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Traitors Among Us Sign-up

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Traitors Among Us Sign-up
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Thu, 23/02/2017 20:50 (7 Years ago)
Here's the RP!^^
Everyone has secrets.
Secrets are what we are. We keep them, we tell them, we pass them on, saying "shh, don't tell." Many are harmless. But there are secrets of the more dangerous kind. The kind that people will kill to know...
Suddenly, you find yourself in an empty room, save for a small screen only about two feet wide embedded in the walls, which are stone. There are no windows or doors. It's cold, and a draft comes from somewhere. "Welcome." A voice says, and a face appears on the screen. Dazzling green eyes, unblemished alabaster skin, dark hair that falls in curls to her shoulders. "I'm Thorn. You don't know me yet, but I predict you'll soon hate me. I have designed this place for people like me. Gifted people, with amazing abilities. You can not leave. You can not get out in any way. I'm sorry for what I've done, but you have to understand I'm doing this to protect my family. You will stay here for now. One of the people among you has a secret. Information that's important. The traitor. Obviously, you can rule out yourself and the other newbies, but the older ones here are all fair game. Your job is to find out who the traitor is. If you do, then you are freed. If you can't, you die here, without your family and friends and everyone you love. And all throughout I've placed challenges for you all. Welcome to Hopeless Manor. I wish you good luck, you're going to need it..."

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-Normal PH rules
-Normal RP rules
-No copying powers please
-I know it's in normal RP rules, but NO POWER PLAYING. You can not escape. Period.
-As many characters as you'd like, and you can add new ones any time.
-Use the clean form or I wont accept
-One of my characters will be a traitor, no one else can be a traitor. If you want to be one of the suspects, Palpad me, but you must have a newbie too, and its first come, first serve, since not everyone can have a suspect.
-Please be active
-Any questions? Feel free to Palpad me, I'm always ready to answer!

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Name: (full name, first and last)
Nickname: (first name, or if you shorten it)
Age: (between 15-19)
Appearance: (remember, they do have powers, so they can look a little different)
Gift: (basically, your power, and not too OP please)


My forms:
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Name: Arcane Puzzler
Nickname: Arcane, Nostalgia calls her Arcy
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Appearance: Long black hair in neat ringlets, color-changing hazel eyes, pale skin. Quite beautiful, actually. She always seems to have a deep sadness to her eyes and rarely makes eye-contact with anyone. She's also very twitchy, always moving and her gaze always wandering.
Personality: She's kind of quiet, but when she does speak, she's not very friendly. She can be extremely blunt about the truth and doesn't comprehend emotions very well. However, if anyone ever has a question about creatures or Gifts or how the Manor works, she's the one to ask, and she seems to know things about people she shouldn't, but rarely speaks about it. She always has a slight air of sadness about her, especially when she's alone or thinking.
Gift: Magic, but it's faint, and takes a lot of energy out of her.
Other: She's been in the Manor for the longest.

Name: Nostalgia Starfur
Nickname: Nostalgia, or Gia
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: She's strange, a little cold at times. She doesn't care much for others emotions, and never seems to falter in her decisions, always confident in herself. Often she'll laugh things off, and almost always knows what Arcane is thinking.
Gift: She can create illusions
Other: She's Arcane's "pet"

Name: Royal Nightwind
Nickname: Royal
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Appearance: Straight black hair, royal blue eyes, and a pretty face overall, Royal stands out in a crowd with her tall and skinny frame and flashing smile. She seems to draw attention to herself naturally, and her appearance coupled with her powers makes her irresistable.
Personality: She's funny and quick to smile, but has a darker side that comes out only when she's annoyed or angry. When these emotions overcome her, she is prone to violence. However, she stays calm normally, and her slightly mischievous and cunning but playful side is apparent most often.
Gift: She can charm people into doing what she wants, but the more they don't want to do it, the more uneffective it is. However, she can overcome this, but it takes energy.

Name: Victory Tempus
Nickname: Vicky or Vick
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: Caramel-colored hair cut short to a little above her shoulders, startling purple eyes, a little darker skin than full-on alabaster, but mostly because she speads a lot of her time in the gardens or by the library windows. She always wears her black hoodie, and her blue, wire-rimmed glasses.
Personality: She's shy and quiet, and stammers a lot when talking normally. However, she is smart, and when she gets going, her stuttering is no longer heard. The soft-spoken girl makes friends easily with her friendly attitude and optimistic view.
Gift: From what she says, she can time-travel, but the Manor doesn't allow her. Her only apparent ability is telekinesis, which is reletively weak.

