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Fursona diary

Forum-Index Diaries Fursona diary
Trainerlevel: 95

Forum Posts: 350
Posted: Fri, 10/02/2017 23:35 (7 Years ago)
Hi,here I will put info and art aboutmy special fursona,Ouija.
This oc belonged to siqko but he gifted it to me.♡
Ouija by siqko

Ouija by siqko

&#9825Name:Ouija Miraj
&#9825Species:Dream eater wolf
&#9825Personality type:Infp
&#9825Story:Ouija was a tiny and strange wolf born into a rich and ordinary family,she was fine untill childhood ended...then...everything started to get worse and worse for her...she has to learn how to hunt,to fight with other wolves by herself because her parents abbandoned her when they discovered that she had a rare ability to eat dreams...yea sounds strange but its true and sad....she had big dreams but her parents had different plans with her so they kinda eated her dreams pft...and then they told her shes the guilty one for being able to eat dreams....So Ouija starts to travel around the world hoping she will learn how to survive as an young adult and trying to make her dreams come true:to learn about philosophy,psichology and astrology from the great masters of the world...and of course,to learn how to use her powers.
&#9825Personality:Ouija has a thinking hyper activity...so she thinks too much about things....mostly bad things but also some good things.She is a very good observant and has a great sense of black humour,shewas considered cool by some persons and stranfe by other persons....but the truth is that shes just a stubborn introvert wolf who likes to think about philosofical and psichological problems of the world and likes to self rp about some cool love stories she saw insoms movies she adored `♡`/".She is also good at swimming,drawing and sleeping.She cries a lot but recovers fast after any battle...
&#9825Theme song:"Skin"