Innocence started to sing as she was making the food. All my friends are heathens. Take it slow
Wait for them to ask you who you know
Please don't make any sudden moves
You don't know the half of the abuse
Once she finished cooking she stopped singing."And here you go.Four
BLTs for one Gluttony."she said before starting to eat her own.
Gluttony- He took the sandwiches and smelled them. They smelled
good. He shoved all of them in his mouth. It was almost as good as
human. He had never had anything else. "Thank you" he said while
biting on his finger
Pride- He started spying again through the shadows watching the two
in the kitchen.
Lust- She walked in the kitchen looking for Gluttony. "Do you want
to go on a walk?" She asked gluttony. The sun was about to go down.
Riza zoomed off and stopped at a cheap inn. It was gross, and
broken down, but nice enough. Too converse money they got one room.
Stains covered the walls, and the floor was crusty with pizza
sauce. She bit her lip nervously.
"Your welcome Gluttony." she said after swalloing a bite of
food.She goes to take another bite of her own before jumping on
suprise at Lust's voice."Oh!Hello Miss.Lust."she said willing her
heart to calm down.She should have paid more attention to her
Lust- "Hello innocence" she said still waiting for Gluttony.
Gluttony- He got excited and stood up and ran outside. Lust
followed him and they jumped buildings and climbed until they were
on top of the clock tower. They looked off watching the sun go
Gluttony- "I can't smell the Ishvalan anymore" he said sniffing the
Innocence went back to eating.She had to admit she did pretty well
this time around.At least nothing caught on fire.She then finished
eating and made a small bowl of Ramen for Sin.She threw a thing of
toast on the side and went back into the living room.She promptly
ignored Pride and his shadows.She saw Sin was still reading and
knew there was no way to get her attention so she just sat the food
on the table next to her seat before going back to her room to play
with the dolls she had started to collect.
Pride lit a fire on a hole in the stone ground to keep warm. He
looked at the fire and threw the book he was reading in the fire.
It was all wrong saying that homunculi were extinct
Gluttony- He sniffed the air. He could only smell citizens and
Sin moved her book so she was looking over it."You know you could
have just used a pen and marked out whatever was wrong with the
book right?"She asked feeling slightly annoyed since that was going
to be the next book she was going to read.
Sin felt her eye twitch.If there was one thing she loved about as
much as she did Innocence then it was books.She just sighed.She
didn't feel like getting in a fight currently.She closed her book
and stood up.She walked over to the bookself it belonged to and put
it back."I think I'm going out to kill something.Be back soon."she
said before walking out.
Sin was hopping from rooftop to rooftop.She was tracking an
Alchemist that wasn't exactly that well known.She had been tracking
him for about a month now before her Master gave her a mission to
do.She watched as her prey went into his house.She herself slipped
in through his attic window.She sat in his attic listening as he
scrumaged around in his kitchen before making himself comfortable
in his living room.She silently crept down his stairs and behind
him.It seems he was eating and reading at the same time.She pulled
out a knife and slit his throat."Goodnight,Venus Vermillion." she
whispered before leaving his living rooom and going towards his
front door.She then made her way out and onto the side walk.She was
walking back home satisfied with her kill.
Gluttony- He smelled fresh blood and jumped off the rooftops down
to the house and saw the dead man and ate him. He jumped out with
Lust behind him and jumped back over buildings passing Sin
"So Pride did you enjoy the show?"she asked the shadow that she
could feel watching her.She smirked a bit before pulling a lolipop
out of the pocket and popping it into her mouth.
Riza laid down on the cot to sleep and Roy began to listen for
everything. When driving he would sleep, when at an inn, Riza would
sleep. It was odd, but well enough.
Pride- "Yes but next time bring the dead man here" he said still
focusing on the book. "Or keep them barely alive as hostages" he
said not even looking up.
Gluttony- He came back with Lust and entered the base. "That human
was delicious" he said to Lust
Pride- He watched Roy and Riza through his shadows. They started at
them through the cracks in the walls
"Fine."Sin said around her lolipop."Grumpy."she mumbled beffore
entering the hideout.It was interesting how a cave could feel like
home.She walked past Pride and into Innocence and her's room.She
smiled seeing that Innocence had fallen asleep while playing with
her dolls.