Nimble popped his head out of Connie's pocket and sighed. "Fresh
air...Hey! Do you mind moving out of the sunlights rays? I'm trying
to get warm! I've been stuck in Miss Popsicle's pocket!" Nimble
asked Soleil.
"You think you can take me there?" Nimble asked Soleil as he used
needle and thread to make a rope. He then lowered himself to the
ground and hopped over to Soleil.
"Thanks." Nimble climbed into the bag and sat down.
"Now...don'!" Nimble gasped for breath. "I don't
want to be crushed by paint!" He added.
Somnum sat in her dorm room trying to keep her tears at bay.She
hated how she was expected to act.She remembers asking her father
if she could make friends here.Friends?The Night Elfs do not
have friends child.We have allies and that is all.Get that foolish
notion of friends out of your head Somnum."All I want is one
friend."She mumbles to herself curling into a ball on her window
"Why would I get hurt...oh right! I almost got flattened today
already. Though...I really want to choose where I stay!" Nimble
climbed onto Soleil's shoulder and stared at the sketch. "I want a
thatched roof, make my door out of carrots or something!" Nimble
sighed. "I miss my little shack in the trashcan behind the Tailor's