Name: Enigma Magicae
Nickname: Enigma
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Appearance: Messy black curls, bluish eyes that have hints of purple and green in them. He has a slightly devilish smile, and his eyes at always shining with humor. He's also pretty tall, a little over 6 feet.
Personality: He's funny, almost never takes anything seriously, with a quick smile and laugh. He's similar to Arcane in the respect he knows a lot, even things he probably shouldn't, but he's such a likable guy that most people don't notice. He's very protective of his friends.
Gift: Weather manipulation.
Other: A notorious criminal on the black market, despite his friendly attitude.

Name: Galaxy Malia Starstruck
Nickname: Galaxy
Age: 19
Gender: Female (Bisexual)
Appearance: Long, raven-black, wavy hair and pale gold eyes that shift colors "in the light." She's pale, and her teeth are unnaturally sharp on the canines. She always wears black leggings and has her hair in a messy braid. Three scars are over her right eye, like a giant cats claw-marks.
Personality: She's a little quiet sometimes, and often has a far-away look in her eyes, which means she's thinking. But she's relatively friendly, and smarter than Arcane and Enigma combined when it comes to other-worldly things. Often she talks really fast to keep up with her thoughts and people can't understand her. She's also sarcastic and can be really annoying sometimes.
Gift: She has voices in her head, but other than that, she can create and bring to life carvings and sculptures of animals to help her. The power is often a little faulty, as she hasn't mastered it fully. She also has retractable claws.
Other: She doesn't like talking about her past. She also has a mysterious black chain bracelet with what looks like small gold diamonds. This bracelet seems to respond to her touch.

Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Thu, 23/02/2017 23:10 (7 Years ago)
Name: Richard Jackson
Nickname: Ricky
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Appearance: A tall man towering in at seven foot six and as thin as a rod. His skin is pail. He has long black hair going down to his hips. He left eye is red while he is missing his right eye. He wears a biker's uniform and his back right pocket has a chain connecting it to his front right pocket. He is light weight at one hundred pounds giving him the nickname the human skeleton.
Personality: He loves to insult people and is willing to use shows of force. He also is kind of narcissistic and believes everyone to be below him. He however can respect people and be nicer to them, however to the untrained eye he is mean to those he cares for. He also religious despite not looking it and has been to heaven and hell numerous times, and on two occasions met Satan.
Gift: He can make contracts with both angels and demons allowing him to become them but slightly weaker.
Other: He has an assistant and is teaching her how to fight.

Name: Noemi (Moretti) Jackson
Nickname: Noe
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Appearance: She is five foot six and has blonde hair falling down an inch past her shoulders. Her eyes are blue, and she is Caucasian. She is one hundred and four pounds, and usually wears a long skirt or shorts. She also wears plain t-shirts.
Personality: Noemi is up beat and always happy with life, however when meeting a new person she stammers and can barely talk to anyone without feeling awkward. She struggles to take a joke and often wonders if Ricky is being mean or joking. She despite knowing she is weak more than makes up for it with her attitude and she is willing to be a cheer leader for all.
Gift: She can summon some heroes at will. They however can only last fifteen minutes and she'll need to wait an hour to summon them again.
Other: She was the daughter of Senator Moretti and his wife Aida Moretti. Her mom died early and her father died do to a sniper when he announced he would run for president upsetting Noemi a lot and it is a touchy subject for her. Ricky took her on as an apprentice and she dutifully calls him Mr.Ricky.
She started calling herself Noemi Jackson viewing Ricky as a father figure.
She suffers from bulimia.

He is my buddy Adam.
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 46
Posted: Thu, 23/02/2017 23:30 (7 Years ago)
Saving two spots!
Nanbaka Trash:
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 164
Posted: Thu, 23/02/2017 23:42 (7 Years ago)
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Name: Troye Benton
Nickname: None officially.
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Appearance: x
Personality: He's extremely formal and really is a goody two shoes. He's intelligent, and mostly silent. He's very charming and extremely charismatic, but annoys most people. Because of this, he is usually hated and his ideas are discarded, but nevertheless tries to be sweet.
Gift: He can disappear into the shadows, and he can also control them a bit, but most of the time he blacks out for a couple of hours afterward.
Other: He's sometimes called, "Prince".

