Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Fanmades → (Closed)

Rule 1. 'We
will only be used on PH! Please do not place us anywhere else!'
Rule 2. 'We want you to pay for us after you receive us!'
Rule 3. 'Please have fun while trying to win us! Don't argue with other people who really want us! Whoever wins, wins!'
Rule 4. 'We are only traditional, not digital. Mr. R, our maker, likes working with an ink pen and watercolor. Please don't complain about us being traditional!'
Rule 5. 'You can offer anything for us! It's not limited to a specific payment.'
Rule 6. 'Please give Mr. R (The-Doctor), credit for making us!'
Rule 7. 'Mr. R is open to ideas for future Bums. Just PM him your ideas. Who knows, your idea Bum might appear and be wanting a new home!'
Rule 2. 'We want you to pay for us after you receive us!'
Rule 3. 'Please have fun while trying to win us! Don't argue with other people who really want us! Whoever wins, wins!'
Rule 4. 'We are only traditional, not digital. Mr. R, our maker, likes working with an ink pen and watercolor. Please don't complain about us being traditional!'
Rule 5. 'You can offer anything for us! It's not limited to a specific payment.'
Rule 6. 'Please give Mr. R (The-Doctor), credit for making us!'
Rule 7. 'Mr. R is open to ideas for future Bums. Just PM him your ideas. Who knows, your idea Bum might appear and be wanting a new home!'
' is...dry. Thanks for my...fellow Bums' rules. Bye!'
[center][color=SlateGrey]Hey Mr. R, I want
to bid on a Bum![/color]
My Bid:
My Bid: