The amulet around her neck glitters gold. "Maybe. But for now, you
stay away from her." Speck flicks her tail and walks away down the
tunnel again. Blitz follows, skipping ahead to go warn Nostalgia.
Sapphire tried to batted a fly that was flying by.She nipped the
air and ate the fly.Shadow shudder but that was the way of life.He
waited for assignments that were asigned or a adventure.
Speck slowed near Ixy and Cossy, and the two kits looked up with
their striking purple eyes. "Threat." Speck mutters and they both
nod as she trots on ahead, falling instep with Red.
Blitz catches up to Nostalgia. "Someone's here to kill you, just so
you know." She says quietly. The whole group continues down the
hall in silence after that.
Shadow layer his head in his paws and sighed."If we aren't doing
anything, I am sleeping......"Shadow closed his eyes and
slept.Sapphire yawn and slept next to Shadow.