Riley began thinking. Who would trap him the box? Not Harminy or
Ayame. Possibly Venus. His instincts yelled Sorra, but had no
proof. If he did say that he'd let them no he doubted her. Maybe it
was a test by a teacher.
She walked slightly behind him. "What do you think we have first? I
hope fighting. Or something like that." She folded her wings and
put on her jacket.
Harmony was sitting in the classroom with the wall to her left
side.She was reading a book over the different Grimms and their
abilities.She glanced up when she heard the door creak open.She saw
the two people enter but she couldn't make their features out.
He sat at the desk on her left side. He took out his phone and
looked at his texts. He texted his dad "I'm really sorry dad" he
texted. No response came back. He put his phone away and put his
head on his desk ignoring the teacher speaking
Riley made a grand sand castle with a few walls and windows. Trying
to create a tower he frowned, he was all out of sand. He stroked
his goatee. What now?
Harmony was ignoring the teacher.He was talking about the strengths
of different Sembalances.'Sembalance doesn't always work if its
useless.'she thought to herself glaring at her book.