Name: Kelsey Evans
Nickname: None
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Appearance: x
Personality: TBRPed
Gift: She can control water but it tires her considerably depending on how much water and what she does with it.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Thu, 23/02/2017 23:45 (7 Years ago)
Name: Ashe Jenkins
Nickname: None
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Appearance:Here by The-Doctor
Personality: To be rped (This time i will dont change personality in half of rp)
Gift: Healing (Advanced Level) and excelent sense of hearing
Other: She ships alot so be prepared , she also have soft spots for animals of any kind.
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Thu, 23/02/2017 23:51 (7 Years ago)
Scientist is accepted!^^
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Thu, 23/02/2017 23:56 (7 Years ago)

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Name: Oliver Carson Hymun
Nickname: Oli
Age: 16
Gender: Male ((Femboy))

Personality: He's a sweet, kind boy with an excited personality. He is quite feminine, but not in a rude way. In a nice and tiny way. He loves people and his friends, and rarely yells or gets angry. He's a crybaby, though. And sensitive, with a heart bigger than his body. He loves cuddling and being a little spoon. He loves hugs!!
Gift: Flying. See, he can grow wings, but at times it won't work, and it usually only lasts around 30 minutes to an hour. They disappear somewhere in that time period. He gets really tired after it, and his back hurts a lot.
-Is only 4'2"
-Weighs 92 lbs

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Name: Harper Maria Evans
Nickname: Harpy
Age: 19
Gender: Demigirl ((They/Them, She/Her))

Personality: she tends to be a bit of a goofball, making bad jokes and using off-beat humour and subtle irony. Emma has a typical nerd nature in that she is very passive, and she follows commands more easily than the others, complying with commands not because of their logical sense but because she was told to. She's a dork and a sweetie.
Gift: Exploiting your mind by eye contact.
-Weighs 106 lbs
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Fri, 24/02/2017 00:08 (7 Years ago)
Glove is accepted!^^
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Fri, 24/02/2017 00:26 (7 Years ago)
Form added , Its already midnight so its not detailed alot so sorry..
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 164
Posted: Fri, 24/02/2017 00:33 (7 Years ago)
Finished my forms ^^
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Fri, 24/02/2017 00:41 (7 Years ago)
Both accepted!^^ Advertise if you dont mind, and Ill add to my forms (I have quite a few characters)
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 164
Posted: Fri, 24/02/2017 21:43 (7 Years ago)
Are we starting soon? We have eleven characters already :O
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Fri, 24/02/2017 21:44 (7 Years ago)
Yeah, we'll go ahead and start already, I'll make the RP in a moment.
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 46
Posted: Fri, 24/02/2017 21:48 (7 Years ago)
Name: Blake J. Watson
Nickname: Blake
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Personality: He is very mysterious about his past and is very lovable. He is not very smart though
Gift: He is a shape shifter
Nanbaka Trash:
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Fri, 24/02/2017 21:52 (7 Years ago)
Accepted!^^ I'll put the link to the RP up soon.
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 318
Posted: Sat, 25/02/2017 06:18 (7 Years ago)
Name: Nyx Somun
Nickname: Nyx or Night
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Appearance: Boop
Personality: She is shy yet also very sweet.She is a bit of a goofy goobber though once you get to know her.She is also very protective of her friends.
Gift: Seer but she only gets small glimpses so she hardly ever pays attention to what she is shown.
Other: Her hight is only 3 feet by the way so she is more often then not mistaken for a little kid and she knows how to use that to her advantage.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Sat, 25/02/2017 18:49 (7 Years ago)
This character was deleted due to being inactive and not used in roleplay
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Sat, 25/02/2017 19:03 (7 Years ago)
Both accepted!
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Sat, 25/02/2017 20:05 (7 Years ago)
Name: ????
Nickname: Goes by The Flea
Age: He is seventeen
Gender: He is a boy obviously.
Appearance: He is average height and weight. He is white and has brown eyes. He wears a blue scarf below his eyes to conceal his face. He wears a long blue uniform with black mixed in at the belt, boots, and elbow and knee armor.
Personality: He can easily get over excited and is concerned about everyone's well being. He is a science nerd who can start to geek out at any moment.
Gift: He has the abilities of a flea, but a lot stronger due to his size. This allows him to pull twelve thousand tons, jump a thousand feet in the air and land safely, jump thirty thousand times without stopping, and his jump speed is fifty times faster than a space shuttle taking off.
Other: He is a huge nerd, and chances are if it is a hobby associated with nerd, he is fond of it.
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Sat, 25/02/2017 20:22 (7 Years ago)