering: Your Starter--
--Trade was sucesfull--
*you go to route 53*
//Pokemon Nurse want to battle//
--//Pokemon Nurse sent out Arceus(your arceus)//--
--//You sent out Rattata//--

(Fight) (Bag) (Switch) (Run)
*You choose (Run)*
--You cannot run from a trainer battle!--
--//Arceus use tackle//--
--//Rattata defeated//--
Pokemon Nurse(girl voice): ,,Haha! When i steal your pokemons and give you this stupid Rattata i was saw you: you fall in love. You fall in love with GARBADOR! Haha."
*team Rockets appears*
--Team rockets say something But you dont listen it--
Meowth: ,,Pokemon Nurse! Give We pokemons you steal!"
James: ,,Let's go steal stealed pokemons!"
Jessie: ,,Wut!?"
*pokemon Nurse Kill team rockets*
*you applaud*
Pokemon Nurse(with girly girl laugh): ,,BYE BYE I DONT KNOW YOU!"
You: ,,-.-"
Pokemon Nurse: ,,-.-"
--pokemon Nurse use sweet kiss--
--You use Kill and run away--
*many pokeballs drops of nonwhere*
You: ,,Yaayyy! Thats my pokemons and Its healed LOL."