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When we first met

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanfictions When we first met
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 14
Posted: Tue, 03/01/2017 01:40 (8 Years ago)
it was a breezy morning when I left my new house for the first time. True, I may have been older than most when they started their journey with their first pokemon, but I had worked hard and done my best to find myself and be able to support myself financially before I wanted to bring a friend and companion into my poor household.
I crossed the distance of a couple of blocks, musing on what pokemon professor Rowan had in mind for me for my starting pokemon, since I could think of several purposes I could put each of them to use as a helper and to bring joy into both of our lives. If it was a water pokemon, we would be able to go into gardening pretty easily I mused, or even liven it up a bit and start a water show together for entertainment while we went to journey around together finding new pokemon friends to add to our bonds.
Or, if it turned out to be a grass type starter he gave me, I would never have to worry about a poor crop of vegitables again, and maybe just maybe with it's help, we could start a berry tree farm. it would be nice to be able to feed all those poor starving pokemon during winter who lived all by themselves, and maybe if they took refuge in our grove, they would come to be our family as well. That would be very nice, never being alone again I thought with a small smile on my face.
As I was a couple feet away from the Professor's lab, I thought of what it would be like if it was a fire starter he gave me, I would never be cold again! we could travel and find fallen logs and peat moss and such to create a charcoal business for those who didn't have any fire type pokemon living with them! as I got to this part in my musing I had to stop, because I had just arrived in front of the professor's lab.
Taking a deep breath, and smoothing my hair one more time, I put my hand on the door and opened it up. My first nervous step into the lab showed a bunch of equipment scattered about, and lots of laughter echoing down from a back hall. I reached the reception desk and looked around to see if anyone was nearby. "Hello, may I help you?" As I looked up at the sound of the masculine voice, I pasted a grin on my face, "Yes, well, I received a call from Professor Rowan asking me to stop by today?" His eyes lit up and he beckoned me to follow him. "Ah yes, are you here to help him with some opinion on Pokémon evolution by any chance? After all, its unusual for an adult to stop by very often this early in the morning," "Yuko, please stop pestering my guest, I am sure she is nervous enough wondering who she will be given for her first pokemon."
I winced as I saw the confusion that came over the aid's face when Professor Rowan spoke to him about me. "Uhm, if this is a bad time Professor?" I started trying to back my way away from the sweets and candy that was piled up on a table where the professor and a starly were munching. "Oh, not at all, I have your starter right here for you, please take good care of him." So saying, he handed me a pokedex, and a pokeball. "Thank you, what is he?" He looked at me and gave me a gentle smile. "This pokemon is a fire type, and he is now yours', he is a Tepig."