''it's supposed to be a kind of compliment toward the both of you''
elizabeth said.
nathan looked down at bailey and chuckled quietly, then nuzzled her
''well she is adorable and precious'' he said teasingly.
nathan hugged her with his wing and grinned.
elizabeth snickered and leaned back against the tree again. haven't been here for as long as it feel's like it has and
everyone's falling in love already... heh..... heck jackson and
ryan got together a few hour's after just meeting.. this maze is
very strange..... she thought, looking up at the branches in
the tree again as she sighed.
(lol, not had any plans currently with elizabeth tbh, not yet
anyway >.>.... she's pretty much been a lone wolf before the
she got up and stretched.
''i'm gonna go check on the boy's, they made the same disappearing
act you two did, though i know where they're at... i'll be right
back'' elizabeth said, then went down the path she did the first
time to check on them.
elizabeth waved and ran a hand through her hair, smiling as she
hummed quietly to herself.
''it's actually nice to have people around... not as lonely as it
used to be anymore.....'' she mumbled to herself.
nathan laid his head down and yawned a little, then soon enough
drifted off back to sleep.
elizabeth quickly made it to the other grotto, surprising herself
with how quick she made it.
''hey, the others are awake if you-'' she cut herself off as she
looked at where jackson and ryan were, her face flushing a bright
red out of embarrassment as her eye's widened.
elizabeth quickly turned and sprinted back to the other's,
completely embarrassed now after walking into the grotto the two of
them were in.
jackson stirred out of his sleep and yawned, rubbing one of his
eye's while looking up at ryan drowsily.
''w-what was that noise.....?'' he asked.
jackson blinked and his face grew a bright red.
he covered his face and almost seemed to curl up into a ball.
''oh god that's so embarrassing....!'' he muttered.
''i-i know, but i don't think she know's that...'' he mumbled.
jackson snuggled closer and rested his hand's against ryan's chest,
smiling a little.
''your so warm... your like a big warm and fluffy teddy
bear........ i wanna cuddle a bit longer....'' he murmured,
blushing a bit more.
he pouted and huffed.
''sleepy head...'' jackson mumbled, then laid his head down and put
his forehead against his chest.
elizabeth came to a stop once she made it back to the grotto where
the other's were then quickly went and hid behind the tree, hugging
her leg's to her chest and hid her face.