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Forum Thread

Palpad Messages 'Seen'

Forum-Index Suggestions Rejected Palpad Messages 'Seen'
Trainerlevel: 53

Forum Posts: 1,557
Posted: Sun, 26/02/2017 15:32 (7 Years ago)
I feel like there should be a setting that would allow you to choose; Can they know that you've seen their message or not? That way, people who like this suggestion and those who dislike it can be okay.
Trainerlevel: 82

Forum Posts: 891
Posted: Sun, 26/02/2017 16:28 (7 Years ago)
tbh, if this ever got implemented, I'd quit lmao

I don't think people realize how hard it is with certain people to deal with users messaging them. Having that added message of "seen at xx:xx time" just makes the anxiety come out even more.

not so much going towards what's been posted so far, but people really do not know, unless they're going through it themselves, that being extremely introverted is just a killer (along with other personal problems someone else might have, I'm just using introvert as one, because that's what I am.)
I do not like people knowing when I've seen their messages, it takes a lot of energy to keep up with messaging people through palpad constantly, when truthfully, I usually don't want to have a conversation.
It's nothing personal with anyone, but /i/ like to chose when I talk to someone, I do /not/ like having a system that pretty much says "well, you've seen the message, so now you need to reply"