Forum Thread
Code Gijinka
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Code GijinkaPlot
It's another day at your boarding school in France. It's the middle of the Fall semester and you're in the middle of science class when suddenly you catch the signal from one of your friends. It's him again, X.A.N.A., trying to strike down Kadic Academy when he thinks you are unaware. Sneaking out of class, you and your teammates dive into the vast world of Lyoko. Greeted by your five friends, known as the AIs, you stop the most recent attack and return to your life as a normal boarding student. But X.A.N.A. won't stop any time soon, so you continue your life as a Lyoko Warrior, working to stop his evil plots as they come.

1. When a character enters Lyoko, they can
become a Pokemon Gijinka. It can be any Gijinka you want as long as
it is not a mega evolution or a large legendary. Pixie legendaries
such as celebi or mew. If you have a question about a possible
pokemon, feel free to ask.
2. Mega Evolution is available as a possible weapon for your characters if they are a pokemon gijinka, they just cannot be a mega all the time.
3. You can make as many characters as you want, just don't go overboard with it.
4. No bunnying, godmodding, and no Mary-sues.
5. Try to have somewhat of proper grammar. I'm not picky but at least be able to type well enough that I can understand what you are saying.
6. No one-liners. Try to contribute something to the story. I get it can be difficult sometimes but just try to contribute something.
7. Ages should be somewhere between 14 and 18. This is a high school boarding school. I am willing to allow a little younger or older with the explanation that they skipped a grade or were held back, but nothing too unreasonable.
8. Gijinkas can have up to four moves and up to two weapons. The weapons should be simple items such as a trident or dart gun, nothing too unreasonable like a bazooka. Movesets can be anything the pokemon has been able to know in the past, anything from Gen I to Gen VII, including learnset, TMs, tutors, egg moves, and special distributions. Just don't go too crazy all right?
9. Try to keep everything at max the PG-13 level when it comes to romance, violence, etc.
10. If art is not yours, please do say so. Give credit where credit is due.
11. XANA attacks happen semi-frequently. I will control when these attacks occur as well as control XANA itself. If you have an idea for an attack feel free to suggest one but generally attacks are things that can cause mass destruction like mass earthquakes or crashing planes.
12. Have fun! And if you have any questions do feel free to ask me at any time, either by posting here or PMing me. I am always open to suggestions and questions to make your experience more fun!
2. Mega Evolution is available as a possible weapon for your characters if they are a pokemon gijinka, they just cannot be a mega all the time.
3. You can make as many characters as you want, just don't go overboard with it.
4. No bunnying, godmodding, and no Mary-sues.
5. Try to have somewhat of proper grammar. I'm not picky but at least be able to type well enough that I can understand what you are saying.
6. No one-liners. Try to contribute something to the story. I get it can be difficult sometimes but just try to contribute something.
7. Ages should be somewhere between 14 and 18. This is a high school boarding school. I am willing to allow a little younger or older with the explanation that they skipped a grade or were held back, but nothing too unreasonable.
8. Gijinkas can have up to four moves and up to two weapons. The weapons should be simple items such as a trident or dart gun, nothing too unreasonable like a bazooka. Movesets can be anything the pokemon has been able to know in the past, anything from Gen I to Gen VII, including learnset, TMs, tutors, egg moves, and special distributions. Just don't go too crazy all right?
9. Try to keep everything at max the PG-13 level when it comes to romance, violence, etc.
10. If art is not yours, please do say so. Give credit where credit is due.
11. XANA attacks happen semi-frequently. I will control when these attacks occur as well as control XANA itself. If you have an idea for an attack feel free to suggest one but generally attacks are things that can cause mass destruction like mass earthquakes or crashing planes.
12. Have fun! And if you have any questions do feel free to ask me at any time, either by posting here or PMing me. I am always open to suggestions and questions to make your experience more fun!
Basic Need to Know Information about Lyoko:

1. There are five main zones: Forest, Desert, Glacier, Mountains, and Core. All can be reached with designated coordinates inputted into the super computer, except the Core, which requires a transporter that has a password (SCIPIO) that must be entered into the super computer by the computer handler.
2. Monsters are viruses sent in by X.A.N.A, a program created by the creator of Lyoko that went bad, to keep the players from deactivating towers. They can be destroyed by striking the XANA symbol on them. Usually only requires one hit to destroy, but certain monsters like the Kolossus may require more than one strike to take down. Towers are very important. A tower with red aura has been taken over by X.A.N.A and is being used to attack the real world, ranging from anything from filling the area with severe laughing gas to driving a bus into a nuclear power plant to blizzards. A tower with blue aura is a deactivated tower. Only AIs can deactivate towers and they can only deactivate the towers within the sector they manage.
3. Each player has a set amount of life points, when the health points drop to zero, one of two things happen. If the player is from the real world, the player will then return to the scanners. If the player is an A.I. that cannot go to the real world, then they disappear forever. The only ways for a real world player to die is if either they fall into the Digital Sea or if the deactivation codes are suspended and the player's life points were to run out. If the Super Computer that hosts Lyoko is shut down while a player is inside, the player does not die, but rather loses the ability to devirtualize, making them effectively an AI until these codes can be restored.
4. In order to often reverse the damage XANA has caused, players can do what is called a "Return to the Past". This will take players back to a set time and date depending on what is inputted into the computer. Only players registered in the computer will have recollection of the events that have occurred. However, these returns have two negatives to them. Firstly, they cannot undo death. In the event someone dies and a return to the past occurs, the individual that passed with simply die at the instant the players return to. Secondly, it increases the amount of power XANA has, though no one is exactly sure why.
5. Real world players can only enter Lyoko once every twelve hours.
6. If you wish to look for further info either go here or ask me.
Shayla ran a brush through her hair as she stared into the mirror on the wall of her room. Smiling a little as she got the last of the tangles out, Shayla made sure her clothes were perfectly neat before grabbing her favorite sun hat and leaving her dorm for breakfast. Living on the first floor of Kadic was nice, because it meant Shayla did not have to climb any stairs when moving in. Shayla pushed open the door into the stairwell then exited out through another door. The crisp autumn air felt nice to breathe in. Shayla paused to take a deep breathe before proceeding to walk a little ways to the cafeteria.
Casey came running down the stairs not long after his sister had left. His hair was in disarray and his clothes just kind of thrown together. He did not really care though, all he wanted was breakfast. If he got there fast enough he could beat everyone to the waffle maker this time! And Casey sure did love his waffles. Sprinting outside, Casey dashed past his sister, giving her a quick wave before darting into the cafeteria.

Once she was dressed, she headed to the cafeteria leisurely, her breakfast consisting of orange juice and a single sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit covered in gravy. She sat down a few seats down from the group, not feeling sociable at the moment.

(WAIT gonna make another form for an AI and put Lisa's backstory up. (Y) ;))