he laughed quietly and blushed faintly.
she stood up on her tippytoes and pecked him on the cheek, then
stood normally and looked away blushing faintly.
''i'm sorry about what nathan did, i don't get why he had to all of
a sudden do that, he never did that with jackson and ryan but.....
i don't get why he did that and was a jerk....'' she grumbled, a
little embarrassed now after she kissed him on the cheek.
jackson stopped rubbing his belly and blushed a bit more.
''well she did say to rub your belly, she said you'd do something
cute if i did, and she was right about what she said'' he said.
elizabeth sighed and pulled her hood up over her head.
she rummaged through the backpack and held out a pair of pants and
a shirt that are folded up and stacked on top of each other as well
as a pair of boxers that were stuffed under the shirt.
''here... i remembered that there were some spare clothes in this
backpack the last time i looked... and surprisingly enough a pair
of guys underwear....... don't ask me how this backpack has them,
they just do.......'' she muttered, now even more embarrassed as
her face grew a brighter red.
''she just walked up to me and asked if i wanted to know about
something that made you do something cute, she got me curious...''
jackson mumbled, looking away and at the ground.
elizabeth nodded and kept her hood over her face, that way she
didn't see anything.
jackson looked at ryan and smiled a little, reaching up and lightly
scratched behind his ear.
elizabeth looked over and pulled her hood down.
''you look nice, i'm surprised the clothes actually fit ya'' she
jackson chuckled and smiled.
she shrugged and huffed.
''yeah i was just about to ask on why the hell your so tall in
human form... make's me feel like a short person..'' elizabeth
she narrowed her eye's as she looked at him and crossed her
''your five inches taller then me...'' elizabeth muttered.
he blushed and smiled brightly, hugging him and buried his face
into his mane.
she stretched and yawned, making her wing's and tail appear, also
stretching her wing's so they wouldn't lock up if she tried to
elizabeth flicked her tail and looked down, now trying to think on
what to do.