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A Scientist's Labratory

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanarts A Scientist's Labratory
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Tue, 17/01/2017 00:49 (7 Years ago)
Frahahahahaha! You have underestimated my power government agents....wait, you are not with the government?

Hello welcome to my laboratory. Why have you came here today? Wait don't tell me, you want to buy stuff to help you in roleplays. Well here is some samples.

I am quite fond of this one. It can hold its own in battle and can easily be mass produced for warfare.

And this masterpiece. The Exploding Pencil. It is so simple and nobody can tell the difference between it and a real pencil.

So yeah, I like designing robots and gadgets, but I can also design aliens, monsters, and fighter jets. Yes all your needs can be found here.

But alas these are time consuming and require parts. So I need money.

Price: Five hundred pokedollars for one drawing.

I will need a small description to design it. Yes my work is sloppy, but it is all used with recycled materials. (The paper is recycled so it is eco-friendly)

So enjoy.

He is my buddy Adam.