Forum Thread
salt's msparp prompts
Forum-Index → Diaries → salt's msparp prompts
/Despite the paradoxical nature of her
existence, the Roxy from the past didn't seem to be causing any
glitches in reality. And, even if she did, she wouldn't care very
much, as she clearly was in her own little world, ignoring anybody
that tried to speak to her, or-most often-giving them a sharp
response. A
lies in front of her. A blue bow, seemingly made out of the same
material of someone's god tier hood, is tied around her neck. Cocky
little creature though she was, the idea of speaking to her oddly
intrigues you...
remove/add modifiers as they come.
met characters:
-johnplesprite {gave her the bow}
-dave {taught her a few cusswords}
-strexcorp rose {extremely plot-heavy (includes possession)}

/Despite the paradoxical nature of her
existence, the Roxy from the past didn't seem to be causing any
glitches in reality. Even if she did, she wouldn't care much, as
she was distracted by her business-a lemonade stand. Very few
people are purchasing from her, though at this point in time you
see nothing wrong with the drink. Feeling as if it's just the nice
thing to do, you decide to go buy some...
met characters:
-strexcorp rose {nothing too plot-heavy}
-condesce {only seen from a distance, probably quite spooked}
-dirk {totally spooked by the lemons}
-kankri {bought her exploding lemons for 50 bucks}
-karkat {freed him from a vending machine}
-sollux {got along well with; gave 20$}
-meulin {got along well with; gave 10$}
/[LIL PROMPT] [I]Dave is wandering around,
carrying a book that smells awfully like... rotting flesh, and
trying to speak to anyone that walks by. By now, you feel like
staying away from him, that book is so gross-smelling you may
vomit--but too late, he's spoken.[/i] "would you be so kind as to
take a moment of your time to convert to the religion of-sell your
soul to-i mean, converse about, our true ruler, the
- tree gods are sentient forces, but are too complicated for individual names, therefore the general term 'tree god'.
- to become part of the tree god religion, you must toss an item of importance at the tree. the most important thing to you will grant you great favor with the tree gods, the least dooms you. after throwing the object, if it rains--either water OR of the object--the gods have accepted you, and you may proceed with your tree god worshipping.
- the holy book of the trees is made of human flesh. dave's is quite old, which is why it smells as if it has begun to rot.
- the tree gods' followers claim the trees are their parents
- more to be added
/[I]You have absolutely no memory of how you
ended up in this almost warehouse-like building, besides your
waking up here. ...But never mind that. You've been wandering
amongst the broken machinery and rusted piles of scrap metal for
what feels like hours. Those hours spent wandering may have seemed
pointless to you, but you've just now made a discovery. One of the
few things at all intact, a robot stands in a small spot that's
devoid of bits of metal. She--let's just assume that it's a
she--appears to be turned off, her eyes dull and gray, and the
symbol on her chest just barely visible in the dim light of the
warehouse. As you study her a bit further, that...
met characters: